epillepsy #fundie #racist #sexist incels.co

(NOTE: This is in reaction to this comment by @Bastethotep)

you can't take satanists seriously about anything, especially on the questions of women and race. they worship women and would like to give them carte blanche to do whatever they please, (even murder their babies, since it's "natural" and women represent fertility and nature's will) so the current political climate is very accommodating to them. that's why they don't understand the concept of race traitorism when it comes to women, their objects of worship. plus they think men are "destroyers" and women are "creators," when in fact it is the opposite.

(i'm assuming this cuck is a satanist b/c of his username.)

Also these hypocrites will say nothing when women openly insult millions of men and say one particular race of men is better than other races of men but will be outraged if a man says he doesn't really prefer a certain race of women and prefers to date a woman of a different race.

in the case of satanists, that comes from an exaltation of women over men due to their worship of Eve, who freed mankind from God's oppressive paradise. they seek to establish a gynocracy so that men can become whipping boys for women to insert crucifixes into their ass in the guise of ritual magic. satanism is gaining wide purchase in the world under the benevolent guise of gynocracy. when men allow their whores to peg them and act as yes-men to all women, they are following the ideals that say "no" to Eden, no to Paradise, in favor of worshiping a fleshly, evil goddess in the form of Eve the whore.

ldarshortcel #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.co

Blackpill 50% of all german men will never have children [Data]

Here's a graph from wikipedia. It shows childlessness by age and gender:image

There are several information you can extract here:

1) Chad not just fucks but also impregnates more than his fair share, because childlessness for men is always higher than for women.

2) The trend gets worse. Of course, in the age group of 20-29 and 30-39, some people will still have children, and the percentage of left overs will decrease because the older a woman gets, the more likely she is to choose beta buxx, but there's an undeniable trend, though. Additionally, some of the men who say the have children have been cucked, so the true number of childless german men should be two points higher, for german women one point higher.

In the 60s and 70s, people protested for "sexual liberation" etc. Let's say that those who went to these protests were on average 25 years old. From 1968 to 2014 (the data is from 2014), that's 46 years. Add the 25 years and those who went to the protests back in 1968 now show up in the 70-79 year old category. In the 70-79 year old category, there are 0% left overs and 90% of all men had children.

Nowadays, their efforts towards "sexual liberation" have come to fruition, and the percentage of left overs is not 0% but 50%. The old assholes all screwed us. The very patriarchy that they vehemently protested ensured that they got pussy and children. Now, they've succeeded, and most of their own children are either incels or onlyfans-subscribers aka incels in disguise.

To koniec & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.co

(To koniec)
RageFuel racism is just another form of male cuckoldry toward women and endless destroying male brotherhood

Racism is ALWAYS against men. When in slavlands some gopniks beat ethnic or black guy and would never threat ethnic women, cause they fear competition. In west subhuman slav, xenophobia against eastern europeans is always toward men, which get cucked on dating market and their female counterpants fuck with germanic, latin chads and also 'slavic women are beautiful :soy: and slav men are ugly' are perfect examples of this, cause racial hegemony which profits anglos and germanics allows this

Foid of different ethnicity when lives in foreign country will always meet simps, while their brothers while be bullied by young chads in the school

Tho for counter argument i saw story of polish girl which ropemaxxed when bong foids bullied her


Many right-wing extremists often fetishize non-white women and almost all of the blacks who pathologically hate whites and humiliate them on a constant basis are the biggest simps for white stacies. It's an exception for a successful black man to have a black girl at his site, most of the time it must be a white girl (especially one with blue eyes and blonde/red hair), because they are seen as the ultimate status symbols.

The "Muslims" in my country are the same: They are only religious when they can look down on the german male, while not abiding the laws of their religion and lusting after their also (impure) women. While they attack German males they suck the dicks of white chads and simp for German stacies.

Vandeross #conspiracy #quack #transphobia lipstickalley.com

Why is the trans lobby so powerful?

These people are: Anti-science but they have the medical field by the neck. Misogynists who fight to undo generations of feminist progress but they have women's rights groups by the neck. Lesbiphobic but they have LGB groups by the neck. Poll after poll shows that the trans ideology is unpopular with the public but they have politicians and journalist by the neck. Research paper after research paper proves that trans women have a significant advantage over women in sports, and yet the have the sports field by the neck. Even the ACLU, a Civil Liberties Union have abandoned their core principles of freedom of speech and sex-based rights to kowtow to the trans ideology.

