
Krystal Ball Just Earned A Spot On Bill Maher's No-Fly-List Probably

Wonkette isn't usually a big Ball fan, but we'll give her this one.

We have written about the many idiotic things that Bill Maher said over the years on his journey to being a full-fledged conservative like Joe Rogan. But these moments where he received some pushback from guest Krystal Ball from last Saturday's "Real Time with Bill Maher" could not be ignored.

Flanked by James Kirchick and Maher himself, Ball spent most of the guest segment introducing some facts to the echo chamber on Maher's set. One of the biggest was when Kirchick and Maher tried to blame inflation on Biden "putting too much money into the economy." (Translation: We gave poor and middle-class people money instead of shoveling it at business owners, one time.)

While this type of bullshit is not surprising from a conservative writer like Kirchick, Maher's agreement and subsequent surprise when Ball fact-checked him is worth noting:

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Lauren Boebert Cites Noted Gunhumper 'Jesus,' That Guy Always All Pew Pew Pew Pew Pew!

This is not about those sexxxy sexxx allegations, sorry :(

Editrix's note: We're aware of all things on the internet and are not writing about the sexxxy sexxx allegations at this time as "we heard it from somebody trust us" doesn't meet our exquisitely high journalistic standards of blogginess. Please enjoy this absolute idiocy in its stead.

On Saturday, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was a guest speaker at Charis Christian Center's "Family Camp Meeting 2022," held from June 8-12, and used said platform to bastardize her own religion. Boebert, despite whatever her religion says about false idols, has a co-equal deity: Guns. More specifically, in this instance, the AR-15 that has been used in mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, Buffalo, New York, and many more.

Lauren Boebert: Bad at paying taxes, bad at paying employees, bad at cooking food, bad at Bible!

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joe biden

Breaking: Some Democrats Discover Joe Biden Is Little Bit Old

A New York Times exclusive!

The White House is probably not thrilled with this weekend’s New York Times article that suggests "many Democratic lawmakers and party officials” have started viewing President Joe Biden as "an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024.” Anchor comparisons are rarely flattering.

The Times reports:

As the challenges facing the nation mount and fatigued base voters show low enthusiasm, Democrats in union meetings, the back rooms of Capitol Hill and party gatherings from coast to coast are quietly worrying about Mr. Biden’s leadership, his age and his capability to take the fight to former President Donald J. Trump a second time.

Yeah, we’re still not rid of Donald Trump, who might soon announce his third presidential run (especially if the House January 6 committee recommends the Department of Justice indict him). So it seems like Democrats are nervous, at least those the Times interviewed. Reporters Reid J. Epstein and Jennifer Medina spoke with county leaders, members of Congress, and disappointed Biden voters. They are not optimistic.

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2022 midterms

Rick Scott Clarifies: I Want To Hurt You, Like A Lot

You just watch, soon Mitch McConnell will beg Rick Scott to end Social Security and Medicare.

Senator Voldemort is back with a new ad in which he doubles down on his shitty MAGA plan to fuck over America, because he really hates us, and he hates Mitch McConnell most of all. Rick Scott (R-Florida) promises that if the Republicans can win control of the Senate in this year's midterms, he will for sure go right ahead with raising taxes on working Americans and follow through on his plan to make all laws expire every five years, including of course Social Security, Medicare, labor laws, and everything else. That way, Congress can spend its time in 100 percent crisis mode, reauthorizing every law imaginable and driving businesses into chaos because every single part of American law might change every few years. If there's one thing businesses hate, it's stability and long-range planning.

Just think: It'd be like the week before a possible government shutdown, but all the time!

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NRSC Chair Rick Scott Would Like To Remind America How Much GOP Policies SUCK

Damn, Rick Scott *Really* Hates Poor People!

Smug Millionaire Rick Scott Really Thinks You Struggling Deadbeats Should Pay More In Taxes

In boring old reality, McConnell panned Scott's "Plan to Rescue America," explaining that if Rs take back the Senate, Scott's plan wouldn't get any traction at all:

Now let me tell you what will not be part of our agenda. We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people, and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years. That will not be part of a Republican Senate majority agenda.

Well by golly, Rick Scott isn't about to let McConnell get the better of him, because Rick Scott knows his plan is wildly popular with the Rick Scott supporters who have heard of it and think low income people who don't look like them should pay more taxes. Yesterday, Scott released an ad in which he says he'd like to "apologize — to absolutely nobody." It's a quote from some Irish UFC fighter a few years ago, so saying it makes Rick Scott the multimillionaire very relatable.

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