Privacy Policy

Dear client, for “SEEKURITY- INFORMATION SECURITY AND CYBERSECURITY FIRM”, S.A. de C.V. (hereafter “SEEKURITY”), the security of your information is of the utmost importance, this is why we inform you that all your Personal Data will be protected and shall be treated confidentially. Likewise, through the following Privacy Notice that we make available, you shall be aware of how and on what your Personal Data is being treated, as well as to facilitate the exercise of the rights that the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties shall grant to you.


Who shall handle your Personal Data?


“SEEKURITY”, aware of the importance to appropriately handle your Personal Data, it shall become the Responsible party for processing your Personal Data in accordance with the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, as it’s established in Article 6 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter, the Law), as well as it is stated by following provisions: Articles 8, 15, 16, 17, Section II, 33, 36 and 37 of the Law; Articles 14, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 40, 41, 42, 68, 90 and 102 of its Regulations; and the 10th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 37th and 41st of the Privacy Notice Guidelines. In this manner, we shall inform you of the existence and main characteristics of the way your Personal Data will be subjected in accordance with what is indicated below.



How can you contact us?


“SEEKURITY”, being responsible for the use and/or treatment of your Personal Data, it is important to make the following means available to you, through which you can contact us:

• Address: 4th Floor, Hamburgo 182, Juarez 06600, Mexico City, Mexico.

• Email address:

• Internet page:


What type of Personal Data are we going to collect?

The type of Personal Data that “SEEKURITY” obtains, are things such as full name, address, telephone, email, signature, RFC, CURP, date and place of birth, age, nationality and/or marital status, directly and/or through physical means, electronic or face-to-face, as well as from authorized public sources, in order to fulfill the main and necessary purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice.


Consent shall not be necessary for the processing of Personal Data when:

• It is foreseen by the Law, and other dispositions on the matter.

• The data appears in publicly accessible sources.

• Personal Data are subject to a prior dissociation procedure.

• Has the purpose of fulfilling obligations derived from a legal relationship between the Owner of Personal  

  Data and “SEEKURITY”.

• There is an emergency situation that could potentially harm an individual in his property or person.


“SEEKURITY”, shall respect at all times your right to privacy and protection of your Personal Data, including your financial or patrimonial data; therefore, your information is duly protected in accordance with the administrative, technical and physical security provisions, established in the Law, to protect it from possible damage, loss, alteration or unauthorized access.


In all cases, for Personal Data of a patrimonial and/or financial nature, “SEEKURITY” shall comply with its obligations derived from the legal relationship established with the Holder, and it is our commitment that this is treated under the strictest measures of security, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.


Sensitive Personal Data.

Under no circumstance shall “SEEKURITY” request any Personal Data of a sensitive nature, such as: racial or ethnic origin; health condition; genetic information; religious beliefs; philosophical or moral; political opinions; sexual preference, and/or those that affect the intimate sphere of their holders, and which are not necessary for the services that “SEEKURITY” offers.

Third Parties’ Personal Data.


In case of providing any type of Personal Data related to another person as a reference, for the effects of this Privacy Notice, you shall declare and accept that you have obtained the corresponding prior consent of said person to do so.

Personal Data of Minors.


By the present document, we bring to your attention that “SEEKURITY”, shall not receive nor deal, through any means, Personal Data from a minor.



With what ends do we use/deal with your Personal Data?


The main and/or necessary purposes for which “SEEKURITY” may request, obtain, store and/or use your Personal Data, are those that resulted in a business relationship between you and “SEEKURITY”, such as: verify and proof your identity; elaborate proposals and quotes for contracting and, sending information by virtue of the business relationship; carry out the necessary steps for the legal relationship, or to contract the necessary services for the delivery of the economic considerations and the in-kind compensation established in the contracts; for statistical purposes, reporting and updating of the database; to carry out all the procedures before the corresponding authorities, management of payments and collection of contracted services; and evaluation of the quality and satisfaction of products and services.

