“The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime.”

Merry crisis from prison island!

On a wet boxing day, 26th Dec, we held a noise demo outside HMP Bristol in solidarity with all prisoners and to show recently kidnapped Gopal some love & rage! Gopal was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder following the Bristol kill the bill riot in March 2021. You can find Gopal’s details along with other prisoners who welcome letters and solidarity here:

Some initial notes on the investigation file against Ivan

Some initial notes on the investigation file against Ivan

From The Counter-surveillance resource center

The Anti-Terrorism Sub-Directorate (SDAT) of the judicial police began an investigation on its own initiative, at the beginning of January 2022, following “confidential information collected by [the] service” (in another document, a judge speaks of “anonymous intelligence”). The police “gathered” the names of two comrades who, according to this information, were likely to be responsible for the incendiary attacks, claimed by anarchists, which had been targeting vehicles in Paris and the surrounding area for years. In the past, different local police stations and the anti-terrorism group of the DPJ 1 (a section of the Parisian Judicial Police) had already carried out investigations, notably for “criminal association”, without success.

Night Owls #3: Autumn Offensive

From It's Going Down

Diversity of tactics is a concept that has been used to break the hegemony of non-violence in social movements. The term can be understood as a shared principle that advocates respect and solidarity across different approaches with the aim of breaking down moralistic and ideological divisions. Tactics, however, are often confused with methods, leading to a dangerous misuse of the idea of diversity of tactics to advocate for tolerance of or collaboration with authoritarian, populist, or democratic initiatives

Neither Dead nor Defeated

From It's Going Down by Scott Campbell

Anarchism and the Memory of Ricardo Flores Magón

On November 21, 2022, one hundred years after his death, anarchists gathered at the tomb of Ricardo Flores Magón in Mexico City, where clashes ensued with members of the Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers (CROM), leaving several compañerxs injured. In December, IGD contributor Scott Campbell interviewed Jaime, one of the anarchists present that day. The interview covers not only the events of November 21, but the life and legacy of Ricardo Flores Magón, the State’s attempts to recuperate his memory, and more

Anarchism and Cryptocurrency

civ is a scam

From C4$$ by Rai Ling

Cryptocurrency, a digital currency in which transactions are verified and recorded by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than by a centralized authority, is a controversial technology amongst anarchists, even though it is often used as a tool for undermining state power. The left generally sees cryptocurrency as a negative due to its function as money (which some seek to abolish), volatility, ostensible harm to the environment, alleged lack of decentralization, scams, and association with right-libertarianism, which have resulted in many left-leaning anarchists irrationally lashing out against crypto.

Intransigence is a contract of life and death

From Athens Indymedia by Thanos Chatziangelou

A subject’s greatest confrontation is the one between itself and its consciousness. A perpetual silent dialogue, where human weakness stands before the revolutionary tasks and obligations. If you want be called “human”, you have to learn how to walk with your head held high without looking back. To count your steps, as if your words were nailed deep into the ground. Every step is a commitment. Let’s go forward, only forward. Let’s not take a single step back.

Call for actions to support Thanos Chatziaggelou

Solidarity means attack!

From Terra Incognita Squat

During the early hours of Monday 19/12 prison snitches/guards inform our comrade Th. Chantziangelou about his transfer from his cell to the 4th wing of the hellhole called the “penitentiary detention center” of Korydallos. After our comrade’s refusal to cooperate with them, the “well-known” hooded prison guards took over and tied him up and began his transfer to the prisons of Nigrita, after his declaration that from that moment on he would be on hunger and thirst strike until he was informed of the reason of his transfer and his immediate return to his cell in Korydallos prison.

Solidarity w/ Anarchist Comrade Kostas Dimalexis

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

From Athens Indymedia Via Act for Freedom Now

On 22/11/2022 he was kidnapped and arrested on a trumped-up charge of state security, comrade Costas Dimalexis, a resident of the neighborhood and member of the Community of Squatted Prosfygika of L. Alexandra. His arrest and prosecution were used as an alibi for the invasion of Prosfygika, which was and still is the real target of the operation and the attempt to criminalize our community and our neighborhood.

Alabama Prisoners Speak + JJ Ayers of Winnemucca Indian Colony

The Final Straw Radio 12-25-22

From The Final Straw Radio

This week on the show, we featured 2 segments: a chat with Michael Kimble & Gerald Griffin about conditions in Donaldson CF prison in Alabama; and Jim J. Ayers, a 42 year resident in 6 generations of lineage at Winnemucca Indian Colony facing eviction by the Tribal Council.

[Chile] Raids and Arrests of Comrades for Explosive Attack on Gendarmerie


From Abolition Media

On December 22, 2022, the South Prosecutor’s Office orders multiple raids in an operation to find those responsible for the attack on the National Directorate of Gendarmerie, which occurred in December 2021, an action claimed by “black revenge.”

An Institution, A Person, A Spirit

This article has nothing to do with Christmas.

From Surviving Leviathan with Peter Gelderloos

I realize how most of the people who have dedicated their lives to the building of an anarchist movement have disappointed me, some gravely, while the people who have brought an anarchist praxis to some aspect of real life and survival have inspired me the most. In the worst moments, they’ve even kept me alive.


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