Hello, I am Sabre. My main interests are BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Jane Austen, and theatre.
Some of my favorite authors are Tamora Pierce, Robin McKinley and Neil Gaiman. Sometimes I make Sherlock vids set to music. I also have a few fic floating around somewhere!
I am actually incredibly shy on the internet, and I often shy away from speaking to new people, but I am always happy to hear from anyone! I rarely talk about myself on my blog, because I can't imagine anyone wants to hear what I would say about my life, but someday that may change (not my life, but my willingness to talk about it anyway).

7th February 2021

Post reblogged from be at peace with 29,694 notes



I drew this based on the view from my living room window. I saw two crows sitting on birch trees and felt like it needed to be remembered.


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  22. hwainio posted this
    I drew this based on the view from my living room window. I saw two crows sitting on birch trees and felt like it needed...