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The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

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Audio & Video

"Are We Becoming a Theocracy?"
Joan Bokaer's talk at the New York Open Center, recorded April 29, 2005, 41 minutes

Play the Real Video version. Works best on faster connections.

"Life and Liberty for All Who Believe" is a powerful, 28 minute video documenting the birth of the Moral Majority. This video, produced by People for the American Way in 1982, shows actual footage of the politicization of what has become the dominionist movement. (edited 2004)

Play the Real Video version. Works best on faster connections.

Play the WMV Video version. (41MB) This is a low resolution video for 256Kbps or faster connections.
"Christian Zionists: Major Players in the Middle-East"
recorded April 18, 2005, 32 minutes

Play the MP3 audio version.

Play the Real Audio version

"The Rise of Dominionism"
Recorded October 11, 2004, 44 minutes

Play the Real Video version. Works best on faster connections. Dialup users can try the audio only version below.

Play the (Windows) WMV Video version. This is a full motion, but low resolution video for 256Kbps or faster connections.

View the QuickTime Video version.

"The Rise of Dominionism"
Recorded October 6, 2004, 41 minutes

Play the MP3 audio version.

Play the Real Audio version.



Last updated: Oct, 2005