“SEEKURITY” may also collect your Personal Data for secondary purposes, which are not necessary or inherent to the business relationship, but are useful, since they allow and facilitate the ways to offer you a better service, said purposes are: statistics; security of people; credit validation and payment; assessment of the risk of fraud in transactions; said aimed to improve the services offered and the care provided to users; and similarly, the purposes of a promotional and/or informative nature to offer services that “SEEKURITY” provides and that we consider may be of interest to you.
This way, by signing the present document, you authorize that your Personal Data be collected to fulfill the main purposes, as well as secondary or accessory purposes, however, in the event that you decide to revoke your consent for your Personal Data to be collected for secondary or accessory purposes, you shall have 5 days to express your refusal in regards to the use of your information being utilized for the secondary purposes specified above.

In no case shall any Personal Data collected be used for anything other than the purposes indicated here, unless there is a change in this Privacy Notice.



To what Third Parties may we transfer your Personal Data to?


As part of the way we treat your Personal Data in “SEEKURITY”, no Personal Data transfers are made, including those of a patrimonial and/or financial nature, in case it is necessary, said transfer shall not take place without prior expressed and written consent from the Holder, with the exception to those previously mentioned ends to which the Personal Data has been referred to in the last paragraph, and all of those mentioned below.


Personal Data may be transferred legally, without the Holders’ consent, in the following cases:


a)     When it is stated in the Law or in a Treaty, in which Mexico is a member of.

b)    To be transferred to any subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, controllers, and/or “SEEKURITY” companies within the national territory or abroad.

c)     When transferring this data is necessary to provide the products and services, or to comply with the contracted labor or business relations.

d)    To be transferred to third parties for customer services and studies related matters in accordance to the provisions of “SEEKURITY” products and services.

e)     When the data is necessary for the recognition, exercise of defense of any rights in a judicial process.



How can you exercise your ARCO Rights?


As a Holder for Personal Data, YOU have ARCO Rights (for its acronym in Spanish, Access, Rectification, Cancelation and Opposition), in regard to the treatment and usage of your Personal Data. Said rights are known as ARCO Rights, that form this “word” given its initial letters and with are based on the Law.


The mechanism by which the Holder may exercise these ARCO Rights it’s by a Request of Access, Rectification, Cancelation and/or Operation, (ARCO Request). Likewise, this may also be presented to limit the use and/or disclosure of your data, or in any case, to renew the consent for the usage and treatment of your Personal Data.


The ARCO Request may be carried out via email at Attention to Personal Data “SEEKURITY” through the following email address:

Said request must contain and be accompanied by the following:


1.   The Holder’s name, address and/or any other means to communicate the response to the request;

2.   Documents that prove the identity or, in its case, the legal representation of the Holder;

3.   The clear and precise description of the Personal Data that concern the request to exercise an of the ARCO Rights;

4.   Any other element or document that may facilitate the location of the Holder’s data, as well as their RFC and/or CURP code to avoid any homonymy.

5.   To clearly specify if the request is being made for access, rectification, cancellation, opposition; to limit the use/disclosure, or revoke of consent.

6.   The reason for soliciting the request.

7.   The modify data and/or information, given the request is made to rectify any Personal Data, and deliver any documents to support said request.


In the event that the information provided in the ARCO Request is insufficient or erroneous to attend to it, or if it is not accompanied by the necessary documentation to conduct the execution of said request, “SEEKURITY” for one time only, shall make a request to the Holder, or its proxy, within the first 5 business days after receiving of the Request, so that the necessary elements or documents may be provided to commence the pertinent procedure. Subsequently, the Holder, or its proxy, shall have a period of 10 business days to respond to said request, counted from the day after this was issued by “SEEKURITY”. In case that no response is made to said request within the granted period of time, your request shall be considered as not submitted.


Once the aforementioned terms have been exhausted, “SEEKURITY” shall respond to the ARCO Request with a verdict, within a period of 20 business days from the reception of the Request, or in case additional information or documents where requested, within a period of 20 busines days counting from the next day of having presented the requirements response.


