
God's Holy Righteous Penis 2: Electric Boogalo

Anyone remember Navaros?

H2ElectricBoogaloo #crackpot #magick reddit.com

If you ejaculate at the exact time it becomes New Year, legend says that you will give birth to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Even if you don't ejaculate inside a woman, God will make it so. Your seminal fluids will undergo a series of phases from which it'll slowly grow in biomass, eating up anything that comes in direct physical contact with it, becoming abiotic sacrifices for the Second Coming himself.

Of course, this alone will not be enough, which is where the sperm cells come into play. The increasing biomass will make the sperm cells alongside the seminal fluids grow into lengths not less than 5 feet. Each sperm cell, now called Neo-Angels, will traverse the local area, which will now be christened the title of The New Holy Land, searching for the purest souls that embody the same teachings of Jesus Christ irregardless of their religion in the same way Gabriel did find Mary.

These Neo-Angels will use their flagellum to insert into these pure souls' belly-buttons. The pure souls will undergo a sort of reverse-birth, wherein its duration depends on the pure soul's age plus nine months. By the end of this reverse-birth, the Neo-Angels should come out portly and heavy. Whatever Neo-Angel couldn't find a suitable pure soul will act as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ's defender as the fetus grows into appropriate size.

The Neo-Angels that manage to collect enough fetal-matter will gather back to the semen originally ejaculated and pump their flagellum into the semen. With this, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ should have the power of at least a hundred human beings.

The original ejaculator that took part in giving birth in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will act as the final sacrifice for the lord, as the semen that will have grown into a fetus will crawl into your testicles and use it as a makeshift womb, and you shall soon give birth to a baby boy, and you will be the final sacrifice.

All this considered, do you really want to masturbate anywhere near New Year's Eve?

Liberty Hangout #wingnut twitter.com

[note: this is from last year]

Donald Trump should declare himself a monarch & leave the presidency to his son when he retires. It's the only way to prevent Democrats from having permanent control of Washington & ensuring rightwing values cease to exist. You'll never be able to vote for conservative ideas soon

Board of Imams Victoria #fundie #homophobia boiv.org.au

[in response to the Australian state of Victoria passing a bill to ban gay conversion therapy]

Board of Imams Victoria is extremely concerned with the current form of the bill. Its stands are a gross government overreach and intrusion into the rights and freedoms of all Victorian citizens who do not share the views and extreme ideological constructs around identity, gender and sexuality which the bill imposes. The bill is recognised to be poorly drafted and a product of lobbying by the far-left elements of the LGBTIQ community but will inevitably cause harm to same sex attracted individuals, their families and faith communities who do not and will not accept the imposed ideologies and definitions of sexuality and gender identity.
All Victorians should have a right to autonomy to adhere to religiously compliant constructs of sexuality, gender identity and religiously sanctioned sexual conduct. Same sex attracted Muslims are not “broken.” However, this bill criminalises a core Islamic command to provide direct advice (Nasiha) on abstaining from sex with the same gender. The bill also criminalises counselling and direct advice to abide by and affirm traditional Islamic gender norms and constructs to people experiencing gender dysphoria.
How does potentially accelerating family breakdown and creating community tensions in this way helpful to anyone, including same sex attracted Victorians who belong to faith communities and whose religious convictions on sexuality will not change?

Unlike moves to promote gay rights like gay marriage which have, so far, not had direct impacts on faith communities, this law poses direct and serious harm to all Victorians who do not adhere to and affirm the identity constructs the bill imposes. The Victorian Labor party is therefore willfully acting to harm faith communities including the Muslim community.

Samaher #sexist #psycho memri.org

Samaher: I am 200% in favor of [wife beating]. If a wife cannot put up with her husband when he is annoyed or tired, if she cannot put up with her husband when the financial situation is bad... If a man returns home with no money, not even enough for a pack of smokes and some bread – even if he has nothing – his wife must put up with it. If he is my husband, it is not all about “my dear,” “my love,” and then complaining about him or causing trouble when he slaps me. No, you have to put up with that.
If your husband slaps you, don't run to the police station, to your family, or to the neighbors. Solve your problems at home. Don't run here and there, to institutions, to associations, or anything like that. There are children involved, children that could be lost in the streets. And for what? Because he slapped you? Come on... We should examine why he slapped you in the first place. Maybe she provoked him, and he slapped her?
Sometimes, the purpose of beating is to draw her attention, out of love, so she will not make things worse.

Zina: Can someone beat someone he loves?

