
What is this south korean food/candy? by Newwwwwt7 in korea

[–]bargman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Cook out over a fire like a marshmallow.

Is Taron Johnson the Most Underrated Nickel Corner in the NFL? by Aidan_Maher17 in buffalobills

[–]bargman 6 points7 points  (0 children)

He's half a linebacker in McDermott's defense.

There's him and Kenny Moore as far as "slot corners" go. Everyone else is trying to be on that level. Hobbs out in Oakland probably the third best.

[Pardon My Take] Blake Bortles Has Retired From Football by Cw2e in nfl

[–]bargman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Guess he's gonna be rippin' cigs and working construction.

Other podcasts by Difficult-Exam-4171 in harrisfootball

[–]bargman 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't listen to any other fantasy football podcasts.

I do like Around the NFL and occasionally The Bootleg Football podcast (but Kollman be havin' like three hour episodes sometimes) or Matt Waldman (offseason only) for NFL coverage.

Knowledge Fight is the best podcast out there right now. I also like The Dollop, Opening Arguments, Behind the Bastards, and We Hate Movies.

Is Micah Hyde eligible to return in the playoffs? by Officer_Problem in buffalobills

[–]bargman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They can designate 8 players to return, so it's a possibility, but it seems like it's a pretty severe injury.

Is Marcus Davenport dead? by YourStolenCharizard in FFIDP

[–]bargman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Played over half the snaps and had half a sack and a QB hit this week. He's not dead, just resting.

Our maybe he needs to play over 100% of the snaps to have a whole sack.