In case the ARCO Request is approved, “SEEKURITY” shall make effective the concluded decision within a period of 15 business days counting from the day the response is communicated to the Holder, or proxy. In regards of an ARCO Request concerning access for Personal Data, the delivery of said information shall be made after accreditation of identity of the Holder, or its proxy.


The response periods for an ARCO Request may be extended by “SEEKURITY”, and/or to enforce the reached conclusion, for one time only, for equal periods to those indicated in each case, provided that it considers that the circumstances of each case warrant them. In such cases, “SEEKURITY” shall notify the Holder, or its proxy, the circumstance (s) for the warrant extension, within each of the original deadlines to respond or make the determination made effective. The responses of any ARCA Requests shall be delivered to the Holder, or to its proxy, in simple copies or in electronic files according to the type and quantity of documents in each case.


To revoke a consent, a simple Request from the Holder shall suffice, made through the same means used for the ARCA Request, “SEEKURITY” may later make said request effective, as long as it is not any Personal Data necessary for the existence, maintenance and/or compliance with your business relationship with the Holder of Personal Data. However, it is important that you bear in mind that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your Request or terminate the use of your data immediately, given it is possible that, due to some legal obligation, we will need to continue treating your Personal Data.


In addition to the above, YOU must consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with “SEEKURITY”.




What limits the ARCO Request?

“SEEKURITY” may deny Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition to the treating of your Personal Data, in the following cases:


• When the applicant is not the Holder of the Personal Data, or the proxy is not duly accredited for it.

• When the applicant's Personal Data is not found in its database.

• When the rights of a third party are injured.

• When there is a legal impediment, or the resolution of a competent authority that restricts access to

Personal Data or that does not allow their rectification, cancellation or opposition.

• When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made.


What is SEEKURITY obliged to? And, What do we require of YOU as the Holder of Personal Data?

To comply with this Privacy Notice purposes, “SEEKURITY” commits to have sufficient and necessary legal and security measures to guarantee that your Personal Data remains confidential and secure.


Furthermore, as the Holder of the Personal Data collected, YOU shall be responsible for keeping updated your Personal Data in possession of “SEEKURITY”. Likewise, YOU guarantee and respond, in any case, to the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Data provided, and undertake to keep this information duly updated, communicating any change to “SEEKURITY”.



What technologies are used through this website?

We inform you that our Webpage uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as to provide you with a better service and a user experience when browsing through our page.


The visitor can configure their browser to accept or reject all cookies or web beacons by default, or to receive a warning on the screen of the receipt of each cookie or web beacons and decide at that time whether or not to implement it on their hard drive. The cookies or web beacons used on the “SEEKURITY” websites do not provide references that allow the visitor’s name and surname to be deduced and they cannot read data from their hard drive or include viruses in their texts.

In the event that the Holder provides their Data by any of these means, including the Website (Internet) of “SEEKURITY”, the Holder understands, accepts and acknowledges that:


A.   The “SEEKURITY” website may include links to third party websites, which, if accessed, shall cause the user to exit the “SEEKURITY” website, therefore “SEEKURITY” assumes no responsibility in relation to said third party sites.


B.    The “SEEKURITY” website may include links to other sites that manage social media networks, in which case, the Holder accepts that, by providing any type/kind of information or Data within said sites, may cause this data to be read, viewed, accessed, retransmitted and processed by anyone, and therefore released “SEEKURITY” from any responsibility and liability.

The present Privacy Notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of our own needs given the products or services we offer; given our privacy practices; by changes in our business model, or any other causes. It is our commitment to keep you informed about the changes that the present comprehensive Privacy Notice may undergo.


This Privacy Notice shall become effective as of July 31st, 2020.


Last update: July 8th, 2021.

©2021 Seekurity - Information Security & Cyber Security Firm SA de C.V. All Rights Reserved. - Privacy Policy