
Showing posts with the label Huffpo

Paulette Jordan for Governor

She Hails from Tribal Chiefs. Now She's Ready to be Idaho's Governor. by Jennifer Bendery 5/9/18 Huffington Post WASHINGTON ― When you think of political dynasties in American history, you might think of the Kennedys or the Bushes. You’ve probably never heard of Paulette Jordan’s family. Jordan, an enrolled member of the Coeur d’Alene tribe, comes from thousands of years of intergenerational leadership in Idaho and the Pacific Northwest. Her grandfathers were chiefs. Her grandmothers were chiefs. Some of her ancestors were very prominent, like Chief Kamiakin of the Yakama-Palus Nation. In 1855, when the territorial governor of Washington forced Kamiakin to sign a treaty of land cessations, Kamiakin later banded together with 14 tribes and waged a three-year war against the U.S. government. “They could lead as chiefs and fight as warrior chiefs,” Jordan said of her grandmothers, one of whom was tribal chair of Colville Confederated Tribes. “They taught me the way.

Oh Catalonia!

It is common in Guam to feel very alone in terms of decolonization. History books and political commentators tend to argue that the age of decolonization is over. It happened in the 1960s or 1970s, and that those who remain colonized missed the boat. They missed the decolonial sakman and are therefore stuck, in whatever political status they have. It is an intriguing way of justifying the status quo. A way of arguing that the current world order or framework isn't simply something that has happened. But rather the end. Teleological or evolutionary, but ultimately that an apex is reached and there can't be any further reconfiguration of power or reality.  In the 1980s this notion was called "The End of History" after Francis Fukuyama. It wasn't real or true, but it felt authentic, in the same way each epoch achieves a certain character or feeling of self-realization. We have seen History continue marching on. And those who still have claims

Statues Along the Slippery Slope

The Department of the Interior is the closest thing the US has to an explicitly colonial office. It is an office that overseas Native American tribes, the insular territories and also has obligations to deal with the freely associated states in Micronesia. It is for this reason probably the most interesting and exceptional place within the entirety of the US federal government. But this mandate is its least important function and one that matters very little in terms of general US interests or imagining. Overall its role in terms of managing national parks and providing oversight to resource extraction is far more visible. It is for this reason that in the general debate that is taking place within the US over Confederate monuments and attempts to whitewash and minimize racist and immoral parts of America's past, the Department of Interior enters the debate, not in terms of the Confederacy itself, but the way that certain heroes of American history, also participated in projects

The Mayor of San Juan

Estague i mayot giya San Juan, i kapitÃ¥t para i islan Puerto Rico, un otro na colony gi pÃ¥pa' i EstÃ¥dos Unidos. Gi ma'pos na simÃ¥na sen hinatme i isla ni' un dÃ¥ngkolo'lo' na pÃ¥kyo'. Meggai na taotao manmamadedesi guihi pÃ¥'go. Gof annok gi sinangÃ¥n–ña si Donald Trump yan gi bidan-ña i Gubetnamenton FederÃ¥t na ti manmatratrÃ¥ta i taotao guihi parehu put i estao-ñiha. Anggen un taitai pat un hungok i sinangÃ¥n-ña gof annok yan oppan na ha apagÃ¥gayi i minagahet colonial. Anggen ti siña un li'e' pat hungok, put fabot akompÃ¥ra i tratamento giya Texas yan Florida yan giya Puerto Rico. Gof annok ti manchilong todu gi EstÃ¥dos Unidos, Giya GuÃ¥han, fihu masÃ¥ngan na mamparehu hit gera, lao Ã¥he' gi pas. Gof annok gi hÃ¥fa masusesedi giya Puerto Rico na ti mamparehu hit lokkue' gi pakyo' pat otro taiguihi na klasen ira. ************************** Retired Lieutenant General: While Trump Golfs, San Juan's Mayor is 'Living On A Cot." b