
Showing posts with the label Current


Matto tatte Si Olbermann. Ya ha ususuni sumangan i minagahet, lao gaige gui' gi un nuebu na Channel. Current TV . Gof ya-hu Si Olbermann, ya gi este na segment ha na'hasso hit put i impottante-na na ta adahi mo'na i tiguang-ta. Gaige gi todus hit i minalago na ta fanadahi i manatungo'-ta i mangga'chong-ta, lao i mimun gi kada korason-ta lokkue', taimanu na para ta fantrata i bisinu-ta, ayu ni' ya-ta ya ayu ni' ti ya-ta? Ha mentona este na gof tahdong na sinangan ginnen Si Jackie Robinson, estaba bumebesbol ya i fine'nina na attelong Amerikanu ni' humagando gi i profesionat na level. Gi fino' Ingles, Guiya yumamak i rayan kulot. "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." Debi di ta fangatga mo'na este gi korason-ta kada diha.

Victories for Native Americans

The article below is one of those frustrating narratives which has the ability to both inspire and activate me and also depress and enrage me. The title alone indicates the given and accepted tragedy involved, when it states with such incredulity, that Native Americans, after losing for much for centuries, actually might be on the verge of winning something. Although I detest the way that the tragedy of Native Americans is so given, and not in a way as to help incite an ethical crisis when it is invoked, and so people can talk about the sadness and depressing nature of how they have been dispossessed and marginalized by the United States, without seeing how they, their identities and their privilege most likely come from that very history of marginalization. This article goes further than most in that it admist that the displacement of Native Americans, was not just some unfortunate thing which racist people who are all dead, did. It states clearly that it is the "original sin&qu;