
Red States Not 'Bout To Let You Snatch A Fella's Guns Away Just 'Cause He Offered To Shoot Some Folks

'Due process', Texas? About that.

One of the few provisions in the Senate gun bill that would actually do anything to prevent mass shootings is the funding of red flag laws in states that choose to have them, with the hope of encouraging those that don't to get some. Alas, even if that goes through, it is highly unlikely that Texas will be implementing their own — despite the fact that 75 percent of Texans would like that.

READ MORE! Senate Ready To Pass Gun Bill After All? Huh!

The Texas Tribune reports this morning that Texas Republicans are "balking" at the idea. If we were conspiracy theorists we might suggest that perhaps the reason for said "balking" is that such a law might deprive them of future executions. After all, if there is anything pro-life Texans love more than their guns, more than ensuring that people who appear to be a danger to themselves or others have access to as many AR-15s as their wee hearts desire, it is executing people.

“Anything that eliminates due process we will be fighting tooth and nail against,” Andi Turner, legislative director of the Texas State Rifle Association told the Tribune.

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Eighth Circuit Rules Boycotts Don't Count As Speech, For Reasons

Spending money is speech, but not spending money isn't.

The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit yesterday upheld an Arkansas law that prohibits contractors from boycotting Israel, claiming that politically motivated boycotts don't really count as speech because they're only economic activity. Weirdly, a three-judge panel of the same court had ruled in 2021 that boycotts are constitutionally protected speech — as had the Supreme Court, but that was in a different time — but the full court voted to reverse that ruling Wednesday.

The plaintiff in the case, the alternative newspaper Arkansas Times, sued to overturn the law, which requires contractors with the state to reduce their fees by 20 percent if they don't sign a pledge not to boycott Israel during the time of their contracts. The University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College demanded the Times sign the pledge in order to carry advertising for the college.

Arkansas is one of 30 states, plus the federal government, that have passed laws to blunt the "boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS)" movement that seeks to use economic pressure to change Israel's policy toward Palestinians. Now, with the anti-BDS legislation as a model, states are legislating that you can't "discriminate" against fossil fuels, or gun manufacturers, by withholding investment dollars from them either. We imagine Florida will soon make it illegal to refuse to contribute to Republicans.

Previous federal court rulings have found most of those statutes unconstitutional, but states were able to get them upheld by narrowing them only to cover large contracts for more than $100,000. Arkansas's law, with the mellifluous name "Act 710," is far broader, applying to contracts worth $1,000 and up. It's fairly typical of the kind of legislation other federal courts have rejected, but here's an appeals court that thinks it's just peachy.

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Senate Ready To Pass Gun Bill After All? Huh!

It has grants for red flag laws and closes the 'boyfriend loophole.' Good!

The Senate appears ready to actually pass a real bipartisan gun bill, modest though it may be, after a procedural vote yesterday moved the legislation forward on a 64-34 vote yesterday. It's likely to get a final vote by the end of the week, which is encouraging. The vote came a few hours after the bipartisan negotiators released the text of the bill and announced that they had overcome Republican qualms that had appeared to put the bill in danger last week.

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We Got A Gun Bill! It's ... OK, We Guess?

John Cornyn: Wait, Did I Say 'Gun Bill'? Pretty Sure I Said 'Guns Are SWELL'

California's Red Flag Law Stops Mass Shootings, How Is That Even Legal?

All 50 Democrats in the Senate voted to move the bill forward, as did 14 Republicans, including lead GOP negotiators Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina). In a statement, the negotiators, who also included Democrats Chris Murphy (Connecticut) and Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona), said,

Our legislation will save lives and will not infringe on any law-abiding American’s Second Amendment rights. [...] We look forward to earning broad, bipartisan support and passing our commonsense legislation into law.
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Oklahoma Dude Traipsing Around With AR-15, Pistol, Tactical Vest Just Fine, But Brass Knuckles A Crime

Just like the Founders wanted!

In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, last week, a whole bunch of panicked citizens called 911 to report a guy walking around town wearing a tactical vest and carrying a loaded AR-15 and a holstered revolver. First, employees at the courthouse locked the doors and called 911 when he tried to enter wearing the vest, but otherwise unarmed. Then he showed up at a strip mall, this time fully armed, leading to a bunch of 911 calls. He went into an AT&T store, and terrified employees ran out the back of the store and, again, called 911. Finally, he started walking toward a Target store, prompting more 911 calls from people who thought they were about to witness or become victims in another mass shooting, which are all the rage these days.

But none of those incidents were actually crimes, thanks to Oklahoma's gun laws, which allow open carry of long guns and pistols, although at the moment Oklahomans are still prohibited from open carry of tactical nuclear weapons. It's also legal to have a concealed weapon in most places, because it is a "constitutional carry" state, which means the more guns, the better. No license or permit is needed for either open or concealed carry. Openly carried handguns do at least have to be in a holster, and concealed weapons have to be completely out of sight, so there's that.

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