What is going on? The math isn’t mathing. These people are at war with truth and they are winning.

They've brung kids into the equation. They're afraid that trans kids will kill themselves so they play along. They feel this is the best treatment for suicidal trans kids.

That’s a good point and I used to think that too, but evidence has shown that suicide rates are the same before and after sexual reassignment.

During the Obama administration, they did a huge study to see if it should be covered under Medicare and they concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to support that it benefits patients.

“Based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence available at this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria.”


StSausageCel #racist #sexist incels.co

RE: LifeFuel Is NIGERIAmaxxing the answer for Arabcels?

I’m an ugly arabcel. I’m brown skinned, I have fucked up teeth, a hook nose, and a mini Osama looking beard. Here in the Americas I can’t match with a foid to save my life, but when I switched my location to Nigeria I had tons of likes and matches. They even messaged me first. If I had a passport and some money I probably could have ascended, but sadly I don’t have either


Do they have running water and feminine care products? I don’t wanna go there and invite them to my hotel just for them to smell like fish

I’ve been there a few times and most of their women are obsessed with care products. It’s not the jungle that media make it out to be I know what Nigerian foids are like, trust me. When you’re not dark skinned, you’ll always find a girl who’s down to fuck you. I had a skinny Pakistani friend who went to HS in Nigeria, I’m talking horrifically skinny, and tons of girls wanted to fuck him at the Nigerian HS he went to.

That had nothing to do with him being Pakistani but because he was good looking anyway.

Except he wasn’t good looking dummy, if he was I would’ve stated it.

GermaniaIncelia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist incels.co

Serious Foids are misanthropist genocidal maniacs

You might think that Hitler or Mao were enemies of humankind, but in comparison to foids they were extremely moderate. Let's be generous, let's say the pareto principle of 80/20 holds and not the more realistic model of 99/1. Women would still want 80% of men dead, gone from the face of the earth because they view them as subhumans. 80% of men translates to 40% of human population. Foids literally want at least 40% of the human population gone.

A gigantic contrast to people like Hitler who merely targeted minor ethnic groups. The total ethnic jewish world population was at 17 million in 1940, with a world population at the time of 2.34 billion, which means the jews Hitler targeted were at most a 0.7% of the world population if he made no exceptions. And even if you add further groups up like the gypsies, you don't get much higher.

According to mainstream views of politics, foids would fall under the far-right extremist category and Hitler would be a moderate centrist.

Women don't want 80% of men dead.

don't forget your medicine bro :bluepill:

Sub-8 theory isn't true, that's not bluepilled, that's a fact. 6 and 7 out of ten guys still have sex, they still have relationships and they lead normal lives. Again, we are the minority, the majority of males aren't incels.

that's even more bluepilled than your previous statement. the majority of men are incels or at the very least borderline incels but just not aware of it.

Marty Kaan #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #wingnut amren.com

I might feel some sympathy for the descendants of the black slaves if they hadn’t been trying—with considerable success— to destroy the republic that our ancestors built.

We haven't not try to destroyed the Country. Since the end of slavery (Reconstruction Era), we have always try to gain Separation. The left have always use propaganda to control the minds of the USA. Malcolm X vs MLK is a prime example of how the left use MLK to inflict integration unto the country. Then they import Melanin people from the Caribbean in the continent of Africa to put on TV to shut down our voice on SEPARATION.

The only real solution is to Separate..
40 States for Whites
4 States for Foundational Blacks
3 States for all Immigrants
1 State for LGBTQ
1 State for native American

The main problem being HOW would you fairly compensate those having to leave homes they and their ancestors owned for years and years?

EXCELLENT question.. My siblings and I own our homes.. To give up my home to have SEPARATION is worth it.. To answer your question: When people started migraine to the USA in the 1500, they were given land, to build on.. There are homes and land all over the country, in which people can take over. If the USA can give 1.5 trillion dollars in foreign aid, I'm sure it possible to help the USA resettlement. Plus this will force everybody to focus on establishment and not on the Media propaganda..

