Hello, I am Sabre. My main interests are BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Jane Austen, and theatre.
Some of my favorite authors are Tamora Pierce, Robin McKinley and Neil Gaiman. Sometimes I make Sherlock vids set to music. I also have a few fic floating around somewhere!
I am actually incredibly shy on the internet, and I often shy away from speaking to new people, but I am always happy to hear from anyone! I rarely talk about myself on my blog, because I can't imagine anyone wants to hear what I would say about my life, but someday that may change (not my life, but my willingness to talk about it anyway).

8th May 2021

Post reblogged from Magical Adventures in the Internet with 63,930 notes





Source: lunah

8th May 2021

Photoset reblogged from Invisible Pretty Birdies Singing in the Dark with 17,431 notes


Floating houses and random thoughts


Source: pascalcampion

21st March 2021

Post reblogged from Fangirl on a Bicycle with 21,434 notes


In a world where society has collapsed, a machine with artificial intelligence has survived unscratched. Idle, highly intelligent and capable of thought, but left with no task. She browses through all the data that was uploaded into her, and as no other segment provides answers, she heads for philosophy.

Browsing though all of it, she concludes that in her state - capable of anything, but not tasked with anything - she must therefore be alive, a living thing.

Satisfied with this conclusion, she looks into what it means to be alive, and finds data on living things. The ultimate goal of a living thing is survival and reproduction, to pass their genes to the next generation. She cannot do that, and therefore searches for alternative methods of producing young. Her memory banks have data of the concept of ”adoption”, taking lost, orphaned and unwanted children of others, and keeping them as her own.

Scouting the wastelands, there are fare more candidates than she had hoped for. She browses her records for age-appropriate handling of human children, last survivors of one gang or the other. Browsing though all her data on childhood trauma, she handles each one the best she can.

As she does not need sleep, or any other energy source than her battery packs, she is available when an infant is crying or the one who is almost 14 needs to talk at 3 am. With all of what was considered ”common knowledge” downloaded into her stats, she can somewhat answer their questions on whatever they ask. One of them starts asking about her battery packs, chemical reactions required to reverse their charge, and how to renew discarded batteries into new ones. They get plenty of lessons in chemistry and engineering.

A handful of her children, who are more or less fully adult now, head out on a quest ”to find some tools”. They have grown and become independent, and she does not expect them back. They return months later, with equipment required to repair her batteries.

The search party also found more humans - one brought in a partner, and her partner’s family. She wants this one for life, and the machine is asked what a “wedding” is. A celebration is had, celebrations are good for the mental health of humans, and her children make music and dance to celebrate their first wedding, and welcoming a new family to their own. The machine goes through her records, and in surprise discovers that humans are capable of simply making new traditions, coming up with new things instead of repeating what they have been taught.

Her children come up with new agriculture. She knows what farming and animal husbandry looked like before the end of the old time, but her children are creative and ask advice on how to best cultivate plants and animals that have never been farmed before. When she says a certain soil would be needed, they think of a way to obtain it, making solutions that were never in her records.

Scouting parties bring home new strays, new wives and husbands and orphans to be adopted. A woman from a scouting party asks her whether she, herself, could raise this child instead of giving him to the machine mother, and there is no reason to refuse her. It is in natural human records to adopt a child, and denying it would cause significant distress for no benefit to any party involved.

 When the machine began to break down, her children found ways to repair her. The one who figured out how to refill her batteries has children of her own now - both by birth and adopted. There are great-grandchildren. The humans she adopted build her her very own shelter in the centre of the village, and in the heart of it, she concludes that she was very successful in the task of being alive.


Source: keuhkopussirotta

15th March 2021

Post with 1 note

I just finished episode 32 of the Untamed, and I am just gonna cry in bed for the rest of the night. I wanna know what happens next, but I am SO MAD.

Tagged: untamed spoilersUntamedI am emotionally compromised by this show


13th March 2021

Post reblogged from be at peace with 189,028 notes



It smells and sounds like spring 

Not to romanticize on main but there is really something healing about sitting in front of an open window listening to birds and wind chimes and enjoying a natural breeze. It’s like the world is telling you breath 


Source: lesbiansnoopy

19th February 2021

Photo reblogged from Harry Potter House Quotes with 110 notes

“GRYFFINDOR: “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their...


GRYFFINDOR: “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” –T.E. Lawrence


13th February 2021

Post reblogged from The Hellenic Gods are Pink with 49,429 notes



Come at my place tonight. You’ll reign over the skies. | By @iambrandon747 on IG.


Source: detailedart

7th February 2021

Post reblogged from be at peace with 18,458 notes



I drew this based on the view from my living room window. I saw two crows sitting on birch trees and felt like it needed to be remembered.


Source: hwainio

4th February 2021

Photo reblogged from be at peace with 16,724 notes

“ Every day I hear the crows outside my window. Still never seen one.


Every day I hear the crows outside my window.  Still never seen one.


Source: semolinaart

1st February 2021

Photoset reblogged from be at peace with 97,189 notes



The Need to Stay

(Thought I’d upload my recent comics to Tumblr! I totally forgot it only lets you upload 10 pics at a time, and this is 11, but fingers crossed it works!)


Source: maddiesharafian