Sell on Allhomes
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Why sell anywhere else.

Allhomes has the largest local audience of any property portal based in Canberra for people looking to buy, sell and rent property – and that audience is growing every year. It means more interest, more offers, an overall better experience and possible end result.
Get your property the attention it deserves
people, on average, visit Allhomes every month1. That is a lot of potential buyers.
Canberrans use Allhomes when looking for all things property-related2.
property alerts go out, on average, every month to people actively searching for property3.
More than a listing. A full-service solution to sell your property.
For Sale

Start generating interest from day one. Get offers in before the listing goes out. Put your property on the radar of high-intent buyers from day one with Early Access, before it's publicly listed.

Make a splash in your first week on-market. With performance-enhancing plug-and-play features to build interest in your property, your Allhomes listing is designed to help drive inspection attendances and enquiries.

Local support, national exposure. Listing your property on Domain as well as Allhomes creates national exposure and interest in your sale.

Peace of mind property marketing. At Allhomes we are so confident your property will sell, that if it doesn't sell after 90 days, we'll refund your online advertising cost. That's the Allhomes Promise. Subject to terms and conditions.

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How do I list my property on Allhomes?
When you're selling your home there is always a lot to do. Most property sellers achieve the best results by engaging an agent with the right experience and track record to manage their sale, including listing on Allhomes.
Find an agent
Confident running your own sale?
The Allhomes Promise
When you list your ACT or Queanbeyan property with Allhomes, we're so confident you'll find the right buyer within 90 days, if it hasn't sold within 30 days after a consecutive 90 day listing is withdrawn, we'll refund your online advertising costs. Terms and conditions apply*.
Frequently asked questions

We understand that the first step towards selling your property is a big decision. Our advice would always be to speak to a few agents who specialise in and have proven experience in your area. As well as gaining a better understanding of your options they will be able to offer advice, arrange an appraisal on your home and discuss the steps needed to put your property on the market.

For more information on the sales process download our fact pack here.

It's usually best to partner with a professional who has the wealth of experience and knowledge required to get the job done. An agent typically works on a commission of your final sale, but this arrangement creates a mutual incentive for a strong sale price. The sales return from a good agent can well outweigh this contribution.

When deciding between using an agent and listing privately it's always best to do your homework on previous sales in your area. You might be surprised at the amount of value an agent can bring to your sale at every step. From saving you time when setting up your listing, valuations, advice on regulations and then dealing with potential buyers, a good agent really does work hard to ensure you get the best results in the long run.

Allhomes has a list of local agents here to help you get started.

When it comes to selling off-market, the biggest risk is the outcome of your final sold price. This is due to the reduced interest you may receive by not advertising your sale. If you are thinking of selling off-market we recommend finding an agent who has an already established network of potential buyers who they can showcase your home to.

Our advice would be, if you are looking to sell discreetly, and with a possible reduced settlement time, while not focusing on the potential end sale price, then off-market may be right for you. However, if you are looking to achieve the best financial outcome from the sale of your home we would always recommend advertising your property to maximise enquiries and offers.

If you need guidance on whether to sell on or off the market, we encourage you to speak to a local agent with experience in both areas.

Choosing an agent is a lot like choosing a car, there are lots of options. Some will get where you want to go and others might leave you broken down and lost in the wilderness.

Although agents might not have heated seats or a sunroof, what they do have is the local knowledge and skill set that will help ensure the best outcome for the sale of your home.

Our recommendation is to make sure you do your research by speaking to a few agents and to pick one who focuses on reach and results. To help you navigate the winding road, Allhomes has a list of local agents here. From the Find an Agent page you will be able to view an agent's past sales, recommendations and other useful information that will help you make an informed decision.

Like everything in life, there is always a cheaper option, but they don't always get you the results you expected or deserve.

Allhomes has proven over our 20 years of helping Canberra buy, sell and rent property that we are the number one go-to in the local area. Why? Because we have the largest local audience, and this can translate into more people at inspections, more offers, and an overall better experience and possible end result.

We know that you and your agent invest a lot of time preparing your property prior to listing, so when it's advertised it needs to get in front of as many people as possible as fast as possible.

