
Showing posts with the label Colorado

Para Amot Ha'

"Para Amot Ha'" by Michael Lujan Bevacqua Marianas Variety July 22, 2015 Last year the people of Guam vote to approve the use of medical marijuana. Since then the Department of Public Health has been preparing a draft of rules for setting up the infrastructure for the growing, distribution and use of medical marijuana in Guam.   Three public hearings on the draft regulations are taking place before the end of this month. They are on the following days and locations: July 29, 9 – 11 am at the Legislature’s Public Hearing Room July 30, 9 – 11 am at the Legislature’s Public Hearing Room July 31, 3 – 6 pm at the Castle Mall, Mangilao, Division of Senior Citizens Conference Room. If you are able, please come out and learn more about the regulations that are being proposed and speak your mind about what form they should take. I am part of the advisory board that is overseeing this process, and the input of the public is essential to make certain that the sy

Trial of Roosting Eichmanns

The Andrea Smith kao magahet na natibu pat kao mama'natitibu gui', issue has been appearing all over my Facebook lately. I may or may not share much of my thoughts on the issue, but it was interesting how much the issue of Andrea Smith reminded me of Ward Churchill. Both are scholars that have had a huge impact on the representations of Native Americans in scholarly terms. Both of them have have been significant voices that have helped in some ways "mainstream" native American issues or voices. But both are figures who have been challenged in terms of their authenticity. In both cases the issue persists of how questions over their native identity will affect their theories, their legacies and so on. I've included below a series of articles on Ward Churchill's case when he was fired from the University of Colorado. His "Indianness" in terms of his authenticity as a Native American wasn't so much questioned when he came under fire,

Na'famboka siha kek

The issue of gay marriage is really being push right now in Guam. There seems to be a much broader support for it as opposed to a few years ago. There is still some resistance, especially on religious grounds. I haven't seen any reports yet on whether or not local bakeries are supporting or fighting this issue. This is intriguing because as you can see from the reports below, cakes, the making of, the selling of, the religious freedom involved in deciding who you do and do not make cakes for, has become a ground zero of sorts ******************* This Bakery Refused to Serve a Same-Sex Couple and It May Cost Them $135,000 Published: April 26, 2015 | Authors: Aviva Shen | Think Progress | News Report  A bakery that turned away a lesbian couple loo

A Dark Knight in Aurora...

A Dark Knight in Aurora, A Dark Day for America... By Tom Magstadt The basic outlines of the “dark knight” massacre in Aurora, Colorado, are now well known.  A 24-year-old medical school dropout named James Egan Holmes acting alone opened fire with an assault rifle in a crowded theater, killing 12 people and wounding 59. A lot of good the Department of Homeland Security did in Aurora that night as “The Dark Knight” was emerging from his booby-trapped spider hole.  There’s plenty of obvious irony in the subtitle of that damned movie:  “The Dark Knight Rises.”  Irony is one thing; tragedy leaves an altogether different taste in one’s mouth.   A bitter taste like poison-laced lemon peels. Living in Colorado, when I heard the first news stories on the BBC within minutes of the shootings, I thought of a high school, another massacre, and a lone shooter.   Columbine.   So, of course, did people all over the world from Copenhagen to Cairo, from Toronto to Toky

Keep Space for Peace Week Events

October 1-8, 2011 Keep Space for Peace Week: International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space Stop the Drones No Missile Defense End the wars & occupations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya Bring Our War $$ Home Convert the Military Industrial Complex Local Events (List now in formation) Albuquerque, New Mexico (Oct 5) Showing documentary Pax-Americana & the Weaponization of Space 6:00 pm at the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice. Contact Stop the War Machine at 505-268-9557 or Albuquerque, New Mexico (Oct 8) Anti-war and use of space for war protest at the University of New Mexico bookstore plaza, Central Avenue. Contact Stop the War Machine at 505-268-9557 or Andover, Massachusetts (Oct 3) Vigil at Raytheon (where Patriot PAC-3 missile defense interceptors are made) at 7:00 am For more info call 978-686-4418 Bath Iron Works, Maine (Oct 1) Vigil across from administration building on Washington S

DNC Day 2 - Aaron at last!

I was finally able to meet Aaron Silverstein from the Colorado blog who I first came across on the blog Guam Loves Jason Rosenberg . I had no idea that I could even apply as a blogger to attend the Democratic National Convention, and it was Aaron who first let me know about it. I posted this morning about a painting that I'm planning on giving Aaron to show my appreciation for his help, and actually when I met a random blogger from Pennslyvania today, and introduced myself as a Guam blogger, he immediately said, "yeah, you made a watercolor painting for Howard Dean!" Not exactly, but close enough. Speaking of Aaron Silverstein and Howard Dean being confused with each other. At the blogger's Tailgate today, Howard Dean spoke at length with those attending, and enjoyed some watermelon and corn while doing so. Obviously in a hurry to go to yet another event, he left his plate and his finished food on the table. Goldy, a Washington blogger from Horse&#