Dr. Deborah “Respect the Cerebellum” Budding 


Neuropsychologist w more curiosity than time. Co-author of Subcortical Structures and Cognition, Springer 2009. . She/her. Anti-fascist.

Geregistreerd in mei 2009


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  1. Mob rule is overtaking America, driven by the collapse of the Republican Party

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  2. 10 uur geleden

    So instead of supporting us to communicate autistically, using e.g. assistive communication, our own natural social communication methods - we're going to reward only nonautistic methods. Because nonautistic people will then help us? Rhubarb. refers/

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  3. 10 uur geleden

    Even those of us who have been taught a full set of eye contact, keeping our stims invisible etc, can attest that the nonautistic people spot the difference in us in microseconds and refuse to help. Just about Every Single Time. It's unproven nonsense.

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  4. 10 uur geleden

    I work with individuals who have had normalisation therapies done to them for years, from an early age. They can make eye contact, point, smile, wave. And when with me, they collapse in tears of utter exhaustion and loneliness. No thank you.

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  5. 9 uur geleden

    It's pure 'deficit model'. Autism = bad. Looking nonautistic = good. It's a strong no from me, and Andrew needs to have the courage to look us in the proverbial eye and apologise.

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  6. Note in the statement : "ongoing partnerships with autistic people and their families." And their families?! When will they learn? (See Ann Memmott's thread for a breakdown of the actual journal article - which is just another behavioral "don't look autistic" intervention)

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  7. 1 uur geleden
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  8. 24 sep.

    If you’re vaxxed and still wearing a mask and staying away from people, please retweet because sometimes people try to make me feel different.

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  9. 24 sep.

    According to The Wall Street Journal, The cost The Republican Party roughly $12 MM as of September 1st. The audit produced 99 more votes for Biden. The Republican Party spent $121,212.12 per vote for Joe Biden.

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  10. 14 uur geleden

    The Arizona audit didn’t “confirm” anything. The Arizona was like paying millions of dollars to LARPers in exchange for them saying that elves are real, and them refusing.

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  11. Something weirdly missing from both Trump's MAGA cult and modern evangelical Christianity: any sense of joy. It's all such a grim and angry business, pwning the libs in a shrieking, defensive, white-knuckling rage, as if "perpetually pissed off" is the only emotion available.

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  12. 15 uur geleden
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  13. 23 sep.

    So long as people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger become GOP pariahs, while unhinged authoritarian conspiracists like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene become breakout stars, the party will continue to lurch toward the authoritarian, extremist right.

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  14. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s new best friend: “A Colorado State University Pueblo student was arrested for having a large cache of loaded guns on campus. He told others he wanted to set off pipe bombs and gun down students as they fled:”

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  15. What happened to the charges against ?

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  16. 22 uur geleden

    Everything changes and everything stays the same…

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  17. I wait so long before I start playing ff14 again it’s all brand new. I love that Uldah is basically the same as ff11 setting.

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  18. A look at why nurses have been hit the hardest during the pandemic, and what you can do to help (hint: get vaccinated):

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  19. 24 sep.

    This sent chills down my spine. Please read it, sit with it, and then, wake up: "We are already in a constitutional crisis. The destruction of democracy might not come until November 2024, but critical steps in that direction are happening now."

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  20. 25 sep.

    I did research on the internet. I talked to my cousin’s friend. I read the Cyber Ninja science fiction report. And I can tell you with certainty that the former President lost Arizona. And Wisconsin. And Michigan. And Pennsylvania. And Nevada. And Georgia. And the popular vote.

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