Amit MalviyaVerifisert konto


National in-charge of BJP's Information & Technology department. Co-incharge West Bengal. Ex-banker, interested in politics and economics. Views personal.

Delhi, Prayagraj, Kolkata
Registrerte seg desember 2009


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  1. Festet tweet
    6. sep. 2020

    Those who ignore history and the lessons of history tend to repeat the mistakes made in the past. We should let the ‘dead past bury its dead’, as the poet Longfellow urged, but we better learn from history before we bury the past. Our history has valuable lessons for society...

  2. Arvind Kejriwal must answer the following: 1. Who has provided all the vaccine to Delhi so far if not the Center? 2. What happened to the orders Delhi government placed with SII and BB on 26Apr? 3. Has Delhi government raised invoice and given advance to these firms? If not, why?

  3. for 1 time siden

    West Bengal’s case positivity rate is staggeringly high at 26.64%. This should be a big concern as steps taken so far are grossly inadequate to contain the surge. Politicising the pandemic and writing letters to the center doesn’t help. Containment strategy has to be local.

  4. for 1 time siden

    Despite the damage caused by the record rise in COVID-19 cases, India remains the "greatest rising power" on the planet and has a number of fundamental strengths that will make it one of the "most powerful" countries in the world.

  5. Retweetet

    Every time has faced a national crisis since 2014, Congress has worked hard to make the crisis worse. It began with the hijacking of IC 814; we saw it during Kargil war; we are seeing it during the pandemic. On , what and its middlemen won't tell:

  6. If Arvind Kejriwal was looking for fresh achievements to highlight in his upcoming ads, he need not look any further... Delhi, at over 2.5%, has registered the highest Covid death rate in the country. केजरीवाल के चलते छोटी सी दिल्ली में, सिर्फ़ मई के महीने में, 6,684 लोग मर गए।

  7. This can happen only in Bengal under Mamata Banerjee. Bengal Chief Secretary has appointed himself as the Chairman of Board of Secretaries, which will now oversee Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Will this supersede Pishi’s Board of Administrators headed by Firhad Hakim?

  8. जल्दबाज़ी का काम शैतान का...

  9. Delhi: Thousands died during the first wave, count rose in the second. State run hospitals like LNJP struggled, doctors didn’t get paid, oxygen wasn’t supplied, beds not arranged, migrants had to flee. 2 महीने की फ़्री बिजली पानी के नाम पर, दिल्ली में लोगों को मिली सिर्फ़ मौत..

  10. 23. mai

    When the central government had imposed a nationwide lockdown during the first wave, one of the prime reason why the virus couldn’t spread much, Kejriwal protested all the time. Now when he has to decide, he can’t manage without a lockdown. Still thousands have died in Delhi...

  11. 23. mai

    If only Lutyens media can look beyond UP and Yogi Adityanath. I understand the compulsive need to campaign against an efficient saffron clad CM but people are dying in Rajasthan because of state’s apathy! Is Ashok Gehlot being given a free pass because he taught magic to Rahul?

  12. 23. mai

    The Rajasthan Model it seems is about killing people on ventilator. RUHS, biggest hospital, has seen 442 deaths in the last 20 days. Reason: The endotracheal tube, which should have been cleaned 6 times a day was cleaned only 3 times in two days leading to infections and deaths.

  13. 23. mai

    ‘Tracing, Testing, Tracking and Treatment’ - the UP Model. So far, the state has undertaken 4.61 crore tests, highest in the country, out of which 2.34 crore were conducted in rural areas. Positivity rate down to 2.45% from 22% in Apr. Recovery rate at 92.5%. CFR at a low 1.1%.

  14. Retweetet
    22. mai

    एक ओर जहां पूरा देश पीएम श्री के नेतृत्व में कोरोना के खिलाफ निर्णायक लड़ाई लड़ रहा है। वहीं दूसरी ओर कांग्रेस पार्टी 'टूल किट' जैसे अनेकों हथकंडे अपनाकर देश को बदनाम करने में लगी है। देखिए, ऐसी विकृत मानसिकता का पर्दाफ़ाश करती ये रिपोर्ट...

  15. 22. mai

    Rajasthan is vaccinating the dead...! Is this also the reason Chattisgarh, with large migrant population, has launched a portal independent of Cowin, under the alibi of facilitating vaccination, making the process opaque, so that they could siphon off the vaccine and make money?

  16. 22. mai

    राजस्थान मे 11.50 लाख वैक्सीन की डोज़ खराब हो चुकी हैं। चूरू जिले में लगभग 40% वैक्सीन खराब हो गईं! इसी तरह की लापरवाही राजस्थान में आक्सीजन, रेमडेसिवर और वेंटीलेटर्स को लेकर भी देखी गई। और दूसरी तरफ़ राहुल गांधी केंद्र सरकार को कोस रहे हैं और घड़ियाली आंसू बहा रहे हैं।

  17. 22. mai

    Recording a sharp drop of nearly 50% in average daily infections compared to last week, Uttar Pradesh, which was once on Number 2, has come down to the ninth slot on the list of states with heavy Covid caseload. UP has managed the pandemic extremely well.

  18. 22. mai

    18 crore vaccinations have been done in India, 3rd highest globally in quantity, and the fastest in speed. This is equivalent to half of USA, 1 Russia, 2.5 times UK, 7 times Australia, 35 times New Zealand. Vaccinating 130 crore people is a big undertaking.

  19. 22. mai

    Self explanatory order of Acting Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court dated 21 May...

  20. 21. mai

    Information technology (IT) ministry has written to all social media companies asking them to take down any content that refers to an “Indian variant” of the coronavirus because there is no such thing except in ...

  21. 21. mai

    बोल मैं रहा हूँ, लेकिन शब्द टूल किट के हैं...


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