Monday, March 11 2019 How Palestinian Land Goes From the Israeli Army to the Settlers 45 settlements have been built on Palestinian land requisitioned for military purposes. A new study explains how. Read Analysis by Amira Hass:

Sunday, December 11 2016 Palestine: The End of the Bedouins? One way to tell the story of the Middle East as a whole is to describe the endemic struggle between peripatetic nomads and settled peasant farmers—a struggle attested already in ancient Mesopotamian documents. For centuries, all the political regimes of the region have tried, with varying success, to get the Bedouin to come to rest on the land. But in Israel and in the occupied territories we see, alongside this familiar policy, persistent attempts to uproot Bedouin populations who have already settled on the land, sometimes generations ago, and who […]

Saturday, November 5 2016 November 3, 2016, al-Hammeh, Umm Zuqa, Ra’s al-Ahmar By David Shulman Three vignettes from the Jordan Valley, after the first rains: 1. We race up to the top of the ridge at Umm Zuqa, turn left past the army base. Suddenly a vast slice of the Jordan Valley opens up beneath us, rows of corrugated grey sandstone, the green winding sliver of the river, the pink hills of Transjordan—surely one of the most breathtaking views in the Middle East. Not by chance, settlers have started building a new (illegal) outpost here. I, too, would be happy to live […]

Friday, October 21 2016 the Jordan Valley: a report by David Shulman October 13, 2016 ‘Ein el-Hammeh, Harat al-Makhul, al-Hadidiye: A Report by David Shulman. Read more: here

Saturday, January 30 2016 The Israeli Media Is an Accomplice in the Occupation by Michal Peleg Read Michal Peleg’s Article in Ha’aretz:

Wednesday, January 22 2014 Read “Ha’aretz” article about the Taboun in Umm el Kheir Read the article by Amira Hess    

Saturday, November 16 2013 Umm el ‘Amad, Umm al-Ara’is and Susya by David Shulman By a miracle of sorts, we had a mostly peaceful day in South Hebron today; such an event is so rare that I thought it might be worth mentioning to you. In lieu of a more substantial report, let me just say that Abu Sharif and Fadil plowed three fields, with an iron plow and a donkey, on one end of the wadi at Umm al-‘Amad, just under the settlement of Otniel– lands they were denied access to for some 15 years– and there was a slightly higher-tech plowing, with […]

Saturday, May 22 2010 Farewell picnic (temporary) for Ezra Nawi By: Neve Gordon Picnics, like almost everything else in Israel, are often political. Oz Shelach underscores this point in his collection of short stories, Picnic Grounds, where he describes how a history professor takes his family on a picnic in the pine forest near Givat Shaul, a Jerusalem neighbourhood. The professor teaches his son some of the camping skills he learned while serving in the Israeli military, using old stones to block the wind and to protect the newly lit fire. The stones, we are told, are the remains of a […]