Andrew P StreetVerifizierter Account


Writing guy that does all the writing, and author of several book-things. Opinions expressed are yours.

Kaurna Land, South Australia
Beigetreten März 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    21. Nov. 2020

    *to be read in the voice of Fred Schneider of the B-52s.

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  2. There are things that only government can do. There are many other things only government can do properly. We’ve been trained to think of government as incompetent and inept because we’ve had inept, incompetent federal governments for almost a decade. Vote. Them. Out.

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  3. 11. Apr.

    No. Not Chris Bailey. No. No no no no no no.

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  4. 11. Apr.

    Morrison will no longer discuss on-land matters.

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  5. 10. Apr.

    MORISSON: We know nothing about what Albo stands for! PUBLIC: Um, he’s been pretty clear: wages, aged care, disaster recov… MORRISON: He’s dangerously inexperienced! PUBLIC: He’s been in parliament far longer than y… MORRISON: HE’S A MYSTERY! PUBLIC: …Are you OK? MORRISON: No.

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  6. 10. Apr.

    “…which is why I waited until the absolute last second to be dragged screaming to the polls, which will come after as brutal and drawn-out a campaign as I can possibly inflict on the country.”

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  7. 10. Apr.

    A vote for a federal Labor government is a vote of hope for a better, more competent future. A vote for the Morrison government is saying that all this [gestures at the last three years] is not just fine but all we we can expect, and all that we deserve.

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  8. 8. Apr.

    Far be it for me to advise Scott Morrison on his election messaging but, “You know who [the Morrison government] are. People know who I am” is pretty much the same argument that all of his opponents are using.

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  9. 8. Apr.
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  10. 7. Apr.

    So we could have released the hotel detainees at any time but have chosen not to until now, just before an election? Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool.

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  11. 7. Apr.

    “Siri, show me the psychological concept of ‘projection’.”

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  12. 6. Apr.

    NSW LIBERAL EXECUTIVE: This court case a member brought over parachuting in candidates is worrying our branches who worry we don’t respect them, or democracy. SCOTT: Expel him from the party for defying me. NSW LIBERAL EXECUTIVE: Yay! Problem solved!

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  13. 4. Apr.

    Despite Morrison’s claims, signing a statutory declaration isn’t necessary only in the event of a court action. It merely makes what one signs legally binding, which is why signing a false one is a jailable offense. [whistles nonchalantly]

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  14. 2. Apr.

    Every one of these cases is someone who should see out their life with dignity and care, and this is how the systematic gaps in aged care leave well-meaning staff to make mistakes they’re not trained to avoid. We cannot go on like this.

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  15. 2. Apr.

    My last Patreon post (for the foreseeable future, at least) is free and public, and an elegy to the end of Scott Morrison, our least ever Prime Minister. Read it with someone you love.

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  16. 2. Apr.

    That Scott Morrison has handpicked an anti-trans campaigner to run as the chosen Liberal candidate in Warringah tells you everything you need to know how cooked this government is. Their defeat cannot come soon enough.

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  17. 1. Apr.

    Honestly, whichever party promises to make sending wacky corporate April Fools Day emails punishable by catapult would get my vote.

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  18. 1. Apr.

    Will the teal independents demand Morrison and Joyce be sacrificed to the election gods in return for their support for another Coalition government? It might yet happen in Wentworth, as I explain in my rundown of key seats for

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  19. 31. März

    Something something better economic managers something get a go if you have a go something end of the age of entitlement. Such a cool guy. A real loss to parliament. Definitely not a serial embarrassment.

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  20. 30. März

    This is the same government that loves to tell non-mining-magnate Australians "can't buy a house in the city? Move to the regions, you snobs! Can't get a job in the regions? Move to the city, you bludgers! [repeat to fade]"

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  21. 30. März

    I know everyone's down on Scotty for his whole "buy a house if you're struggling to rent" thing, but this has been his whole approach to everything. That's what that whole "the best welfare is a job" thing is about: if you're in trouble, why don't you just not be? Job done!

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