Techno-sharia, morality police and psychopolice

From Il Rovescio Via Dark Nights

As I wholeheartedly participate in the courageous uprising of Iranian women, who defy both the high-tech injunctions of the moral police and the murderous lead of the uniformed police, I spit in the face of those who, instead of picking up that example to insubordinate themselves to the “technically equipped barbarism” that imprisons us too and is leading us straight to world war, ill-concealedly contrast “Western freedoms” with Iran’s algorithmic patriarchy.

Night Owls #2: Summer of Sabotage

From It's Going Down

We must learn from the historical mistakes of anti-capitalist strategies that attempted to carve out autonomous spaces or build dual power without also going on the offensive against capital, white supremacy, and the rest of the colonial project. As the essay “Land and Freedom” notes in its discussion of the Back to the Land movement of the 1970s, “the profound need to overcome alienation and reencounter the world will never take us out of harm’s way. If we go to the woods to find peace — not inner peace but an absence of enemies — we’re doing it wrong. Life lived against the dictates of colonization is a life of illegality and conflict” (Sever, Black Seed #1).

Graffiti in Memory of Jennifer Laude + Call to Action

From It's Going Down

Trans and queer anarchists in so-called southern New Jersey stand in solidarity with our siblings in the Philippines. We remember and lift up the memory of our international trans sister, Jennifer “Ganda” Laude, who was hate-crime murdered by U.S. Marine and transphobe Joseph Scott Pemberton on this day October 11, 2014. Pemberton poses a serious risk to communities everywhere as an “international pig” who got away with murder with the help of the U.S. military.

Unrest: An Intriguingly Minimalist Chronicle of 19th-Century Anarchy

It’s hard to think of a better title than the one writer-director Cyril Schäublin came up with for his second feature, which chronicles the political fervor swelling beneath the surface of a quiet, picturesque industrial town in late-19th century Switzerland.

Ask not “Who am I?” but “Who might I become?"

Via Anarchy Secession Subsistence From Night Forest Press By Shaun Day-Woods

Ever since I became interested in philosophy, especially its popular varieties, I have encountered the encouragement to ask “Who am I?”. Pursuing this introspection apparently is something that anyone interested in being more enlightened ought to do as it embraces truths, even difficult ones, about our inner personalities. And, I suppose, knowing oneself also has many practical consequences. We become familiar with our limits, our true desires and our fears in order to better interact with, and perhaps even succeed in, the world outside ourselves.

A refutation of common objections to Anarcho-Nihilism

A refutation of common objections to Anarcho-Nihilism

From Aleph's Heretical Domain by Aleph Skoteinos

I decided that it might be worth my time to address some arguments against anarcho-nihilism, if mostly because I keep seeing them floating around. This is mostly in reference to arguments from non-anarchist communists, including Marxist-Leninists, but social-anarchists and standard issue anarcho-communists also tend to make similar arguments – either from first principle, as the case may be, or perhaps simply to take after the old “Anarcho-Bolsheviks” who thought that allying with the Soviet Union would save them after the suppression of Makhnovschina. In the process of this, however, we will not spend any time addressing any accusations of fascism, because in reference to our subject those are simply aesthetic slurs made with no consideration of the actual nature of their object, and as such can be dismissed out of hand.

Hunger strike of Ihar Alinevich

From avtonom

Ihar Alinevich , an anarcho-partisan sentenced to 20 years for participating in the Belarusian uprising, went on hunger strike. Members of the Anarchist Black Cross collected the latest information about Igor from the Facebook of his mother Valentina Alinevich and from his close friends. Here's what we were able to find out.

Feminist Uprising in Iran + Atlanta Radical Bookfair

Feminist Uprising in Iran + Atlanta Radical Bookfair

From The Final Straw Radio

This week on The Final Straw, we feature two portions.

First up, you’ll hear from Modibo Kadalie and Andrew Zonneveld of On Our Own Authority! Publishing about the upcoming Atlanta Radical Bookfair happening on October 15th at the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African-American Culture and History.


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