UnapologeticMisandry #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join? (NOTE: BPF = BlackPillFeminism)

Ever since my post where I complained about intersectionality ruining women's movements by diluting the cause, I figured I should do something about it. I'm tired of women of other races using misogyny to shit on white women. I'm tired of feminism becoming a race hierchary circlejerk where white and black women alike team up to put down white women. I am tired of feminism being about race, or anything besides women. I am tired of seeing black feminists catering to black moids before extending kindness to a white sister. I am tired of middle aged and elderly white women being dehumanized and stereotyped. I am done trying to have solidarity with black feminists. I finally snapped when I read one of the users here say that hating white women is the only thing every group in this country can agree on.

BTW, this would NOT be a white supremacist discord. However, black feminists have shown their hatred of white women to the point where it has soured me on associating with them. I don't think they're inferior, I think they (and the white women who also follow self hating race ideology) are misogynist and a waste of time and energy to entertain. This is not about white supremecy, but about a place for my group of women to exist in peace away from all that and support each other and (because why tf not?) complain.

Users will be verified through an r/blackpeopletwitter "Country Club" style arrangement. You will be allowed when you have sent a photo of your skin with your username written on it. Males will be banned, intersectionalists will be banned. Users can be of any religion/lack thereof, political leaning, sexuality, age, etc as long as they are white, blackpilled, and female.

_Moon_ #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: If I made a discord for white BPF women, would anyone here want to join?

I support the idea. I do not support intersectionality any longer. If I'm forced to choose between white shame/guilt and white pride, I pick white pride any day. Of course, I couldn't do that because EVERY kind of "race pride" effectively translates to "turn women into human cattle whose purpose in life is to breed as much offspring as possible." But you know what I mean. I will never succumb to white self-hatred, and I will NEVER tell woke lies about immigration, how "racist" borders are, how we need mass-immigration into countries already suffering from unemployment and unaffordable housing, how women being afraid of men is "rayciss", how calling the cops is racist. (In San Francisco they named a law after the fucking Karen meme that makes "racist" police calls a crime. In the UK, they sacrificed thousands of white working-class girls to non-white organized sex abuse rings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal)

I also dislike RadFems and LibFems "accusing" each other of being more white than the other side. Usually, LibFems "accuse" RadFems of being full of white women promoting "white feminism" - to which RadFems reply that the LibFems are actually full of white women and promoting white feminism. It's a bullshit back-and-forth between two sides who "accuse" each other of not being anti-white enough. https://i.imgur.com/P3q3cfs.jpg JPG Let them both go to hell.

NothinButAComedy & TheUltimateMarkcel #sexist incels.co

RageFuel 15 yo White Teen Has More Sex Than You(Oldcels GTFIH Pedocels Stay Out)

Jesus christ this bitch is having sex at 15 ...she didn't have to work on herself she didn't have to develop her personality.. Oh and OFC She has massive Stripper titities and her nipples are showing Jesus why are women such whores



I would rape that bitch to death if I was attracted to her. but Im not.

Cope....she has massive titties

I'm so goddamn old and younger people have active sex lives. Having sex at 15 is nothing shocking or abnormal.

I'm 16 and foids have actively called me ugly. b-b-but teen girls don't think about sex inkel. :feels:

:feelspuke: they grow so fucking fast nowadays. Youngcels like me don't stand a chance. Don't get me wrong, I could overpower her and make her my sex slave by force (in Minecraft), but consensually speaking it's over for sub5 ugly zoomers when it comes to zoomer women. Fuck.

Blame the jewish chemicals in the water. They are feeding u estrogen son and so the difference between a 13 year old girl and boy in puberty is huge

Is it cope to assume that she would look like 30 when she gets to 23yo or so? logically they are aging faster, so would that be a cope? I'm in doubt tbh.

Well women age faster and way worse yeah but idk if its cuz of that, its usually because of the birth control shit they take and having 50000 gangbangs and trains ran on them. They do age like shit, but their SMV is infinite anyway because of makeup and because men will fuck anything.

I see. The Wall is a fucking redpill cope. Thanks for the enlightenment, brocel.

Chad only slut. Her arrogance comes from numerous betas lusting for her filthy hole. Slurping chad cock is what gives her that high. Holes get bored and tired of sub8 cucks DMing her.

your personality #sexist #wingnut incels.co

Discussion Reddit thread describes "woke" anti-incel bullies pretty well

They always tell you to "get over it" but if someone happens to give them even a fraction of the mistreatment you receive they freak out, get really angry and can't stop talking about the "disrespect" they were shown.