Samaher: Yes.
As a Middle Eastern woman, if my husband beats me in front of everyone, I would not say he is wrong. My husband, my honor.

Zina: This is a woman who deserves to be beaten. You deserve to be beaten. If we weren't inside this studio, I would knock you down.

Samaher: Bring it on.

Zina: Women like you deserve to be beaten. What do you say about that? It is my right to defend myself.

Samaher: So defend yourself. I want my husband to beat me. I want my husband to beat me.

Franklin Graham #wingnut facebook.com

Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back and betray him so quickly? We have never had a president like him in my lifetime. He gave us lower taxes, a strong economy, and low unemployment. He made NATO take notice and pay their own way. He had the guts to take on North Korea and meet with their leader personally. He didn’t let China walk all over us. Just his Mideast peace initiatives in the last couple of months deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. He has defended religious liberty like no president before him, and that matters to all people of faith. He has worked to bring prison reform and secured our southern border. He defeated the ISIS caliphate in Syria, and he strengthened our military. He was also the most pro-life president we have ever had. But the House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can. And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal.

Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

I’m here to tell you there’s a group of elites that run this nation, a bunch of globalists that run the world, and their money runs it. It is nothing more than a satanic death cult. And the clearest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was when Mitch McConnell gets off track, he turns around and the guy behind him gives him the Illuminati hand signal of authoritarianism to make sure he stays on track, just to remind that sucker, “We’re still in control, we’re still paying your bills, and you do anything against what we say and we’ll make sure nobody finds your body, Jimmy Hoffa.”

It is happening. Satanism has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Child sex-trafficking has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Pedophilia, child-sacrifice—not just abortion, I mean the whole deal—it is everywhere, and we are not paying attention. … We watched plain as day those people give the hand signal to make sure he stays on track.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut pscp.tv

[defending her participation in the Capitol riot]

It’s time that we level up our show of force. For those wussies that are sitting at home right now, that are watching their Fox News and CNN and watching their social media, and you pretend like you’re a conservative, you pretend like you’re Republican, and you’re pretending like you’re fighting the commies; for you to sit there and buy into this MSM narrative, hook, line, and sinker, that we are national terrorists, domestic terrorists, that we are violent, that we were so inappropriate and so embarrassing to you guys, and you are disgusted by our display: You were never a real patriot. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You’re no patriot if you’re so quick to throw your fellow patriots under the bus for actually going to war and doing the dirty work that you won’t do because you’re sitting at home, comfortable on your couch, reading the MSM, and buying into their narrative, and you’re disgusted by us. We’re disgusted by you. What we saw yesterday was the most epic form of resistance that we’ve seen in some time. This was the spirit of 1776 emanating from all of us, every fiber of our beings. It was this true spirit of resistance.

This had to be done. We had to level up our level of resistance and fighting back or we’ll never, ever, ever fight back and never get what we want, and we will be deserving of this government, this tyrannical government.
Yesterday was symbolic, and I hope that people start seeing it as heroic and jumping in on the action and that it’s contagious — because we need more of it, not less. We need more of what happened yesterday, not less. And do not let the media brainwash you into thinking yesterday was some bad or evil or shameful thing. When I look at the images of what happened and the videos, because I was on the ground and I saw what happened and what we went through, I am proud.
No one should be ashamed of what happened. And no one should be blaming antifa for what happened. American patriots did this. And it’s a good thing. It’s not a bad thing.

Ahmad #sexist #psycho memri.org

Ahmad: [My wife] should wait for me until I return home. Then she should see what I need and what I want. The woman, for me, is like a commodity. She should do exactly what I want.

Interviewer: What do you mean by 'commodity'?

Ahmad: She's a commodity, she is nothing. Nothing.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Ahmad: I married her only so she could fulfill my wishes and serve me. That's it. If I want a bath, she should bathe me. I never bathe on my own.

Interviewer: And if she doesn't want to?

Ahmad: She will do it anyway.
If I tell her to bring me a glass of water, she should go as fast as a bullet and bring it to me. And if I tell her to bring me some food, she will do it.

Interviewer: And if she doesn't?

Ahmad: She will get two or three slaps across her face. Get up and bring your man a glass of water!

Interviewer: And if she doesn't get up?

Ahmad: Then I would pour gasoline all over her and light her up.
A woman's role is to serve her man. Just as he works hard [to make a living], she should work hard for him at home.

Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut twitter.com

Joe Biden: I know how hard it is to forego holiday traditions — but it is so very important. Please wear masks, limit the size of any groups, and refrain from traveling. We have to stay apart just a little longer.

Pastor Greg Locke: You’re a deluded old fool. You hate America so much. You are bought by China. You lost the election by a historical margin. You will never be President and you can stick your mask in your ear.

Child Abuse for Jesus Award

Jenni Zimmerman #fundie chalcedon.edu

Many years ago, I used think that babies were born innocent and could do no wrong. I thought they did not understand right and wrong. I thought that as they grew their personality and environment would shape who they were. But then I was taught according to God’s Word that we are born in sin, “Behold, I was born in iniquity, and in sin hath my mother conceived me (Ps. 51:5, GNV), and in Adam we all fell (Gen. 3:6–7).

I have been shown this recently with my baby who is now ten months old. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely adore my baby and delight in her. I also know that our family can see firsthand just how depraved these cute little bundles of joy can be. We heard a talk one time from Voddie Baucham that referenced our cute little ones as vipers in diapers. At first, I was taken back to think my little baby could be such a thing.
For about two months, her little sin nature has really begun showing. She does not like to hear the word “no.” She screams if you don’t get to her quickly, or if you do not understand her. She is pickier when it comes to eating. I could not believe a baby so young could understand exactly what she was doing at such a young age. I don’t remember ever having to discipline my kids before they were twelve months old. And while I don’t approve of her behavior and we are working with her, I am amazed at how clear the sin nature is in babies.
It is because of this sin nature from the get-go that we are to diligently teach our children the Word of God. We are to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and we are to disciple and discipline them according to His Word. And with strong-willed children, it may take longer, and it may be more work. But we have to be consistent. It will be more trying and tiring for us, but, Lord willing, results will come. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
We have had to discipline her, but she is doing better. She is still a mama’s girl and still seems to need extra attention right now, but she is learning to obey.

YogiOabs Reborn #sexist twitter.com

How to look like a whore

1. Have bangs
2. Wear oversized glasses
3. Crop tops...
4. Doc Martens
5. Baggy mom jeans
6. Paint on face (makeup)
7. Overweight and obesity
8. Dark lipstick
9. Short bob haircut
10. Says f-word
11. Take selfies
12. Leather jacket
13. Has OnlyFans

YogiOabs Reborn #fundie #sexist twitter.com

Wives aren't just called to SUBMIT to their husbands by God.

They are called to be SUBJECT to their husbands. This wording is much more specific.

As a SUBJECT of her husband, he is her AUTHORITY.

It's not just a "choice." It's LAW.

REPENT for feminism & FEAR THE LORD!

Here is the proof:

Ephesians 5:24, KJV: "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

Fact is, this wasn’t offensive once upon a time, and women were eager to get married.

Lin Wood #fundie #god-complex lawandcrime.com

Attorney L. Lin Wood may believe himself to be a vessel of the second coming, and he’s not referring to another Donald Trump presidential term. That’s what Wood’s former law partners wrote in a legal brief quoting what they describe as recorded conversations proving that the lawyer gunning to overturn the 2020 election has a habit of associating himself with “God Almighty.”

“I might actually be Christ coming back for a second time in the form of an imperfect man, elevating Christ consciousness,” an extraordinary footnote quotes Wood telling his partners. “That cause you to have a little bit of a chill? Who would be more eloquent to say what the will of God is, the belief of God in me.”

Wood is said to have called himself the representative of various Biblical figures.

“I represent Moses,” Wood allegedly declared on tape. “I represent Ananias the believer. I’m like the power of King David. Now look you all, I told you I was going to pray tonight to my God, not to myself, because to me there’s God and there’s me.”

Just me and Jesus #fundie #wingnut operationrescue.org

No, you've got it backwards. Donald Trump is a devout Christian man who has made clear that he loves the Lord Jesus and truly cares about the well-being of everybody, especially the unborn. You think we can't see past his bluster to the heart inside? He is a fine man and a true conservative, even though naysayers like you laughably try to claim that he isn't.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is everything you just accused Trump of being. Biden may claim to be a Catholic, but even a casual observer can tell that he only hides behind Scripture to appeal to gullible fools like the Christian Democrats (an oxymoron if I've ever seen one). He's got a cult of personality around him made up of sycophants who think he can do no wrong, and I wouldn't put it past him to attempt a coup and declare himself dictator given half the chance.

David Schiffer #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot #psycho facebook.com

To those it may concerns

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞.

𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡.

