



how many posts do you think get made on here in a day…..5? maybe 6?


oh i don’t like this


200 million blogs and 80 million posts per day yet somehow all the gays follow each other and reblog the exact same posts consecutively.

posted with 22004 notes on March 10, 2021 via prismatic-bell (orig joshpeck)





Fuck guys. For a few years now I’ve been insisting that something is seriously wrong and for years now they’ve been insisting that sometimes people just don’t make their own blood and have refused any further testing. I even made a shirt that read “I went to the doctor and all they tested was my patience” and wore it to appointments. Doctors found it funny. They then told me I was fat and sometimes people don’t make their own blood. I took an advocate with me. Someone able bodied and respectable. We were informed still that sometimes it be like that.


Turns out I had cancer. It’s confirmed. All this time I’ve had cancer.

I think I’m going to write personal letters firing them and why and have them notarized and then delivered by certified mail that has to be signed for.

To The Fuckface it Will Concern,

Anyway, if you want to help me not lose my home due to income loss while I recover from cancer, I only need about 3k total and my go fund me is here.

Or you can PayPal me here.

I’m glad this post is getting notes because the initial message is important. I was seeing a hematologist oncologist (aka a cancer specialist) every 3 months for 3 years and he refused to check for cancer. Assured me there was no need.

But please don’t assume that the number of notes here means I’ll be able to pay rent in April or May or keep the lights on without a little help. I want the message spread whether you have 10$ to spare or not, but if you can help, there is still a need.

posted with 9911 notes on March 10, 2021 via prismatic-bell (orig maximalist-marrs)



The new MNDOT snowplow names are IN

posted with 5576 notes on March 10, 2021 via prismatic-bell (orig yamelcakes)






i did buy this. i long to understand it.

I want to understand the use of a gun as a letter.

How the fuck did I miss that??

I have many questions about how a pigeon would operate a firearms as the shirt is POSSIBLY somehow implying?

posted with 64775 notes on March 10, 2021 via prismatic-bell (orig shiftythrifting)













TIL the scientists (and everyone else) in Antarctica have ‘heedless sex’ (16,500 condoms are distributed to 200 people spending the winter), taking ‘ice wives’ and ‘ice husbands,’ and also binge-drink, do drugs and generally go completely nuts, and is pretty much the only reason anyone goes back.


man scientists really sound like the kind of people who should set normative social conventions huh

Listen but if you lived that close to the South Pole and eternal darkness was a legitimate thing you experienced fall through winter you’d go a little nuts too

Y'all just mad cause antarctic scientists fuck more than you

I’ve spent time in Chile at the ALMA observatory which is kinda isolated in the desert and let me say there was mad fuckin. Scientists fuck man.

Scientists fuck and will continue to fuck until we stop them.

Go far enough north and you get the same effect. Depression because of the lack of sunlight is also a thing

New fanfic trope: we met during six months of darkness at the Antarctica station

Broke: Coffee Shop AU

Woke: Antarctica Winter AU  

Snowed In Au Xtreme Edition™

What I’m hearing is that the only inaccurate part of “The Thing” is that nobody invited the monster to the orgy.

posted with 90347 notes on March 10, 2021 via prismatic-bell (orig tilthat)



Beautiful #Ramadan tradition in the old city of #jerusalem. The callers who go from house to house in the early hours of the morning waking up each family by name for Qiyam and s7oor. They do so in a poetic form. Imagine being woken up daily in this beautiful way. This tradition has continued from generation to generation. Bless them #palestine

i reblog this every year, but this time i need to stress that this tradition, like many others in palestine, is now under threat. these callers are currently facing harassment, fines and detainment by israeli police who say the callers are no longer allowed to practice this tradition because “settlers living in the neighbourhood had complained about the noise”, even though these callers operate in predominantly palestinian muslim neighbourhoods.

posted with 55347 notes on March 10, 2021 via midnitedancer




TIL Waitressing is the most stressful job according to scientists. It is a more stressful job than neurosurgery, mining or even bomb diffusing.


defusing… I don’t think the bomb squad moves particles from areas of high concentration to one of low. 

They do if they’re bad at it

posted with 15932 notes on March 9, 2021 via illegalaustralien (orig tilthat)



-bite the hand that feeds me

-bite off more than I can chew

-let the bed bugs bite

posted with 18021 notes on March 9, 2021 via wizardlyghost (orig evilvillain123456789)


the classic Finnish mix of extreme dutifulness and “we will make actual conversation after a silent interaction trial period of 6 weeks, thank you” can be really funny sometimes. told my coworker that I’d like to save the coffee grounds the workplace generated and take them home “for my mushrooms and worms” and she was just like “okei” and dutifully saved every single grounds-filled filter for weeks and weeks. about five weeks into this whole thing, after I thank her for the coffee grounds and tell her my worms must love them because they’re breeding very enthusiastically, she finally asks “so your worms… do they have a purpose or are they just… worms”. like sure I’ll save you all these coffee grounds every single time I drink coffee, 3+ times a day, but god forbid I inquire about your specific worm habits before propriety allows it. you could be eating them for breakfast for all I know but that’s your business

posted with 11746 notes on March 9, 2021 via wizardlyghost (orig valilihapiirakka)
posted with 3322 notes on March 9, 2021 via pretentiouslimericks (orig michaelgovehateblog)



thinkin bout him (leonard nimoy)

like… he chased down jack kennedy to demand his cab fare… he paid to see a therapist once a week just to speak to her in yiddish bc he didn’t want to fall out of practice… he defined science fiction television thru a character that nobody thought people would like… he made people like spock thru his sheer dedication to building him up as a genuine and organic character… he did a photography project and released a book of photographs to appreciate fat women’s bodies… he could perform shakespeare in yiddish… he wrote “we are all children / needing and wanting / each other’s / comfort and / understanding / we are all children / searching for love”… he just got it, man, he just understood… i miss him

posted with 47558 notes on March 9, 2021 via totallynotalizard (orig mag22)


i’m done… goodbye cruel world *turns into a stone* *u toss me into a lake* *i sink to the bottom* *i erode over the years* *i return to the surface* *a young girl finds me and brings me home* *i am placed on a shelf in her bedroom* *i am loved for decades* 

posted with 37011 notes on March 9, 2021 via totallynotalizard (orig popokko)


Ok here’s the context for the picture. I posted a tik tok of me riding my horse to a tinder date and a bunch of thirsty straight women assumed I was a hunky cowboy and slid into my dms. So I fixed it.

posted with 6988 notes on March 9, 2021 via pretentiouslimericks (orig pinkmanthedog)


“i am speed”


posted with 7760 notes on March 9, 2021 via everythingfox
posted with 2266 notes on March 9, 2021 via studentlifeproblems (orig soothifying)