Funny how so many soycialists hate those who do not work for the ''capitalistic pigs'' aka hating on neetcels. They hate on NEETs for not being productive towards society yet they say they hate work and wagecucking.

Imo just like the sudden change of tone and insistence on how racial preferences in dating aren't racist when women have them, it's the same with when any actions are involved that could jeopardize the image of women as a group in any way. When women and how they feel are involved all principles go out of the window for these people.

I've seen this time & again.

Finally though we see the connection between how the virgin shaming and poor shaming can co-exist in the mindset of woke SJW liberals like you find in many anti-incel groups. When I came across that last comment about how bigotry is re-centered and moralized around metrics of human achievement and whatever is socially acceptable for the time it struck me how that's exactly what's going on and best explains the coexistence of virgin shaming, poor shaming, and feelings of superiority from having a relationship and sex over others that don't that many anti-incels demonstrate.

And the cherry on top is that they only apply those standards to men. Never ever will they talk shit about the endless droves of jobless women who leech off their husband or off the state. They're complete hypocrites

Various Incels #homophobia #sexist incels.co

Experiment What's the most brutal blackpill you've seen in your life?

I need some brutal blackpills to make sure I don't get any thoughts about putting myself out there this weekend. Give me the most brutal you remember.

seeing ''shy'' ''lesbians'' reject non chads then getting wet and coincidentally hanging around chads

yeah i've seen shit like that too, fucking whores tbh. every one of those fucking "lesbians" gets wet around chads and big dicks.

Probably just the experience of me and my best friend in our 20s. We are very similar personalities and interests but obviously different faces so when we went to clubs he constantly got laid and I got zero.

yea that's brutal as fuck ngl when that happens, the similar personality doesn't often last long, since the better looking guy gets more confident over the years

Seeing the big kid who bullied me making out with probably the hottest girl in the school

that's straight up ERfuel

the chadsexual pill obliterates the dogpill + teenagelovepill when it comes to brutality. Also the creepypmVSchadpmpill is pretty brutal too, but I can't decide which one is more brutal tbh.

LesbianPill. I Fucking Hate Lesbians. Always flaunting their “precious partners”. Rather than giving a sub 8 man a chance, a glimpse into a love colored world, they choose to go against their biological hardwiring and choose to date and fuck other foids. Its like they are taunting me. I suppose I am a bit biased, since most girls I have approached before turned out to be lesbian and it gave me a real sour attitude towards those cunts.

Fancy Alcoholic #sexist incels.co

Hypocrisy Foids talking behind your back

Apparently some foid at work said, without citing my name, but in a "passive aggressive" way making it obvious it was about me, that there was a lack of "will" on certain aspect of a certain project that happens to be mine.

Imagine the ridiculous audacity of this vile creature. I'm doing shit that is recognized very hard by a lot of my colleagues, some even come to me to support me or see how things go (kinda cool even tho ppl never talked to me before).

And then this foid doing her petty chit chat attavic thing.

NEET life is the way to go ngl.

I wanna be a NEET but then my parents would kick me out

I make more than my parents, that's the only reason I'm suffering those normies and NPCs at work daily.

_Moon_ #sexist saidit.net

Looking at this from the perspective of an outsider (a lesbian woman), I have come to the regrettable conclusion, that one of the most common talking points in misogynist circles is absolutely correct. And by this, I mean the notion that what women say they want and what they actually want are two completely different things. While saying all kinds of woke BS, they despise gender non-conformity in men and are attracted to the hyper-masculine. Feminism is a love/hate Daddy issue relationship they have with and towards tall, straight, white, blond, bearded Daddydom types. Or tall, straight, black, bearded Daddydom types.

I have stopped participating in r/GenderCritical long before it was banned because I have repeatedly come across posts from women hating on bisexual men ... for being bisexual. Not because they were men - but because they were not 100% heterosexual, lol. This is an example of what I mean, women loving their "masculine" men (their husbands, boyfriends, sons, etc.) while hating on men for the most cringe BS reasons. And because they were focusing on a minority of transsexual men while continuing to love their masculine husbands, boyfriends, and sons. (Which reminds me of anti-Islamic right-wing communities. Why would I want to be part of a community that focuses on a group of men that is a minority in the West while worshiping men of "their" race and religion?)

KT commented that she considers women who do not want to be sexually dominated by men another sexual minority. In a way, lesbian women, asexual women, sexually dominant women, and women who simply have no interest in that type of masculinity might be like the four sexual minorities who, together, form a TINY niche of "outliers" who, right now, can take nothing but what the description of the sub here says:

Take the Black Pill, sit back, and enjoy the ride to hell.

LOLI BREEDING #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.co

It's Over The Police is an anti incel establishment

Remember movies with bandits and shit? you could steal stuff and maybe get away. or rape a foid and many people did. so foids needed protection and slutted around less because then they'd just be raped, robbed and murdered :lul:

nowadays if you do anything illegal you get arrested in a couple hours and assraped by bluepilled simps in prison for touching mlady. all this technology and equipment to catch us like fingerprints, dna identification, cctv, helicopters, cars, instant communication etc so nobody can do shit. meanwhile chad doesn't need to do anything illegal, he has money and foids given to him for existing.

Cops tend to either be Chads or incels in major denial; both hate incels.

they should get blackpilled soon enough with all the media hatred directed at them. imagine constantly getting shot at by niggers trying to enforce society's cucked values and then getting vilified for it because someone accidentally choked one to death :feelskek: that's a raw deal even for soys who don't realize that they're actively cucking themselves.

or kill an incel and many people did. so incels needed protection and sperged around less because then they'd just be beaten up, robbed and murdered

cope the police are not your friend. and incels had guns or other weapons, much harder targets than today where everybody is completely disarmed and only big ogres can be intimidating. I mean this is such a ppecel tier comment

Shaun Bailey #wingnut #elitist theguardian.com

Tory London mayoral candidate: homeless can save for house deposit

The Conservative candidate for London mayor has sparked controversy after suggesting that homeless people in the capital would be able to save up for a £5,000 deposit to buy a share in a newly-built affordable home.

Shaun Bailey has promised to deliver 100,000 affordable homes with his £4bn housing budget if he wins the election in April, many of them shared ownership, of which buyers would be able to purchase a share for as little as £100,000.

Asked how these families would produce a £5,000 deposit and secure a mortgage, he said: “I don’t think the £5,000 will [be a problem]. The mortgage application thing might be a bit tougher … they could save for it, yeah.”

Pressed by the interviewer on whether he was suggesting a homeless family in bed and breakfast accommodation could afford a deposit, Bailey replied: “Not all of them, but some people could. A full proportion of people could.”

Bailey’s comments attracted widespread bewilderment on Twitter. The Liberal Democrat councillor and candidate for London mayor, Luisa Porritt said: “Oh dear, the Tory candidate is at it again. This time he’s suggesting homeless families ‘save up’ for a deposit. Just how out of touch can he get?”

Lambeth Labour councillor Ed Davie tweeted: “Famously, people living in poverty usually have at least £5,000 lying around – it’s amazing that it hasn’t occurred to them to simply buy a London property, which are well known for being really cheap. Thank God senior Tories are here to give out this good advice.”

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.co

It's actually sickening how frequently the lie that incel forums are all white/racist is repeated

It pisses me off so much because it's LITERALLY just made up. As we know from multiple surveys, or even just a 5 minute browse of the forum, incel forums are made up of people from all corners of the world. ALL ethnicities are represented here. In fact, it's actually remarkable how diverse blackpill forums/communities are. Shitholes like reddit are like 95% middle class suburban white people who talk about the importance of diversity but in real life get scared when they walk past a black person JFL.

Well of course everything bad in society is chalked up to whites. Whites are to the leftist and progressive the epitome of everything they hate.

the fact that this forum is less than 50% white but society considers it part of white supremacy and that sphere is a compliment for us (whites).

yet another way we BTFO ethnics in basedness. If you Islamcopers were based this forum would be known as a radical Islamic board but guess what, it’s not. It’s a white supremacist one.

Almost everything about us is straight up made up OR pure projection.

We don't shower? Studies show foids don't shower and lonely people shower more
We only go after extremely good looking foids? Studies show women do this and men aren't picky at all
We only go after white women? Studies show women are strongly racially biased but men aren't

White men = Bad Brown men = Good Brown Female migrants = Bad Brown Male migrants = Good Hijab = Bad Promiscuous = Good Basically it's white women hating white men

SlayerSlayer #crackpot #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.co


THEY GET OFF, because they are humiliation fetishists. Do you really want some sick fuck, whacking off about being friendzoned as your friend? Maybe you do, but I hope you realize that men and women CANNOT be friends, and you are not a good person for enabling a pervert's fetish.

I got friendzoned on a dating app (screen shot) r/FriendzoneCucks


Lmao what is the point of doing something like this? Do they really believe a woman will fuck them if they write a bunch of ideological bullshit to appease her?

they have a fetish where they get off to their own masculinity being marginalized. It starts off getting dumped, friendzoned. Next thing you know you are dropping off your female bestie to CHAD's house. Next thing you know you are getting off when you meet up with her and she tells you how much better his cock is and how happy she is to have you as a FRIEND. Next thing you're a straight up faggot looking at dicks on grindr, and then becoming a tranny.

The male humiliation pipeline begins when females REJECT YOU

Not getting pussy has some serious consequences.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.co

(Total Imbecile)
Blackpill Just be nice: personalitymaxxed redditor causes wifes suicide

Source: reddit.com/r/SuicideBereavement/comments/ksluzg/i_feel_like_i_drove_my_wife_to_suicide/

Last year I blackmailed and forced her to get an abortion, even though she detested the idea. There were times where I yelled at her and physically threatened her when I was drunk. There were times when I beat her.

But not being an asshole is the absolute minimum, every guy with a gf is totally not abusive! JFL @ anyone clamining anything but looks matters

”Since her passing I met another wonderful woman and I think I might be able to build a life again”

Shoot me right in the head tbh

People in the comments are telling him not to date but he doesnt give a fuck JFL So much for therapy being useful, it literally doesnt matter, its all about how good looking you are


suicide is never anyone's fault,

Normie fucking COPE to avoid the reprecussions of their actions. He killed her. They always do this. Make up a feel good lie to avoid what they did I HATE NORMALFAGS SO MUCH :reeeeee:

Well she made her own bed and she laid and died in it. In other words she got what she deserved for letting her partner abuse her just because he looked good and from the post it makes it seem they didn't have kids so the "I was trapped with the kids and I couldn't leave them behind" meme doesn't work, she could have left at any time.

Chad chasing whore gets what she deserves. Sadly nothing will happen to the Chad.

"So my wife just killed herself and I feel kind of bad." :chad:

kt0998 #conspiracy #sexist saidit.net

Since USA is now basically falling apart as a nation, maybe we should discuss what this means for women. I am not American but have followed this death spiral for years and of course the same development is happening (just slower) in other western countries.

USA is split between the Woke "Minority Bloc" and the reactionary MAGA/Alt-Right. Both of them are openly misogynist. The first wants to turn every teen girl into "empowered" OnlyFans prostitute, sacrifice women's rights for trannies, force lesbians to suck girlpenis, throw white "Karens" under the bus etc. The second wants women barefoot and pregnant with no abortion and no vote.

For women, this situation is basically hell. No other group has to choose between two options that are so aggressively, violently AWFUL to them. There is no positive future for women in America or other western countries. Women's rights are virtually gone, nobody supports them anymore, and feminists are gleefully participating in this to ensure their WOKE brand of male supremacy will win.

Liberals, feminists and leftists have utterly betrayed women. Women are majority of their supporters and will continue to support this because most women are apparently fucking braindead. Liberal identity politics crap first stoked far-right extremist misogyny with all the performative "lol male tears" provocation and then decided that actually, white cis women are evil oppressors and threw them to the wolves they helped to create.

Never has it been as clear that BlackPillFeminism is right and there is no hope for women and every single political movement and ideology is anti-woman.

BummerDrummer #racist #sexist incels.co

RE: It's Over Brutal racepill from Incel TV.

Blackpill 101 - E12: Incelibate State of the Middle East and North Africa TLDW: It's over for sandniggers.

I heard that inceltv was caught having an alt on a reddit sub that was basically anti white hatred. Makes perfect sense from his videos that Ive watched maybe 5 minutes of. Just lol @ any white incel that listens to that clown, he is a jewish and progressive shill cuckold who needs to be deported back to the hell hole his ancestors came from and to stop living off of (while berating!) the white man.

gove proof I'm pretty sure Incel TV is a sandnigger.


Fakecel if you think SEAmaxxing is "beneath you" because you're a superior white specimen who only white women are worthy of.

Fakecel if you don't want to go back to Africa and ascend with the 5'2 pygmy african women. The difference being that you going back to your country and cultural homeland is actually plausible and makes sense, while some random white guy in the south going 600000 miles to thailand to marry some gook in a hut to have mixed race hellspawns makes no sense. You wanna talk about SEAmaxxing? How about you go back to your homeland.

Do you think Africa is one huge monoculture?

No but there’s no point in distinction considering they haven’t done anything. Why care so nuance like if it’s about a people that couldn’t even invent the wheel?

ReturnOfSaddam #sexist incels.co

[NSFW] "No woman wants to see a picture of a dick" - redditors

Reddit users: "Guys, keep the dick pics to yourself, no girl wants to see that shit". "Penises are just ugly, girls aren't even visual anyway" "My girl doesn't even like penetration at all, I use my fingers and tongue to get her off"

Actual females: (Various NSFW GIFs of young women on Omegle reacting to “blessed” male strangers showing off their penises.)

Redditors are ugly like us, of course they don't know what Chad lives everyday. They don't like pics of your dicks redditors, Chad is receiving nudes from 14yo whores daily and sending dick pics in return.

Yeah. The life of Chad is another world. It is hilarious how bluepillers have no idea about the way Chad lives though. Imagine being blind to the blackpill in 2021.

have heard female before say out loud they like a big dick. we must not forget 11cm and 17 stay strong. Look at the first foid's reaction she's so damn horny, imagine a girl staring so lustfully at your penis.

"My girl doesn't even like penetration at all, I use my fingers and tongue to get her off"

Is there a bigger cope than this?

The funniest thing about it is that whoever says it basically acknowledges that for his girlfriend to like sex, it can't be a mutually enjoyable experience (i.e. he can't put his dick in her). Basically proudly accepting his role as a cuck provider :lul:

Copexodius Maximus #sexist incels.co

Story Told my mom I'm going to kill myself and told them to throw my body out in a dumpster, she freaked out any called my dad and the rabbi

I am a manlet compared to my brother. My brother looks like me a lot (better looking version), but is very tall, and gets women hitting on him all the time, meanwhile I just rot. She said height isn't everything, and that me having a very successful career means they are very proud of me, and that my brother is a failure in their eyes.

She said he only gets trashy girl, and I should go for orthodox religious girls with good morals. I told her that they all have slept around, and I will only ever be a beta buck cuck for her. Then told her all about female mating strategy about alpha fucks beta bucks, and told her all the so called religious girls she knows are actually all whores who sleep around.

My mom was crying and asking how "muh sweet litte flower" could have been hurt this bad and all that bullshit? I told her there is no hope for me in this life, and that I'm going to kill myself and I requested that I don't get buried cause FUCK GOD and JUDAISM. Told her to toss my body in the garbage dump cause it was garbage, or throw it for a pack of rabid dogs to rip apart and eat.

My mom called my dad now in a panic and the local rabbi, and called for an emergency help.

Hopefully this stupid drama ends and they come to terms with the fact that it's over for me.

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

When I first saw this book, I assumed it was rubbish. The editor went through three popular textbooks on intelligence, found the most frequently cited experts, and asked each of them to write a chapter. I thought it would be the usual: Intelligence is a myth, IQ tests are racist, growing up in a fancy house makes you smart.

I was wrong. Most of the 20 authors are sure-enough scientists, and they have a clear message: Our rulers are ignoramuses. The blowhards at CNN and the New York Times are wrong.

They take for granted stuff that can get you fired if you say it openly. Namely, you are basically born smart or stupid. Nobody knows how to raise IQ, but we sure know how to measure it. Men’s and women’s brains work differently. People of different races have different average IQs, and that’s probably genetic, too.

Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware includes an illustration that’s worth the price of the book. I used it in a previous video, so I’ll note just one thing: A white person is 30 times more likely than a black person to have an IQ of 125 or higher. Since there are five times as many whites as blacks in the country, there are 150 times more really high-IQ whites than blacks in this country. And 25 times as many blacks with IQs 75 or lower.


Explains a lot, doesn’t it? But the next time you hear the media fret about not enough “people of color” in science or management or whatever, do you think there will be even one word about IQ? No chance.

Frank Jones #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: How Racism and Discrimination Affect Black People in China and Hong Kong

Li Yao-tai, an assistant professor at Baptist University, has researched how the colonial legacy in Hong Kong – highlighting the value of whiteness and English proficiency – has affected the city’s labour market.

