All posts or linked content must be explicitly related to either Unity, r/Unity3D, or Unity Software Inc. i.g. Unity Technologies.
"Hey I made this thing, click here!" isn't enough.
When linking elsewhere to storefront or download pages, users should be prepared to give written descriptions of their work and intentions here on Reddit. Said users should also be willing to engage in conversations with others.
This is a forum for discussion; not a bulletin board.
And lastly when posting links to Unity's Asset Store, consider posting to r/UnityAssets instead.
Don't lie to us and act like you knew what a null reference exception was the first time you saw it. You aren't special.
r/Unity3D welcomes users at all skill levels. E.g., seasoned industry veterans and newcomers alike. We will NEVER accept the mistreatment of users asking questions and trying to learn.
And if such terms are unacceptable to you, then you can to leave.
You can shitpost elsewhere.
So if you are going to post a meme, you'd best make sure that you're bringing your best. You will be judged, and your post will most likely be removed.
We have zero tolerance for software piracy here. The advocation of software piracy, be it games, programs, or source code is forbidden within this subreddit.
Windows, Linux, and MacOS all have free, built-it screenshot capabilities. And are many free 3rd party applications with screenshot capabilities for photos and video.
We don't want to see dirty, greasy, blurry, glair covered photos of your monitor taken by your phone.
🛑 NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Please refer to our Wiki before posting! And be sure to flair your post appropriately.
This subreddit and the discord are operated by separate moderation teams. Do NOT bother us with things that happen outside of reddit.
Brackeys (Retired) - (No longer makes YouTube content)
Makin' Stuff Look Good - (Hasn't uploaded in 2 years)
Quill18Creates - (May no longer be making YouTube content)