
Oklahoma Dude Traipsing Around With AR-15, Pistol, Tactical Vest Just Fine, But Brass Knuckles A Crime

Just like the Founders wanted!

In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, last week, a whole bunch of panicked citizens called 911 to report a guy walking around town wearing a tactical vest and carrying a loaded AR-15 and a holstered revolver. First, employees at the courthouse locked the doors and called 911 when he tried to enter wearing the vest, but otherwise unarmed. Then he showed up at a strip mall, this time fully armed, leading to a bunch of 911 calls. He went into an AT&T store, and terrified employees ran out the back of the store and, again, called 911. Finally, he started walking toward a Target store, prompting more 911 calls from people who thought they were about to witness or become victims in another mass shooting, which are all the rage these days.

But none of those incidents were actually crimes, thanks to Oklahoma's gun laws, which allow open carry of long guns and pistols, although at the moment Oklahomans are still prohibited from open carry of tactical nuclear weapons. It's also legal to have a concealed weapon in most places, because it is a "constitutional carry" state, which means the more guns, the better. No license or permit is needed for either open or concealed carry. Openly carried handguns do at least have to be in a holster, and concealed weapons have to be completely out of sight, so there's that.

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Fine, Mitt Romney, Pass A Child Allowance Plan And We Will Not Hit You *Today*

You know. For kids!

For six months last year, the USA actually did something pretty astonishing: It slashed the rate of child poverty with the Expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) that was included in the American Rescue Plan. With the very first round of monthly payments, in July 2021, the child poverty rate fell from 15.8 percent to 11.9 percent, a 26 percent reduction in child poverty in just a month. For the six months the credit lasted, US child poverty dropped by about 30 percent. An extension of the expanded credit was included in the Build Back Better Bill, but we all know what happened there. At the moment, there doesn't appear to be much chance of reviving the expanded CTC, either as a stand-alone bill or as part of a pared-back reconciliation package — and any renewed expansion of the CTC would likely crash into the same Joe Manchin-shaped wall all over again.

Read More:

Joe Biden's Expanded Child Tax Credits Coming To Your Bank Account Near You!

Washington Post Takes Us Inside Manchin Tantrum That Killed Build Back Better

Mitt Romney's Child Allowance Plan Pretty Damn Good, Would Cut Child Poverty. Yes, That Mitt Romney!

So here's a surprise: Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) has brought back a revised version of his own 2021 plan to provide a monthly allowance to most American families with kids, with some tweaks intended to make it more palatable to his Republican colleagues; he's even picked up a couple of co-sponsors, Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) and Steve Daines (R-Montana). Romney's calling it the "Family Security Act 2.0" and billing it as "pro-family, pro-life, and pro-marriage" in hopes of at least getting some other Republicans to glance at it before rejecting it because it doesn't ban all abortions or even execute any doctors. The "pro life" bit is a new feature that would start payments to pregnant women in the four months leading up to their due date.

Yeah, that's actually a really good idea, and as we asked last year, has Mitt Romney been infected with Scandinavia?

Remember, this is the guy who, when he ran for president in 2012, railed against "free stuff" and condemned the lazy 47 percent of Americans who supposedly "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it," just because they're children, retired, or make so little income that they get the Earned income Tax Credit (EITC) and pay no tax. Same guy!

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fox news

Fox News On January 6 Hearing Would Like You To LOOK OVER THERE! Wait No Not There Either.

This is some blatant propaganda shit.

The first night of the January 6 Committee hearings was all over TV last night, not only on cable news, but also preempting programming on the legacy broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC. But nobody watching Fox News saw the hearing at all, because the network didn't carry it, shunting the live coverage over to Fox Business instead. (See? Fox DID SO carry the hearings, just on the channel fewer people watch.)

Read More: LIVEBLOG: Watch The January 6 Committee Hearings With Your Wonkette!

But Main Fox didn't ignore the hearings and rant about China or migrant caravans or sex-crazed pandas as you might expect. Instead, the network's two top opinion shows, "Tucker Carlson's Radio Rwanda For Terrified White Folks" and "Sean Hannity Is Very Worried About America So You Should Worry About America Too," spent the two hours telling Fox viewers why the House January 6 Select Committee and its hearings are terrible and bad.

There also weren't any commercial breaks that might have risked viewers changing the channel and catching part of the hearing.

We can understand why Fox News didn't want any of its regular viewers seeing dangerous things like the committee's video compilation showing scenes of violence. Much of the video was previously unreleased. Wouldn't want to remind the Faithful how awful January 6, 2021, actually was.

As we look at the lies that were all over Fox last night, remember: This is what Fox News viewers did not see. It's what Fox News absolutely did not want them to see.

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Washington Post Takes Us Inside Manchin Tantrum That Killed Build Back Better

Shades of Newt Gingrich in the back of Air Force One

Sunday's Washington Post brought us what promised to be the thrilling behind-the-scenes true story of "How the White House lost Joe Manchin, and its plan to transform America" (free linky), with insider accounts of how the nominally Democratic senator from West Virginia and the Biden White House just couldn't reach an agreement to pass Joe Biden's signature legislative package, the Build Back Better bill, which had already passed in the House and just needed buy-in from Manchin to pass in the Senate. It's an interesting read, but don't go looking for any great insight into any epic clash of principles and personalities. Instead, we're told, the Build Back Better negotiations fell apart because Joe Manchin was offended by a White House statement that he felt was Very Unfair to him, so he had a big tantrum and sank the bill. Or at least, that's what the insiders say.

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