
Mick O'Riordan: The Connolly Column

Photo - Michael O’Riordan, International Brigade Volunteer (1938)

Mick O'Riordan was a young member of the Communist Party of Ireland when he went to Spain with the International Brigade. Here he describes the background which saw Irish fascists and anti-fascists mobilising around the events in Spain.

Article from Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine #15 (1996)

Introduction to the philosophy of marxism: part one - R.S. Baghavan, foreword by CLR James

Out of print introduction to Marxist philosophy by R.S. Baghavan of Socialist Platform.
Foreword by CLR James-- one of his last pieces of writing.

Another Spain

AFA introduction to a series of articles on the Spanish Civil War in its magazine Fighting Talk #15 (1996)

Arditi del Popolo - The First Anti-Fascists

The rise to power of Mussolini and the Fascists in Italy, from 1919 to 1922, provides us with important lessons, not just about Fascism but also about the tactics & organisation necessary to fight it. Equally the critical role of the wider working class struggle is thrown into sharp focus. We believe the lessons are clear enough that they emerge simply from relating the story...

Article from Fighting Talk #14 (1996).

Cock Up Or Conspiracy - Fascists Target Pub

Seven anti-fascists were arrested on 28 November 2000 as the National Front failed in their attempt to close down a pub in North London.

Article from Black Flag #220 (2001)

Rough In Hackney - East London Borough Goes Bankrupt

Workers and residents in Hackney, North London, are fighting a corrupt and incompetent council which has lost £26... £76... who knows how many… millions of pounds. Strikes, occupations and demonstrations have been the response to cuts and closures. There's more to come.

Article from Black Flag #220 (2001)

Steps VS Anti-Fascist Action

Two pieces from AFA's music initiative Cable Street Beat from the early 2000s.

Taken from the now-defunct AFA website at

Bradford: 'Race Riots' and other media inventions – No Platform

Two articles from the militant anti-fascist group No Platform on events in Bradford in July 2001.

Taken from the now defunct No Platform website at

Lightly edited for grammar, spelling etc.

The Reality Behind the 2001 Oldham Riots – No Platform

A collection of articles from the militant anti-fascist group No Platform on the causes and consequences of the 2001 Oldham riots.

Taken from the now defunct No Platform website at

Lightly edited for grammar, spelling etc.