
Grenfell Tower – the smoke & the mirrors

There is an ever-growing stream of media commentary on the Grenfell fire, increasing daily as the public enquiry unfolds. There are some elements in the media with the goal of obscuring or excusing the plain facts as part of a pre-emptive defence manoeuvre to protect those most implicated in what caused the fire and the 72 deaths. That they feel the need to use such distortions to defend the Grenfell landlords and those who ordered and oversaw the Grenfell refurbishment that fitted the lethal cladding only increases the suggestion of a general doubt on all sides about their innocence.

100 Years Since Livorno

In January 1921, more than three years after the October Revolution in Russia, some two years since the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Berlin at the behest of the German Social Democratic Party, and in the aftermath of two wasted years of workers’ factory occupations in Italy itself, the intransigent revolutionaries in the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), led by Amadeo Bordiga, finally won the day and broke from the old party of compromise and accommodation with capital to form the Communist Party of Italy (PCd’I).

Defend our Free Spaces! Defend UP!

The Duterte regime’s attacks on our civil liberties continue, this time aimed towards the youth. Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Delfin Lorenzana announced that the DND would unilaterally terminate the UP–DND Accord, effective January 15. This targeted attack by the state is nothing new or unprecedented from Duterte’s henchmen.

Wealth Tax: Expropriation of the Rich or Capitalist Smokescreen?

As the bourgeoisie wracks its brains for solutions to this epochal crisis, the tax lever has become one of the main tools that left reformists believe will end capitalist aggression and bring substantial benefits to the depleted pockets of the proletariat.

Malignant Ulcers of Capitalism: The Proletarian Struggle for Reproductive Freedom (Part 2)

In our first part on reproductive struggles in class society, we highlighted some of the facts and dangers surrounding abortion and contraception. We also commented on the family unit and prostitution – two phenomena Marxists deem to be flipsides of one another and inseparable from the struggle for reproductive freedom. In this piece, we shed light on sterilization, sex selective abortions, religion, and bourgeois laws as specific to the needs of capital, noting the consequential damages to the proletariat.

New Year, Same Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has left the entire working class living with a new level of uncertainty. There have now been cases reported on every continent after researchers and military personnel on Antarctica recently reported their first cases.

What if there are no police & prisons?

A zine-thesis on the introductory discussion of Abolition in the Archipelago.
By ABOLISYON! & Makò Micro-Press.

Storming of the Capitol: The Working Class Has its Own Battles to Fight

Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency

White Nationalists Run On The Capitol: Implications For Trump and Protest Movements In The US

quick analysis of the capitol riot

Sensationalism and Smokescreens

What we want to talk about here is the ensuing media craze and the inability of the PNP to shut the hell up about the ongoing case.

Organize around promoting and defending “Freedom Technology”

This article serves as a natural expansion of the things I assume we already do individually for our own collectives and adjacent circles. This time, however, we’re pooling our shared skills and knowledge to not only assist radical groups take advantage in digital communication and peer-to-peer production, but also the wider public in general.

Quico Sabaté: Anarkistang Gerilya

A short biography of anarchist guerrilla Quico Sabaté in Tagalog and English by Peter Gelderloos.

Born in the Wild West of West London - An Interview with AngryWorkers

This interview was first published by comrades of The Commoner

An Introduction to the Work of the CWO and ICT

The article which follows is a transcript of an introduction to an online meeting of CWO members and sympathisers on 21 November 2020.

What is the International Workers’ Association and why should you join it?

A recent article written by Leeds SolFed on the 99th anniversary of the International Workers' Association.

'What an utter shit-storm' - AngryWorkers look back on their 2020

Hope to see you all back in the pit soon...

Kill Your Heroes: A Filipino Anarchist Discussion about National Heroes

On December 30, the day set aside to commemorate Dr. José Rizal, scientist, author, and icon of the Philippine Republic, it is only right to emulate his example by analyzing and critiquing our society. Our contributor Malaginoo focuses on a concept that informs how we regard Rizal and his contemporaries during the ascendance of “Filipino nationalism”: Heroes. Specifically, national heroes.

Covid-19 and the protests in Serbia – An interview

New covid-denial single from Eric Clapton and Van Morrison

The new Eric Clapton/Van Morrison single "Stand and Deliver" wants to be a rebel anthem. Instead these nationalist bards have delivered little more than a reactionary side note in a rising cacophony of Covid-19 denialism just at the moment the vaccines are dropping, argues Comrade Motopu.