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Nobel peace prize provides a timely warning on threats to journalism
Nobel Prize

Nobel peace prize provides a timely warning on threats to journalism

The awarding of the 2021 prize to two journalists is welcome affirmation of the important part that free and vibrant journalism plays in the preservation of democracy.

  • The Age's View


A big step on path back to normality

A big step on path back to normality

Victorians have embraced vaccination as the one and only way out.

  • The Age's View
As schools reopen, be wary of challenges ahead

As schools reopen, be wary of challenges ahead

While we celebrate the essential return to the classroom, be in no doubt: while one journey into the unknown has come to an end, another is only beginning.

  • The Age's View
Andrews is right to press ahead with reopening, but it’s going to be a rocky ride

Andrews is right to press ahead with reopening, but it’s going to be a rocky ride

The state government’s successful vaccination drive and its cautious approach should allow Victorians to take this significant step with some confidence.

  • The Age's View
Dutton should find better ways to spend his time

Dutton should find better ways to spend his time

Peter Dutton’s intervention to ban Defence morning teas celebrating LGBTQI staffers was unwarranted and hurtful to many of those involved.

  • The Age's View
Reform of Australia’s tax system neglected for too long
Tax reform

Reform of Australia’s tax system neglected for too long

Whichever party wins the next election needs to use the momentum of victory to make the case for change.

  • The Age's View
The verdict is in on the need to end branch stacking

The verdict is in on the need to end branch stacking

Until we clean up the processes by which candidates are selected and seated, we will keep getting MPs with no real incentive to do the right thing and whose primary loyalty is to powerbrokers.

  • The Age's View
Star allegations must be tested publicly

Star allegations must be tested publicly

It is imperative we have a well-resourced, energetic gambling regulator acting vigorously in the public interest and in the light of day.

  • The Age's View
Vaccines may not be perfect panacea, but they are vital

Vaccines may not be perfect panacea, but they are vital

Vaccinations may not be the panacea, but they have been fundamental in getting to a post-COVID normal.

  • The Age's View
Regulation of social media giants is long overdue
Social media

Regulation of social media giants is long overdue

The appetite for more intrusive legislation into is clearly growing – and the arguments against it are diminishing.

  • The Age's View
Let the truth of Victoria’s past and present be heard

Let the truth of Victoria’s past and present be heard

We can’t have true reconciliation with Indigenous people without first acknowledging what has happened here.

  • The Age's View