Showing posts with label Rinat Sultanov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rinat Sultanov. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rinat Sultanov is being transferred

July 15, 2011

Rinat Sultanov - anarchist anti-fascist and RASH-skinhead from Saint
Petersburg of Russia, who was sentenced to two years in prison for a
fight with Nazis, which took place 4th of November 2008, is being
transferred. During transfer, which may take more than a month, his
whereabouts are unknown. Please remove Rinat's address from prisoner
lists until his new prison address is known.


Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support! Feb. 9, 2011

Rinat Sultanov was arrested in Saint-Petersburg of Russia 3rd of
November, in eve of yet another “Day of People’s Unity”, most favourite
Russian state holiday of the fascists, after a siege of apartment of
anti-fascists which lasted several hours. He is accused according to
statute 111 of Russian criminal codex, “Grievous bodily harm, caused
with an intent”, for a fight with local fascists, which took place in
autumn of year 2008.

Rinat is born from the city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia.
Few years ago he moved to St. Petersburg, and immediately took active
part to the local anti-fascist movement. He was involved in both setting
up anti-fascist websites and street activities. He considers himself as
an anarchist and RASH-skinhead.

Currently Sultanov is remanded to Remand prison №4 of St. Petersburg.
Right now support group does not need material help, however it is
important to support Rinat with letters during the remand imprisonement!

You may write to

Rinat Sultanov
FBU IZ-47\4
ul. Lebedeva d. 39
195009 Saint-Petersburg Russia