What I am about to say may very well offend you, severely. Unfortunately, this topic is far more important than the feelings of some non human GMO.

There I said it, because that is what you are now, a GMO. No longer a child of G-d but a product of Pfizer and Bill Gates who now own you, because they own the patent to your artificial DNA.

I wish I could tell you that the choice you made is reversible. Unfortunately it is not. You have chosen to become a lifeform that has no home on earth, in fact no home in all of the universe. See the Universe is the home to each and every of our Creators creations, something you no longer are.

𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓, 𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒖𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝑵𝑨.

G-d listens to all His creation, but you no longer wished to be part of that. Now His voice inside you has become silent. Because, not only did you murder your own body, you destroyed your own soul. It is just so sad to see someone like you, chose death over life, that you chose to blot out your name from the book of life despite all our warnings.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 #KillBill #CoronaGate #killtheelites #revolution2021 #RevolutionNow

Dave Daubenmire and other Christians #fundie #crackpot #racist cincinnati.com

Deputies were called Sunday when a Christian prayer group and Native Americans faced off Sunday at the Great Serpent Mound, the Native American national historic site in southern Ohio.

The Native American leader who was there says they were trying to protect a sacred site that belonged to their ancestors.

The leader of the prayer group says the mound is a place where dark energy is released into the world.

"I'm not calling the Indians dark," Dave Daubenmire told The Enquirer. "This has nothing to do with the Indians."

Daubenmire leads Pass the Salt Ministries out of Hebron, Ohio, about a two-hour drive from the snake-shaped mound which could have been built as long ago as 320 BC.

Led by Daubenmire, the group was there on the Winter Solstice "praying down (the) Satanic serpent mounds," according to the group's YouTube video recording the event titled "PAGANS TRY TO PREVENT PRAYER."
Members of the American Indian Movement of Ohio, including the group executive director Philip Yenyo, heard about the plans for the event in advance and met the Daubenmire's group in the parking lot.

"You need to leave. You have no right and no business doing this on this sacred site where our ancestors are buried," Yenyo said in the video "You're not going any further."

A man began approaching Yenyo repeatedly telling him not to touch him; the man appears to push Yenyo who is blocking his path. Someone says, "Get out of my way. Last time I tell you."

"Don't tell me to get out of the way on my own land," Yenyo said. "It's our birthright. It's our sacred site."

"It's public land," a member of the prayer group said. "This land will be taken in the name of Jesus."

"This land was already taken a long time ago," Yenyo said. "You people keep taking it."

John Guandolo #wingnut #psycho youtube.com

From my perspective of where we are in this war, I’m amazed at the restraint patriots are still showing, especially after an unarmed veteran of the Air Force of 14 years, a female, was shot in the face by a Capitol Police officer.

I liken this to the Boston Massacre. This is the 2021 Boston Massacre. And I think in in the history of what’s happening right now, this is a turning point. This is a point when patriots realized the U.S. Senate, run by Republicans, has turned around to patriots and flipped them the bird again for the 50th time in a row. And they go on TV and stand in the well of the Senate and condemn patriots and tell us we’re the problem.

This is a banana republic, and the people either will or will not take back the republic. I don’t see any other way out than a real armed counter-revolution to this hostile revolution that’s taking place, primarily driven by the communists.

This is where we are. I don’t know what the future holds, but it’s gonna be ugly to turn this around. And it is going to get much, much more ugly. And the fact that we conservatives—I’m getting emails and texts from conservatives telling me how appalled they are at what happened at the Capitol yesterday. Screw you! Screw you if you say that because what happened at Capitol [Wednesday] was incredibly restrained. From my perspective—I was there, I watched it, I was in and amongst it—it is amazing to me that patriots haven’t strung up these traitors already with the amount of evidence on the table of what they’re doing.

Joshua Munguti #fundie #crackpot christiantruthcenter.com

Masturbation – Sex with Demons

Masturbation is about thoughts and imaginations. It’s the result of not casting down imaginations and bringing thoughts to obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5)

Satan is able to feed us thoughts and imaginations into our minds when he is not in us – from a distance; a far off. When you entertain his thoughts imaginations and voices, you find yourself doing what he wants, masturbating; sinning.

As you fantasize about his thoughts and imaginations, demons start manipulating your body, making you masturbate – you cannot see them physically with your eyes but they are there

Today the enemy has come up with sex toys, sex objects, to aid masturbation, to steal kill and destroy humanity completely. Sex toys is an industry of the devil.