After all, you wouldn't expect to sell any product in an empty room, and the same is true when it comes to marketing your property. Quite simply, the larger the audience the more people are seeing your property and that can possibly translate into more interest, more people at inspections, more offers or bidders which can help towards a better overall outcome.

At Allhomes we have an average of 1.27 million people visiting every month4. That's a lot of potential buyers. For more information download our fact pack here.

Your marketing products really are the fuel in your property sale campaign. With a standard listing you of course get all the benefits of the Allhomes website and app audience, however, you can also give your listing a boost. This may include a combination of listing on Allhomes plus paid social media advertising, print, signs and flyers. We recommend discussing with your selected agent which products fit best to maximise results from the sale of your home.

Most listings on Allhomes are eligible for a Domain Platinum listing completely free of charge, so your listing also gets national attention through Domain while still receiving local celebrity status on Allhomes. It really is the best of both worlds. Speak to your agent for more details.

Allhomes prides itself on the data and analytics we provide to support both you and your agent throughout the entire sales marketing process. Your selected agent will be able to access reports on how your listing is performing. From the number of views and enquiries, to the times your property has been saved or shared, it's all there to help you make the best decisions throughout your journey.

If you feel confident in advertising your property yourself, Allhomes has options for private sale, rental, and share listings. The cost of this listing will differ depending on your region. Click here to calculate the cost of your listing. Your listing will be included in Allhomes search databases as well as accessible 24 hours a day.

Your listing page on Allhomes will allow you to display photographs, a description of your property as well as key features such as solar panels etc. Aside from this, you can display important information such as inspection and auction details along with other documents such as your EER Report and floor plan.

Along with the information that you choose to display on your property, there are many features automatically included in your listing that help showcase your property. These include areas such as block information, area mapping, past sales history and other important district information to help potential buyers navigate your page.

Your listing will remain on Allhomes until your property is sold, withdrawn or handed to an agent for marketing. The first step of listing your sale privately is to set up your MyAllhomes account here.

If you need more advice, please contact our Support Team at

To read the full terms and conditions of listing privately on Allhomes, click here.

When bringing a property to market there is a potential sea of legislation and red tape to navigate. This includes preparing items such as the contract of sale, relevant reports and other documentation required prior to listing your sale.

It's worth noting that in the ACT, a seller of residential property commits an offence if the required documents are not all available for inspection by a prospective buyer at all times when an offer to buy the property may be made to the seller.

We recommend contacting a solicitor who will be able to advise you further, however, if you require more information prior please visit:

In our office, in a dusty drawer marked ‘rarely used’ we keep the Allhomes Promise. What's the Allhomes Promise? We are so confident that your property will sell that if it hasn’t sold within 30 days after a consecutive 90 day listing is withdrawn from the market, we'll refund your online advertising costs. How's that for peace of mind? You can learn more and read full Terms & Conditions for the Allhomes Promise here.

1 Nielsen Digital Media Ratings, Monthly - Tagged, January 2021 - March 2021, P2+, Digital C/M, Average Monthly Unique Audience, Allhomes.
2 emmaCMV™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Dec 2020, P14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Dec 2020, allhomes audience based on those who have accessed either or allhomes magazine (in the Canberra Times) in the L4W, % based on allhomes Digital & Print audience against ACT population (P14+), Data for ACT.
3 Allhomes Internal Data, average monthly property alert emails sent, October 2020 - March 2021.
4 Nielsen Digital Media Ratings, Monthly - Tagged, January 2021 - March 2021, P2+, Digital C/M, Average Monthly Unique Audience, Allhomes. *Applies to residential property sales campaigns launched on Allhomes between 1 March 2019 and 30 June 2021 and maintained for at least 90 consecutive days. Campaign must be launched on the Allhomes site. Reimbursement only available if listing on Allhomes appears no later than listings on other online channels, and if property does not sell within 30 days after the 90 day listing is withdrawn. Single residential properties in ACT and Queanbeyan only. Reimbursement is for full digital listings spend and select print marketing spend. Detailed terms and conditions on