Addameer –الضمير


We give legal support to Palestinian political prisoners, document their cases & advocate their rights internationally. RTs aren’t endorsements.

Ramallah, occupied Palestine
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@Addameer blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @Addameer desblokeatuko.

  1. Finkatutako Txioa
    2021 urr. 28

    📣If you’re part of a civil society group - a union, an NGO, a student group, an artist collective, etc - we need your voice. Israel’s attack is against Palestinian Civil Society, but it’s also against our global community dedicated to human rights.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  2. urt. 9

    ‘It won’t end with us’: Addameer director warns of repercussions of Israeli ‘terror’ designation.

  3. urt. 6

    🔴500 Palestinian administrative detainees boycott Israeli Military Courts in protest of their indefinite detention without charges or trial. Stand with the administrative detainees by tweeting:

  4. urt. 6

    🔻Numbers of Palestinian political prisoners held arbitrarily in Israeli occupation prisons by the end of Dec 2021.

  5. urt. 6

    "Under intl law, third States are not required to take any actions against the 6 Pal CSOs & should continue operating as they have done prior to the announcement of the decisions"

    Erakutsi hari hau
  6. urt. 6

    🚨 Example of States' pusillanimity when addressing Israel’s systematic campaign of targeting & delegitimising the critical work of Palestinian CS in effort to repress & criminalise anyone who advocates for Palestinian human rights or challenges the apartheid state

    Erakutsi hari hau
  7. urt. 5
  8. urt. 5

    ⏺️Hundreds of Palestinians are placed under administrative detention in occupation prisons, without knowing the period of their detention. The Israeli occupation relies on a “secret file", neither disclosed to the detainees nor their lawyers.

  9. urt. 4

    🚨in protest of his arbitrary administrative detention in Israeli occupation prison without charge or trial, Hisham Abu Hawash on hunger strike for 141 days, in critical health condition ,and faces the possibility of sudden death.

  10. urt. 2

    🚨 Hisham Abu Hawash is in critical health condition, and faces the possibility of sudden death, as he continues 138th day of hunger strike in protest his administrative detention, without charge or trial.

  11. urt. 2

    ▶️ On the first day of (2022) 500 Palestinian administrative detainees will begin a boycott of Israeli military courts, in the face of their arbitrary administrative detention without charge or trial.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  12. urt. 2

    🔺The new year begins with about 4,550 Palestinian political prisoners incarcerated in Israeli occupation prisons, far from the warmth of their homes and families, including—160 children, 34 female prisoners, 9 representatives of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  13. 2021 abe. 28

    This indicates the Israeli occupation's persistent endeavors to incarcerate Mr. Bashir without any legal basis or guarantees of fair trial standards. 🚨When the charges against him are proven insufficient, it is subsequently turned into an administrative detention order.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  14. 2021 abe. 28

    🚨The military judge relied on the "secret evidence" provided by the military prosecutor, completely disregarding two previous military court orders to release Mr. Bashir on conditional bail, and the absence of a legal counsel representing him.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  15. 2021 abe. 28

    🚨On 26 Dec, the Israeli military judge confirmed a 6-months administrative detention order against 79 y/o retired Palestinian lawyer Bashir Khairi, despite his old age, health condition, and refusal to be tried before Israeli military courts.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  16. 2021 abe. 27

    The six organizations remain steadfast in their efforts to fight against Israel's illegal and illegitimate attack to silence the Palestinian people and their struggle for justice.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  17. 2021 abe. 27

    The legal team representing sent a letter demanding the Israeli occupation to reveal all evidence forming the bases of the arbitrary designations. There is no justice, fairness, or due process for the organizations. Read full news:

    Erakutsi hari hau
  18. 2021 abe. 15

    🚨 Show your support and , use our website to: 📩 Send an email to US Sec of State and EU High Rep and tell them to condemn Israel’s designation 📝 Sign the petition 🔊 Amplify the voices of Palestinian CSOs

  19. 2021 abe. 15

    🔊Israel is trying to silence Palestinian HRDs and stop them from speaking out about Israel’s crimes. 💡 Show your support by heading to the website to learn about the work of these 6 organizations.

  20. 2021 abe. 15

    🚨 This most recent arrest campaign of Palestinian students engaging in solidarity efforts further highlights the surveillance and targeting of Palestinian students, student mobilization, and expression.

    Erakutsi hari hau
  21. 2021 abe. 15

    🚨 The harassment and targeting of Palestinian universities and students directly impede Palestinians' right to education and violate Israel’s obligation as an Occupying Power to protect educational institutions.

    Erakutsi hari hau

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