Masturbation is a spirit – a demon. This spirit of darkness does not come alone, it is accompanied by spirit of lust.

Spirit of lust includes lust of eyes, lust of flesh, etc. It is one of the spirits that takes people to pornography and all sorts of sexual immorality.

Sheikh Yousef Makharzah #conspiracy #homophobia memri.org

Some say the vaccine was tested in Australia on volunteers, and it turned out it has the protein that is part of the AIDS virus. It is a protein that is part of the virus. If this is an improvised vaccine, the only purpose of which is to amass money, the state or the government must not force people to take it. Wise people, scholars, and thought leaders should examine it, and advise people about it. They must not neglect the people.

People today are ruled by those who do not care about them, about their livelihood, about their religion, or about their interests. They are (ruled by) people like that homosexual American minister (Pete Buttigieg). If homosexuals rule the world, should we entrust them with our health and let them make the decisions?

In the number one country in the world, Biden has nominated a homosexual cabinet member - a cabinet member that does not believe in having sex with women. He finds no use for them. This is a cabinet member of the biggest country in the world, and he was appointed by Biden. Soon he will be visiting us so we can be blessed by him. This is the material world! This is the world of bastards, a world of the scum of the earth, a world of corruption.

Pastor Rick Scarborough #fundie charismapodcastnetwork.com

At the very time [my children] were reaching the age of accountability—around seven and eight years of age, when a child can be saved—they would discover that the one who had been encouraging them to believe in Jesus was the same one who lied about Santa. That pierced my heart to the core as a father.

Consider how many of our children walked away from their faith. And could it not be that we were planting the seeds of doubt in their young minds when we lied about Santa Claus?. After all, if you truly look at what we proclaim about Jesus, about the sovereignty of our Lord, and about who God is, it takes a leap of faith to believe it. If the authority figure in your life has been lying for years about a Santa Claus figure who has all the attributes of a god, how can you really trust him to be telling you the truth now about the revelation of the God-man?

Some interesting facts about Santa to consider. First, his name is spelled with the exact same letters that spell Satan. Coincidence? Perhaps, except I do not believe that anything with God is accidental or coincidental. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Well preacher, you’re way too uptight about this.” Well just continue to listen and let’s think it through. Secondly, Santa is given all the attributes of God. He is omniscient; he knows everything that every child is doing. He’s omnipresent, allowing him to be in every [home] simultaneously around the world in a single night. And he’s omnipotent; there is no toy that he cannot create and provide out of thin air if he decides the child is worthy of it. The only problem with this is it’s all a lie.

Cheryl K. Chumley #wingnut #fundie washingtontimes.com

Sen. Marco Rubio just called out Anthony Fauci in a penned piece posted on Fox News as a lying liar who arrogantly used his position as the nation’s top infectious disease bureaucrat to lie to the American people “in order to manipulate their behavior.” It’s a good piece; a crucial read.

But readers, take note: Why be surprised?

Fauci is a long-time entrenched government bureaucrat.

More than that, he’s a humanist — meaning, he takes his moral compass from his own mind. He has little-to-no concern with the stuff of higher authority — the constraints that come from fears of heavenly accountability.
An atheist in charge of U.S. government, policy, economics, education and constitutional freedoms, as they relate to coronavirus response — what could go wrong, right?
He’s unelected. He’s largely unaccountable to the people. He’s atheist, which speaks volumes about his character, his moral compass and his understanding of American Exceptionalism and basic founding and constitutional principles. And he’s just been outed for lying.

The path is clear: He has to go.

DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut #conspiracy banned.video

Meanwhile... this one woman who supposedly had this vaccine, she was the first one in the UK to have this vaccine. Margaret [Keenan], she was going around and there’s two videos on - which is very strange - some people caught this video. This same woman was appearing in an article in October, on October 22nd in the exact same clothes, it was obviously the same woman and it was the exact same setting from October 22nd pretending to take this vaccine live on air. And then..., as the doctors and nurses are wheeling her out, they’re wheeling her out and they’re all cheering for her, “yay, our guinea pig propagandist live on TV taking the vaccine”, she’s going in her wheelchair with this symbol.

*makes triangle gesture with hands*

So some people are getting a little suspicious. Why is she making this symbol? Same symbol as the Illuminati, that they always make; of course, the triangle. And was this in fact filmed back in October 22nd? These are the kinds of things that they get sloppy with, because they get caught.

DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut banned.video

[concerning the recent SCOTUS decision to uphold the election results]

People were so angry. I mean, people are ready for a revolution. We are not going to stand for this! I mean, no one’s going to stand for this. If we are not allowed to overturn the election results, and if so-called “conservatives” and “constitutionalists” - especially those that President Trump appointed - if they’re just going to throw our republic under the bus and not have the courage and wisdom to stand up for a legal and just election process, then we don’t have a country and American patriots are not going to stand for it. I mean, we are just not. That is basically like a huge FU to America.

Mr_Wsh #fundie #psycho reddit.com

[in a discussion about Muslims being supposed to kill apostates]

Mr_Wsh: Yes, This is the result when you leave the RIGHT religion

I don't see anything wrong with that.

You don't see anything wrong with killing people based on their beliefs?

Mr_Wsh: Just in case they left the right one.


TesticleCooker: The right one isn't islam, do I now have the right to kill you?

Obvious sarcasm to point out the double standard

Mr_Wsh: If it's not, then you have the right, iam serious here lol

But islam is the right one soo..

If you disobeyed your creator then you should be killed.

But actually, islam dont kill non-muslim without a reason, but those who exit Islam must die for sure.

Why? because they are not ignorant anymore, they tried the truth and rejected it.

Jericho Marchers #wingnut #crackpot #fundie jerichomarch.org

On the morning of December 12th, Jericho Marchers will simultaneously march around the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Department of Justice seven times praying for the walls of corruption and election fraud to fall down, just as Joshua and the Israelites walked around the walls of corrupt Jericho.

Following the marches, patriots and people of faith will converge on the National Mall for the “Let the Church ROAR!”

Prayer Rally taking place from late morning until approximately 4 PM, a partnership sponsored by Jericho March and Stop the Steal that amplifies a unifying message for the nation that blends the political and spiritual aspects of the fight for election integrity.

[Translation: a bunch of Christian nutcases plan to walk in circles around Washington D.C. in an attempt to overturn the election results.]

Pastor Greg Locke #dunning-kruger #quack google.com

Greg Locke: I’m saying the sickness is real. I’m saying the pandemic is not.

Elle Reeve: I don’t understand what you mean when you say “pandemic’s not real.”

Locke: ...The pandemic is not real.

Reeve: But what do you think a pandemic is?

Locke: Not… Not COVID-19.

Reeve: But what do you think a pandemic is?

Locke: It is no pandemic.

Publicist (offscreen): I think we’ve stuck on the pandemic question too many times.

Reeve: Well, why can’t you answer it?

Locke: It’s ridiculous… I did. There’s no pandemic! COVID-19 is not a pandemic.

Reeve: But what would a pandemic… But what is a pandemic then?

Locke: Not what we’re experiencing. I’m 44 years old. We’ve not had one in my lifetime, so I don’t know. And this is not it.

Rick Wiles #wingnut #psycho trunews.com

[concerning Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ proposed bill to allow citizens to legally shoot rioters]

This time we’re going to meet you in the streets. Come on left. We’re gonna meet you in the streets this time. You know what they’re doing here in Florida? The governor wants a bill passed in Florida to empower citizens to shoot and kill looters and rioters. Yes, sir. Get it done, governor. The people are with you. We’re going to defend this state of Florida. We’re not going to put up with this stuff anymore. The left, you better pack up and flee. If you’re part of this communist revolution, lefties, you better get out of the country. If we find out you’re part of the communist revolution, we’re coming after you.

FBI, put my name down on the list. Go ahead and do it. Do it. I don’t care.

Tadas Klimas #wingnut americanthinker.com

[concerning calls for evidence of the Biden campaign committing fraud. Emphasis added]

The real question thus is legitimacy. If we cannot have confidence in an election result, it is illegitimate. See how criminality is largely irrelevant here?

For instance, if you knew your car could be blown up by use of a computer program, would you have confidence driving it? It’s not been blown up yet, and you don’t know if it will be. But one would imagine you’d lack confidence in it; and this is clearly not the usual sort of question posed to a judge.

Thus, a lack of confidence in the process can render the results illegitimate even in the absence of positive evidence of actual illegal results. This encompasses certain evidence being given, principally by expert witnesses, concerning the voting software used in this election being subject to manipulation. This is why even expert testimony showing the possibility of manipulation is real evidence – evidence of illegitimacy due to lack of confidence.

Cliff Kincaid #conspiracy #wingnut newswithviews.com

Trump has to recognize that staying in power is the only peaceful way to avoid having Biden impose his agenda of death and destruction on the nation as a whole.
We can expect such violence if Biden doesn’t manage to seize power through fraudulent elections. But fear of the aftermath if Trump stays in the White House is no reason for Trump to vacate the presidency. In the face of the threat from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other communist groups, Trump has every right to stay in power and keep the country together, in the name of national sovereignty.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie twitter.com

The fact that women *fought* for the right to vote, explains to us fully why this was NOT a good idea. They wanted to undo God's ordained order of men being the leaders. Women voting has only caused chaos in our country.

[in a later tweet]

The lives of the unborn are WAY more valuable than a woman’s right to vote.

Lori Alexander #sexist twitter.com

“Equality” between men and women is a word made up by feminism and what they fight for. There’s nothing about equality in God’s Word. We’re all completely different and unique. Fighting to be equal only breeds discontentment and contention. It’s not of God.

Operation Rescue #fundie #wingnut operationrescue.org

Operation Rescue is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award is President Donald J. Trump.

The Malachi Award is given by Operation Rescue every year to recognize individuals who sacrificially work to advance the cause of protecting the pre-born.

During President Trump’s Administration, he has done more to protect unborn lives than any other President in U.S. History.
When he first took office, he immediately set out to defund those that promote abortion worldwide.
His new Protect Life Rule blocked Planned Parenthood and other abortionists from receiving millions in Title X Family Planning grants.

Most recently, the Trump Administration withheld $200 million from the State of California for requiring all health insurance policies to include abortion coverage, which forces those who object to fund abortions.

Earlier this year, President Trump pulled out of the pro-abortion United Nations’ World Health Organization. The WHO is one of the world’s top promoters and funders of abortion internationally.
President Trump’s over 300 judicial appointments give pro-life supporters new hope that life-affirming legislation will withstand legal challenges. These appointments have created a climate where the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade now exists, and has placed the nation on a course toward building an Abortion Free America.
He has also protected religious liberties that ensure Americans can continue advocating on behalf of the unborn in freedom.

“President Trump has done more to build a Culture of Life in the U.S. than all previous presidents combined,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is my honor to acknowledge these accomplishments and relay my deep gratitude to him for keeping and exceeding all his promises when it comes to the matter of abortion. He is a worthy recipient of the 2020 Person of the Year Malachi Award.”

E.W. Jackson #fundie facebook.com

I have tremendous respect for the science that goes into aeronautics and the ability that we have. I mean, human beings are amazing because we’re made in the image of God, not because we won the evolutionary lottery.

But I have tremendous respect for the scientific breakthroughs and insights that allow us to do things like that. You’d be a fool not to. But… But… They still only know a little about a little, and God knows everything about everything. And when I get on that plane, you know what I’m saying? Lord, touch the pilot. Lord, guide their hands. Lord, give them judgment. Lord, give them wisdom. If there is any kind of emergency, help them to know what to do in the situation. Surround this plane with your angels.

You have some idiot getting on the plane, “I don’t believe in God, I believe in science! These scientists know what to do! These pilots know what to do! These these aeronautical engineers know what to do! I trust in them! What do we really need to talk about God for? We don’t need God. Look at what we did!”

That’s the fool! That if something goes wrong on that airplane, his life is saved because a believer was on that airplane praying, and saying, “Lord, I’m under Your protection.” And somehow, miraculously, everybody gets out alive and some idiot has the nerve to say… “Isn’t what we can do with science amazing? See?” And he doesn’t know that he got out alive because there was some saint who wouldn’t know an aeronautical principle if they saw one, but they know God, and they cried out to God, the living God, and somehow God worked that thing out and brought them through. And it’s happened in all kinds of circumstances.

So foolishness is to put your trust in anything and anybody but almighty God.

Viet Nam Vet #transphobia #homophobia wnd.com

[concerning a Michigan funeral home that has been sued for not allowing a transgender employee to dress like a woman at work]

The funeral home hired a dude and they have a right to expect a dude when reporting to work. Let the foul tranny reapply for the job as a offensive tranny.
The world would be a much better place if the vile, nasty homo/tranny crowd would return to their disgusting closets .... PERIOD

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist #wingnut #fundie archive.rebuildingtheman.com

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted yesterday: “Republican women were responsible for defeating 10 of the 13 House Democrat incumbents. The Republican Party is in an even stronger position for the future!” That’s a lie. They need to get rid of Ronna McDaniel. She’s a liar. They have weakened the party by putting all of these women in charge. The strength is not in the women; it’s in the men.

