Friday, March 26 2010 Weekly Demontrations in Sheikh Jarrah Continue Ta’ayush activists continue to take part in the weekly demonstrations in Sheikh Jarrah. Despite police efforts to restrict the protests to a distant and secluded site, the activists succeed weekly to move part of the protest into the area of the houses, which were stolen from their Palestinian owners and put into settler hands. Last Friday, 3.26.2010, during the weekly demonstration, a group of roughly 50 activists managed to hold a protest vigil next to the Shepherd Hotel, where settler organizations have lately received permission to begin building a Jewish […]

Friday, January 22 2010 demonstration in Sheikh Jarrach The struggle in  Sheikh Jarrach is gaining momentum, and last week saw about 400 participants, including MKs, public figures, and a large number of first-comers. Once again the police acted violently, arresting over 20 demonstrators. On the other hand, throughout the demo we were not allowed into the neighborhood, while the policemen enabled the entry of right wing activists. As a direct result, shortly after the protest ended, settlers and their followers attacked some Palestinian residents and threw stones at them. A Palestinian child was injured in his head and […]

Friday, January 8 2010 Protest in Sheikh Jarrah The ninth weekly protest march to Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem set out from the Mashbir plaza in West Jerusalem, about 200 people strong. The marchers sang and drummed the whole way, passing out fliers inviting West Jerusalem residents to join the struggle of their Palestinian neighbors against the appropriation of their homes. After about an hour, the protesters arrived in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where tens of Palestinian activists from neighboring areas joined them. The police prevented the protesters from arriving at the houses of the evicted families, blocking the protesters […]

Wednesday, January 6 2010 Help us in our struggle against the take-over by settlers of Palestinian houses in Sheikh Jarrah!

Friday, December 25 2009 A demo in Sheikh Jarrah Approximately 500 demonstrators gathered in the end of the street at Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem. The demonstrators were singing songs and drumming to express the protest and show sympathy with the Palestinians who have been evacuated from their homes by settlers/ Even though the demo was coordinated with the police, the latter started arresting some demonstrators that had been arrested (in previous demos), claiming they were violating their release conditions; this happened in spite of court documents that were presented to them, proving the demonstrators were allowed to participate. Shortly […]

Friday, December 18 2009 Report from the Protest March to Sheikh Jarrah Four hundred activists from across Israel participated in the weekly protest march from the Mashbir to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem. The police did not authorize the march and thus the protestors divided into several groups that came together at the entrance to the neighborhood, where a police blockage awaited them. The protestors ultimately passed through the blockade and joined the other protestors who had arrived earlier. Although the protest was non-violent, the police felt it necessary to conduct arrests in order to fulfill its weekly quota. One protestor […]

Friday, December 11 2009 Demo in Sheikh Jarrah Over 150 demonstrators marched to Sheikh Jarrah to show their support and sympathy with the families that have evicted from their home. The policemen brutally arrested 23 demonstrators. Some of the detainees needed medical care’ but the police ignored their requestes. Only an hour after the arrests did they agree to call in an ambulance’ but refused to let the ambulance take an injured demonstrator to the hospital. The hospitalization was permitted only after a legal intervention.

Friday, November 20 2009 Protest march against the settlements in Sheikh Jarrah Today a protest march was staged against the settlements in East Jerusalem in general and in Sheikh Jarrah in particular. The march began in West Jerusalem and arrived at the settlements in Sheikh Jarrah, where there was a demonstration. This is the second march of its kind. The march is meant to raise awareness among the residents of West Jerusalem to the injustice being done to their neighbors in East Jerusalem and to object to those settlements in East Jerusalem. The police did not prevent the march, but did follow […]