Monday, May 20 2019 May 17, 2019 Khirbet Humsa This year the training exercises are scheduled to go on for close to a month, from May 12th to June 5th, and it’s not just any month. It’s Ramadan. These exercises in Firing Zone 903, which includes Khirbet Humsa al-Tahta, “Lower Humsa,” have a baffling schedule; here is the paper the army handed out, marking the times when the Bedouin families had to leave their homes. Report by David Shulman. Read more, here: May 17, 2019 Khirbet Humsa. Report by David Shulman

Monday, April 22 2019 April 21, 2019. Ein Rashash The settlers came out yesterday and drove the shepherds away. Yesterday was Shabbat and the first day of Pesach. There are many ways to celebrate a festival. Today the shepherds have four large herds out on the hills. We walk two or three kilometers, maybe more, toward the farthest herd. The sun is leaking light as we begin, but by the time we approach the ridge the sky turns black, and then it’s raining hard, and after that there is heavy hail, and a fierce frozen wind. It doesn’t stop. […]

Sunday, April 7 2019 April 5, 2019. Ein Rashash April 5, 2019; Impressions from the Jordan Valley by David Shulman; Photographs: Margaret Olin. Read more: April 5, 2019. Ein Rashash. Text by David Shulman

Wednesday, March 20 2019 Al-Hadidiya, Halat Makhul, Umm Zuqa – March 17, 2019; Impressions from the Jordan Valley by David Shulman; Photographs: Margaret Olin. Read more: March 17, 2019 Al-Hadidiya, Halat Makhul, Umm Zuqa. text: David Shulman; Photographs: Margaret Olin (mostly)

Saturday, May 6 2017 Al Auja: A Resistance Chronicle On Friday 4/28/2017 hundreds protested against a settler assault a week earlier on shepherds from Al Auja, the Jordan Valley, Palestine, that resulted in five injured solidarity activists. Following is a Taayush activist’s account of the struggle those shepherds undertook. A blog post by Amitai Ben Abba on clownmonkey.

Sunday, April 23 2017 Masked settlers attack Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley A group of masked Israeli settlers attacked over a dozen Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley on Friday morning. The activists were accompanying Palestinian shepherds working near al-Auja, which is near Habaladim, an Israeli outpost. Watch the incident on the +972 website.

Friday, March 31 2017 Hesitant Hope: One Year In The Jordan Valley Bedouin shepherds were forced out of their land last Thursday, but not all hope is lost. Concluding a year of Ta’ayush activity in the Jordan Valley. Read more by Amitai Ben-Abba in colwnmonkey. photo by Amir Bitan.

Wednesday, March 8 2017 March 6, 2017 – Al-Hammeh, Jordan Valley By David Shulman 1. 8:30 AM. Four settlers, more boys than men, block our way as we follow the shepherds up the mountain. One of them is before his army service. They all belong to the new illegal outpost that we’ve watched grow from a few wooden rafters to a fairly substantial set of dwellings, already attached to the water and electricity grids. It was set up where it could do the most damage to the Palestinians of al-Hammeh, cutting off their only route to the grazing grounds outside the […]