Those who return to the Father: the Republican Party is going downhill fast, because they are emulating the Democratic Party. They’re not doing what’s best and what’s right, they’re trying to prove something to the Democrats. The Democrats get a bunch of women, the Republicans gotta get a bunch of women. Fall into Hell, following Satan right into Hell. You’re gonna live to regret this, Ronna...Ronna McDaniel is not the one that should be running the Democratic Party, or whatever she’s doing. Chairwoman...this woman’s blind and crazy.

Saliha Naeem #fundie #homophobia twitter.com

A Thread:

"Homosexuality" is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender.

There is little evidence of homosexual practice in Islamic societies for the first century and a half of the Islamic era but now a days there are communities spreading these practices like LGBTQ.

Homosexuality with the reference of Quran:

1_ "Surely, you come to men lustfully instead of women. No, you are people who cross the limits"
سورہ الاعراف، آیت نمبر 81، پارہ 8

2_ "And Lut, said to his people, do not commit immorality against your better judgment"

3_ Do you lustfully approach men instead of women? No, you are not ignorant people.

The Quran narrates the story of the "people of Lut" destroyed by the wrath of God because the men engaged in lustful carnal acts between themselves.


* These cities have been used as metaphors for HOMOSEXUALITY, and are the origin of the words "Sodomite", a pejorative term for male homo, and "Sodomy" (crime against nature) to describe anal or oral sex.

* The bible mentions that the cities were destroyed for their sins, haughtiness, egoism and an attempt at rape.

* Holy Quran: "When our (ALLAH's) command came, we turned that city upside down and rained layer upon layer of clay on it.

This kinda acts in an Islamic country spread be_hayai and Fahashi and there is no room for them in Jannah. We all need to take action against it

Some ways by which you can get rid of HOMOSEXUALITY.

☆ The very first thing you can do is "just pretend you're straight".

☆ Go consult a psychiatrist.

☆ You'll be cured if you get married.

☆ Have babies.

☆ Do keep it in your mind that it's HARAM.

Rick Wiles #transphobia #psycho trunews.com

[concerning Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, who is transgender]

That’s a man in a dress. You’re mentally ill, Dr. Levine. You’re mentally ill, and no normal person should listen to you. You need mental health counseling. You need deliverance.

To the people of Pennsylvania: you are absolutely insane if you let that transvestite freak rule your life... You’re going to that transvestite freak? Seriously?

Chase that freak out of the state. Chase it out of the state. Rise up in Pennsylvania, and chase that freak out of the state! You don’t have to tolerate this stuff.

Laurie Roth #wingnut newswithviews.com

Almost every dictator I can think of quoted a few scriptures and pretended that God was on their side. Adolph Hitler said he was doing God a favor by taking on the Jews who rejected Christ. He knew how to work the religion card, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

What, you think only the DEMOCRAT left and media whores can call Trump Hitler? The real truth is that the DEMOCRAT left of today, with their dementia laden poster child Joe Biden obedient and sold out media, completely reflects the principles of Hitler. Their violent supporters, BLM, ANTIFA and other DEMOCFRAT anti Trump groups have been burning down American cities the whole year, while threatening to do way more if Trump prevails and is in another 4 years.

Remember in Nazi Germany, the same thing occurred. Jewish businesses were attacked, and burned, then people were just taken away in the middle of the night.

Trump has already won this election in a huge way and God is answering the believing prayers of millions of Christians. Watch justice unfold and the DEM – criminal left unravel.

Rick Wiles #fundie #conspiracy trunews.com

This is a coordinated global takeover. It’s right out of the pit of Hell. This is Satanic, and it’s target is the Church. It is to shut down every church, it is to shut down every Christian, so that nobody will worship God and nobody will share the Gospel. That’s what it’s all about. Make no mistake about it, it is about crushing the Church. That’s why we have to stand up. If we die, we die.
We have to go out publicly in the streets, and shut down their system. You have to opt out and show them that you’re not participating in it anymore and you’re not intimidated and you’re not afraid to die. And if they shoot 100 people in front of you, you’ve got to stand there.

Joe M #wingnut #dunning-kruger parler.com

Trolls have said I am insane and deluded to think Trump will be determined the winner of the 2020 election. Since I am going to be proven right in a matter of weeks, let me take the opportunity to say also that Obama, and Hillary Clinton too, will be convicted of capital crimes and crimes against humanity at some point during Trump's second term. If I'm right about the first thing, trolls will have a hard time saying I'll be wrong about the rest.