Showing posts with label Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radio. Show all posts

Friday, May 04, 2012

Calls from Home: Mama’s Day Broadcast

30 Apr 2012 Thousand Kites

"Calls from Home: Mama's Day Special," a radio project that connects incarcerated mothers to their families, friends, and communities.

Media Literacy Project, Strong Families, and Thousand Kites need your help to produce "Calls from Home: Mama's Day Special," a radio project that connects incarcerated mothers to their families, friends, and communities. With your support we'll send voices through barbed-wire to our millions of neighbors behind bars this Mama's Day.

Sing a song, read a prayer, speak from the heart and let our mamas behind bars in our nation's prisons know you're thinking about them.  Call to our toll-free 24/7 answering machine now at 877-410-4863 to leave a recording we'll play over the air.

In the U.S., we have a nation inside our nation. In America's prison-nation, mothers are forced to give birth in shackles and families are asked to pay exorbitant charges to telephone corporations in order to keep in touch with their incarcerated loved ones. As part of our Mama's Day Special we invite you to join two national campaigns: BIRTHING BEHIND BARS and PRISON PHONE JUSTICE CAMPAIGN.

Radio stations email us at to get a copy of this special broadcast.
Make the call (877-410-4863) sending a message to incarcerated women and then pick a campaign to get involved with:

Mama's Day special tweet:  Add your voice to a Mama's Day radio program for incarcerated women. #mamasday
Calls from Home: Mama's Day Special is collaborative effort of: