Yemen's Saleh again rejects move to replace him

Anti-government protesters greet an army soldier riding an armoured personnel carrier deployed to block a demonstration demanding the ouster of Yemen& Reuters – Anti-government protesters greet an army soldier riding an armoured personnel carrier deployed to block …

SANAA (Reuters) – Protests in Yemen descended into violence on Friday in which at least five people were killed and dozens wounded as President Ali Abdullah Saleh rejected a Gulf Arab plan to secure an end to his 32 years in power.

Saleh, facing an unprecedented challenge from hundreds of thousands of protesters, initially accepted an offer by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states, as part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), to hold talks with the opposition.

On Wednesday, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said the GCC would strike a deal for Saleh to leave.

But on Friday, Saleh told tens of thousands of supporters in the capital Sanaa "We don't get our legitimacy from Qatar or from anyone else ... we reject this belligerent intervention."

Frustration with the impasse may push the thousands of Yemenis who have taken to the streets closer to violence.

Five protesters were shot dead on Friday, bringing the death toll from clashes with security forces this week to at least 26.

"I don't think the GCC or the West want Yemen to go down the road of Libya, because that's exactly where it's going," said Theodore Karasik, an analyst at the Dubai based INEGMA group.

"The more entrenched Saleh gets, the greater the outside pressure, so this could really illustrate how much influence outside powers actually have over Yemen."

Clashes broke out in Taiz between hundreds of protesters and security forces who fired gunshots and tear gas. three protesters were shot dead and 150 others wounded by gunfire, doctors said. Some 200 were hurt by tear gas inhalation.

A doctor treating the wounded in Taiz square said 10 of the wounded were in critical condition.

In the port city of Aden, once the capital of an independent south, police fired shots to disperse thousands of protesters. Some 15,000 gathered in the Red Sea port of Hudaida to demand Saleh quit and mourn six killed in protests there on Monday.

"We're tired of this poverty and oppression in Hudaida and all of Yemen," said protester Abdullah Fakira. "Enough already."

Some 40 percent of Yemen's 23 million people live on less than $2 a day and a third face chronic hunger. Poverty and exasperation with rampant corruption drove the pro-democracy protests that began over two months ago, protesters say.


Even before the protests erupted, inspired by regional uprisings, Saleh was struggling to quell a separatist rebellion in the south and a Shi'ite insurgency in the north. The violence could give al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing more room to operate.

All this adds to concern about stability in a country that sits on a shipping lane through which more than three million barrels of oil pass each day.

On Friday, local officials from Abyan, a center of militancy, told Reuters that troops were trying to retake the city of Jaar, from which they retreated two weeks ago saying they had been overpowered by militants.

Security forces surrounded Jaar with tanks and artillery and clashed with "jihadist militants" who appeared to have fled, one official said. He said troops would soon enter the city.

The United States and Yemen's key financial backer, Saudi Arabia, both targets of attempted attacks by al Qaeda, appear ready to push aside Saleh to avoid a chaotic collapse.

Apparently trying to avoid a snub to Saleh's main backer, a presidential aide told Reuters Saleh's comments were not aimed at Saudi Arabia's offer to host GCC mediated talks.

U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement Washington welcomed the Gulf Arab initiative.

"We strongly encourage all sides to engage in this urgently needed dialogue to reach a solution supported by the Yemeni people," he said. "President Saleh has publicly expressed his willingness to engage in a peaceful transition of power; the timing and form of this transition should be identified through negotiation and begin soon."

The Wall Street Journal said Washington froze its largest aid package to Yemen in February, worth $1 billion or more over several years.


Pro-democracy protesters held a "Friday of firmness" in Sanaa, shouting "You're next, you leader of the corrupt," as armored vehicles and security forces deployed across the city.

Some 4 km (2.5 miles) away, tens of thousands of Saleh loyalists marched, waving pictures of the president and banners that read "No to terrorism, no to sabotage."

Around 700 riot police took up position close to General Ali Mohsen's forces. The veteran commander defected from Saleh weeks ago, and his troops are protecting a Sanaa protest camp. He said again on Friday he would not try to take over the country, as some diplomats had suggested.

The Defense Ministry said Mohsen's forces killed two pro-Saleh demonstrators in Sanaa. Mohsen's forces were not immediately available for comment. A Sanaa doctor confirmed two people were killed but had no information on their attackers.

(Additional reporting by Khaled al-Mahdi in Taiz and Mohammed Mukhashaf in Aden; Writing by Erika Solomon; Editing by Nick Macfie and Tim Pearce)

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    TPChief Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:37 pm PST Report Abuse
    A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country.
    Well, there's a very simple answer. Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn't know we were getting low.. The reason for that is purely geographical. US oil is located in: Alaska, California, Coastal Florida, Coastal Louisiana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas

    All our dipsticks are located in DC. Have a nice day.
  • 81 users liked this comment Please sign in to rate this comment up. Please sign in to rate this comment down. 20 users disliked this comment
    sean Sun Mar 27, 2011 09:18 am PDT Report Abuse
    so the yemeni dictator accuses rebels of being al-qeada militants. gaddafi said the exact same thing about the rebels in libya. the western powers are certainly picking and choosing which dictator to oppose and which rebellion to support, aren't they?
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    John Sun Mar 06, 2011 04:01 pm PST Report Abuse
    Do not go anywhere in the middle east. You aren't wanted, only your dollars.
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    Frank Fri Mar 25, 2011 06:38 am PDT Report Abuse
    In a country of millions of people,It is only a corrupt constitution that will allow an individual to run indefinitely for the same office.
    Kudos to Yemenis for unflinching courage.
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    Andy Wed Apr 06, 2011 09:56 am PDT Report Abuse
    For some reason I think the US government is trying to reconcile with its old friend Al-Qaida. They were friends and an ally against the Soviet Union, and the US was a major supporter of Al-Qaida where millions of dollars was given to Al-Qaida in Afghanistan and the other Arab countries. That is how Al-Qaida and the Taliban were established with my tax $$$. And for some reason the US is supporting Al-Qaida now again so they can establish another Taliban organization in Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and other Arab countries??? I am asking my government to keep my tax dollars here in the US to pay teachers police officers, and fire fighters and not to giving our hard earned dollars to Al-Qaida rebels so they can turn against us in the future. Who are we supporting in Libya and Tunisia, we don’t know who are those rebels.. but we send them millions of dollars… there is something wrong with this picture.
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    Martin Sun Apr 10, 2011 06:02 pm PDT Report Abuse
    Just another muslim country still governing the old fashioned way. There's no doubt that some yemenies want freedom, but they will be in the minority once the jihadists impose their organization and ideology into the new government. And, of course, we'll sit over here and do nothing because the Saudis and Obama want it so.
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    Shawn Sun Apr 10, 2011 04:04 pm PDT Report Abuse
    What a surprise, more angry muslims. These people will call for Jihad if you deliver the wrong pizza toppings. And yes, liberals, that was intentionally offensive just like punk rock lyrics...can't help it, I'm listening to The Misfits right now.
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    NEO Sun Apr 03, 2011 06:21 pm PDT Report Abuse
    Personally. I think this is a trap for America. Don't get me wrong. I'm an American and i love my country. But i see all this freedom thing as a trap by someone. Just think about it for a moment. We are in at least three arab nations now. Our army is being split all over the middle east like pieces of wood. And more splitting is to come. As more nations rebel and ask for help in the name of freedom. So, what happens if one day lets say. All these nations that we are in, turn as one against us? Our great army would have to fight as splinters in every country they are in against whole nations. I don't know why but i feel this is a great deceptive trap of some sort. Maybe I am wrong. But i can't help feeling that way.
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    Andy Tue Mar 22, 2011 09:39 am PDT Report Abuse
    I am from Yemen don’t believe everything you hear in the media..
    Yemen is a democratic country; they do elections every 6 years. The People chose their president. The Yemen constitution allows the president to run as many time as he likes (this is common in many other countries). So it’s up to the people to choose. In 2006 the president of Yemen won by 76% and if he runs again he will win again. The majorities of people in Yemen are in support of the president and are opposing this chaos. The people who are causing these issues in Yemen are the same people that the whole world is fighting, so we should be careful how side we stand we support.
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    C Lloyd Thu Apr 07, 2011 02:45 pm PDT Report Abuse
    50 protesters killed. Stay tuned and lets see how many are killed in the sectarian violence that follows. Iran and Al Qaeda are in a power struggle for control of Arabia. And they are using the media and our political correctness as their main weapon. Stay tuned.

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