
Oh Nothing, Just Tucker Giggling With The Trump Men About How Weird THIS OTHER GUY Is At Sex

Good thing those three are so regular at sex!

Y'all know that thing where Donald Trump was forced to endorse JD Vance in Ohio's Republican Senate primary, at least partially because Vance's creepy weird unfuckable opponent Josh Mandel is, in Trump's estimation, "fucking weird," and how Trump reportedly is always talking about Mandel's alleged sexual proclivities, "often in disgust," as the Daily Beast put it?

Well, Rolling Stoneis out with the political story of the year, about a conversation that happened before that fateful endorsement, which really does seem to be changing the Ohio primary. It's the tale of Trump sitting on the phone with all the coolest and most normal and most sexually well-adjusted guys — his son GrundleNut Junior and Tucker Carlson — and giggling like a bunch of schoolboys about how this other guy was weird at sex. Not Josh Mandel, but David McIntosh, the head of the Club For Growth, which supports Mandel. And the Trumps were riveted by the story Tucker was telling them.

Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley report:

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Trey Gowdy DEMANDS Madison Cawthorn Say Which Republicans Are Big Orgy Guys, SAY IT!

Who is a 'deviant by night,' the former congressman would like to know!

Let's dip a toe back in and see if this thing about young Madison Cawthorn and his possible schoolboy fibs about cokeboner orgies (Roger Stone says REAL) is still going. Hooray, it sure is!

Trey Gowdy got on Fox News the other night, and the former GOP rep from South Carolina had some WORDS for this little first-term shitbird talkin' out of school about XXX caucus meetings and whatnot. Yew wanna name some names, Madison? If yew name some names, Trey Gowdy'll investigate it 58 times like he investigated Benghazi, but yew better name some names!

Ohhhhhh, he is high and mighty like a bumpkin country lawyer what just got his prize milk cow insulted by somebody who should know better!

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Let Roger Stone Show You His Nixon Tattoo And Tell Ya ALL ABOUT DC Cokeboner Orgies


Skeevy old asshole Roger Stone has been quietly observing the fuss over Rep. Madison Cawthorn's very truthful not-a-fib (OK, probably a fib) stories about getting invited to Washington DC Political Cocaine Sex Orgies, and, as a libertine libertarian, felt the need to defend poor Rep. Cawthorn from all the mean comments people have made about how he had to have made up his tale of being invited to sex orgies. You see, Stone told the Washington Examiner as if anyone wanted to hear Roger Stone talk about sex orgies again, Washington DC is a regular sexpit of sexy sex orgies!

Despite House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's pooh-pooing of Cawthorn's orgy story (McCarthy really shouldn't kink-shame like that), Stone pointed out that Cawthorn himself hasn't publicly disavowed his earlier claims, and by golly, says Stone, Cawthorn is undoubtedly speaking the truth!

“All we have is McCarthy's version of the conversation, and nothing Kevin McCarthy says can be believed. Why would we believe him? I mean, let Cawthorn speak for himself — not Kevin McCarthy or Steve Scalise,” Stone said in an interview, adding that he witnessed similar conduct to what Cawthorn alleged during his time in Washington.

Remember, this is Roger Stone, who's proud of everything he's done to promote his own image as a naughty eminence greasy of Republican politics. Roger Stone assailing the credibility of Kevin McCarthy is one of those whatchacallits, like in that movie about false memories of aiding Nicaraguan freedom fighters, ContraCeption.

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Madison Cawthorn Says He Fibbed About Getting Invited To All The Cool Republican Boner Orgies

Likely story.

If you've never spent any time in the (mostly white) evangelical church, you might not be familiar with what happens when somebody gets up to deliver their "testimony." In fact, if you just grew up in some kind of normal Christian church, you might not be aware that you have a "testimony"! Oh, but you do. Your "testimony," if you are an evangelical Christian, is your story of amazing grace, how sweet the sound, and how it saved a wretch like you. In other words, how you came to accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.

And listen, all testimonies are valid, but not all evangelical Christians really want to hear all valid testimonies. Some of them are a real snooze.

Evangelicals get off on a hot testimony, though. They want to hear about all the car chases and drugs and action sequences and sucking and fucking the person used to do before they met Jesus. The more graphic, the better. Because how powerful is Jesus, y'all! That saved wretch like that guy over there, who did all the sucking and the fucking! Now he doesn't do that anymore! He's right here at Redemption Evangelical Bible Church, drinking fair trade coffee from the evangelical redemption fair trade coffee shop and he's telling us his testimony about how Jesus saved him from all the anals!

Our God is an awesome God, indeed.

Likewise, evangelicals like to hear the stories of the temptations the faithful successfully resist. And again, the hotter the better. "I was tempted to watch a movie with boobies in it but I didn't" just doesn't have the pizzazz of "I am consistently invited to coke orgies but I don't go." The important element of the story here is imagined coke orgies.

Which brings us to Madison Cawthorn.

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