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‘I am so grateful to the fans’: Curtain call for Yellow Wiggle Emma Watkins

‘I am so grateful to the fans’: Curtain call for Yellow Wiggle Emma Watkins

Emma Watkins has announced that she’s hanging up her skivvy and unclipping her bow, leaving The Wiggles after more than a decade of performing with the band.

  • by Nick Bonyhady


Sydney can only watch with envy as Kylie comes home ... to Melbourne

Sydney can only watch with envy as Kylie comes home ... to Melbourne

The Harbour City is losing the celebrity throne. We can no longer be smug about our once glittering pantheon of stars.

  • by Andrew Hornery
Kyle Sandilands a shock late entry for sexism awards ... in a good way

Kyle Sandilands a shock late entry for sexism awards ... in a good way

Organisers of the annual Ernie Awards, commiserating world-class sexism, wonder if one good deed can undo years of terrible jibes.

  • by Andrew Hornery
‘I’ve never missed anyone so much’: Fran Lebowitz on her great friend Toni Morrison

‘I’ve never missed anyone so much’: Fran Lebowitz on her great friend Toni Morrison

The writer discusses losing faith in religion and American democracy, becoming more radical, and how she wants to die.

  • by Benjamin Law
Robert Rosen looks back

Robert Rosen looks back

Photographer Robert Rosen was part of the social heavyweight inner circle at a time when celebrity mystique was at its peak. Video by Tom Compagnoni

Kim Kardashian roasts her family as SNL host

Kim Kardashian roasts her family as SNL host

In her first go hosting Saturday Night Live, Kim Kardashian West skewered everyone close to her, including herself.

Sydney’s social set ought to heed magistrate’s cocaine warning

Sydney’s social set ought to heed magistrate’s cocaine warning

Over the past few days I have been bombarded with stories of high-profile people indulging in cocaine throughout the pandemic.

  • by Andrew Hornery
George Clooney and Julia Roberts book their tickets to paradise in Australia

George Clooney and Julia Roberts book their tickets to paradise in Australia

PS can reveal Clooney will be coming to Australia along with wife Amal and their twins, five-year-olds Ella and Alexander.

  • by Andrew Hornery
Kylie Minogue leaving London to move back to Australia

Kylie Minogue leaving London to move back to Australia

The “queen of pop” told a British radio station she couldn’t believe how fans reacted to the news.

  • by Cassandra Morgan
‘Stain on our community’: Magistrate’s warning after eyebrow queen’s conviction annulled

‘Stain on our community’: Magistrate’s warning after eyebrow queen’s conviction annulled

She convinced Waverley Local Court to annul her conviction for cocaine possession on Wednesday, but Sydney’s celebrity eyebrow queen Kristin Fisher was also given a stern warning that a reputation can be built over years only to be destroyed in an instant.

  • by Andrew Hornery
Emily Ratajkowski says Robin Thicke grabbed her breasts on set

Emily Ratajkowski says Robin Thicke grabbed her breasts on set

The 30-year-old supermodel accused the singer of “cupping my bare breasts from behind” while shooting the Blurred Lines video.

  • by Muri Assuncao