Addameer –الضمير


Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. Retweet does not mean endorsement.

Ramallah, occupied Palestine
Clárú: Bealtaine 2011


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  1. 8 DFómh

    Palestinian Disability and Human Rights Groups Welcome the List of Issues Report of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Israel The Palestinian Disability Coalition

  2. 7 DFómh
  3. 7 DFómh

    Urgent Intervention to Immediately Release Hunger Striking Administrative Detainee Maher Al-Akhras Amid Imminent Threat to Life

    Mr. Maher Al-Akhras, a 49-year-old Palestinian administrative detainee in Israeli jails, is currently facing an imminent threat to his life at Kaplan hospital following the increased deterioration and severity of his health condition after 73 days of hunger strike.
  4. 7 DFómh

    Numbers of Palestinian prisoners at Israeli occupation prisons by the end of September 2020.

  5. 5 DFómh

    Human Rights Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Imminent Threat of Forcible Transfer/Deportation of Salah Hammouri for “Breach of Allegiance”

  6. 1 DFómh

    Addameer stands in solidarity with the elderly Palestinian prisoners who have and still are suffering from torture and ill-treatment by the Israeli occupation.

  7. Rinne Atweetáil
    1 DFómh

    بالتعاون بين "وطن" و"مؤسسة الضمير لرعاية الأسير وحقوق الإنسان" وبمناسبة اليوم العالمي لكبار السن كونوا معنا اليوم الساعة 4:00 عصراً في موجة مفتوحة خاصة ضمن برنامج "وطن وحرية" بعنوان" لماذا ما يزال الأسرى كبار السن يقبعون في سجون الاحتلال"

  8. Rinne Atweetáil
    30 MFómh

    : The international community should take immediate action to protect Palestinian human right defenders, including , human rights defender and lawyer with , facing imminent deportation from .

  9. Rinne Atweetáil
    30 MFómh

    بالتعاون بين "وطن" و"مؤسسة الضمير لرعاية الأسير وحقوق الإنسان" وبمناسبة اليوم العالمي لكبار السن كونوا معنا في موجة مفتوحة خاصة ضمن برنامج "وطن وحرية" بعنوان" لماذا ما يزال الأسرى كبار السن يقبعون في سجون الاحتلال؟!"

  10. 24 MFómh

    Normalizing ’s crimes has encouraged Israel to perpetuate its regime over the people as a whole.

  11. 24 MFómh

    ’s arbitrary denial of the refugees their right to return has played an important role in the fragmentation of the Palestinian people, consolidating the Israeli regime.

  12. 24 MFómh

    ’s institutionalised effort to silence ’ opposition, through arbitrary detention, torture, and collective punishment proves its intention to indefinitely maintain the regime. estigateApartheid

  13. 24 MFómh

    Ofer Israeli Military Court Releases Tasneem Qadi

  14. 23 MFómh

    Global Response to Israeli apartheid: A call to the UNGA from Palestinian and international Civil Society Organizations

  15. 22 MFómh

    Join Us on Wednesday & Thursday through Zoom, to know the struggle for freedom: A two-day event. here's the register link:

  16. 16 MFómh

    Since the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the occupied Palestinian territories, Palestinian administrative detainees have been a major concern due to the serious health negligence, over crowding and living conditions in Israeli prisons.

  17. 10 MFómh

    Numbers of Palestinian prisoners at Israeli occupation prisons by the end of August 2020.

  18. Rinne Atweetáil
    7 MFómh

    🇮🇱 🇵🇸: Human rights lawyer could be deprived of his permanent residence card in Jerusalem, which could lead to his expulsion from his homeland 📣The continued judicial harassment against him is shameful and must stop! 👉

    , , agus 7 duine eile
  19. 3 MFómh

    "Torture in Israeli occupation prison" Since its creation, the occupying state enforced and developed laws and practices that led to both the systematic use of torture and to absolute impunity for the perpetrator of this crime.

  20. 26 Lún

    PNGO and PHROC condemn the toxic incitement and defunding campaign against the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), a long-standing member organization of PNGO.


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