Good grief it has been over 20 years since Prince Charles sailed out of Hong Kong for the last time.

Even before reading the article I knew it would get to blaming Whites. I think we need to learn to accept the reality that coloreds of whatever non-White hue are simply not fully human. The notion of a common humanity is a White derived idea anyway, and now that we have experience with other groups we must disregard that idea as a fiction. Fully actualized people take responsibility for what they do, say and think. These people need Whites to blame because they cannot imagine existing otherwise.

Blacks will quickly find out that only American Whites care about Blacks “feelings”, no one else cares.

I remember seeing a map of the "global" protests following the George Floyd suicide. The map almost perfectly coincided with US cultural/military hegemony. The vast majority of the planet outside this sphere of influence was never bothered in the slightest.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.co

RageFuel If women aren't extremely picky, then why are there so many lonely men on the internet?

People keep gaslighting me and claiming it's all in my head. Girls always say they don't care about looks, and they like conventionally unattractive features. If every girl is this holy Saint that is accepting of all men ,WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FOREVERALONE MEN ON THE INTERNET? You rarely hear about a girl that has never had a bf. Why is it mainly men? Why am I so lonely? Why isn't there a girl dming me, who likes my alien skull? The next person who gaslights me, I'll track them down in Minecraft and bash their skull in.

Few men get all the sex while most men suffer (either as incels or betabuxxers). The problem is in these statistics, people ignore the foreveralone types who dont identify as incel (but actually are)

literally 40% of men are virgins but that statistic isn't true for women wh have 12% virgin rate. Who are 80% of women fucking if 60% of men haven't had sex once?

Women should be banned from fucking more than twice a year.

(Made in Heaven)
The more you understand female sexuality and sexual dynamics between alphas, betas, and females, it truly makes sense why people in the past stoned adulterers and whipped fornicators. It all makes so much sense

Various Incels #pedo #psycho #sexist incels.co

News 16 yo Israeli whore fucks 30 chads in one night

Outrage as 30 men accused of raping Israeli teen in Eilat

A whore that is less than 16 yo decided that she wants to discover her sexuality by fucking 30 chads in one night. I wonder how much time itll take to pump the cum out of her. The media tries to sell it as rape but dont buy it

Rape is a fucking meme. She obviously fucked 30 people and then people are covering it up by calling it rape. It’s painfully obvious that she chose to do this since she is a degenerate whore

(Made in Heaven)
Just another reason to support Palestine over Israel.

Teen girls don't think about sex inkel :soy: :soy: JFL. Whores will be whores. Age is just a number

Agree. If she's a pubsecent and has a body of a 12-13 year old, she's fair game and knows what she's doing

That's a higher body count than 80% of men will reach in their entire lives.

This girl is 16 and got railed, meanwhile that 47 y/o reddit user is begging for some pussy

What's more realistic, 30 men decided they were going to rape, or one whore who wanted a train ran on her then lied about it when it was found out

Those idiots deserve to rot in prison. There were 30 of them and all forgot to bi her a McDonald happy meal afterward for all those happy endings.

The ragefuel in this story is how there are "men" (cucks) who degrade themselves joining to protest "rape" and all the femoids aswell. cucks writing 30 on their foreheads I am so disgusted with the people in my country. @kikecel בוא איתי לטאיוון נשיג איזו כלה אסייתית חמודה

BududubNow #conspiracy #sexist incels.co

Theory Foids love to tease ugly men sexually (or just any men they wouldn't fuck)

It happenned to me a few times in my life, where women would tease me without making it 100% obvious that they are doing it BUT enough to send me a message that they mock me. This is strictly sexual bullying, leaving ugly men like myself with blue balls.

She fucking leaned down, sticking her ass out and she did that in a way that made no sense because she sticked out her ass in my direction. That was clearly done on purpose to leave me blue balled. She did this twice. Of course it was NO invitation, she has a husband who mogs me to moon and back and a child.

I was one on one with my former landlord woman, she was like 5 years older than me. She laid down weirdly and sexually on the floor, sticked out her ass and didn't care that her loose shirt was showing her sideboob. She was telling me a story which involved her showing me how some creepy guy touched her chest so she literally put her hand on my chest and went down with it. She clearly wanted me to make a connection with that situation she was talking about and the creepy guy - as in I WAS that creepy guy and on top of that touch me and make me horny.

Last one was on my first year in uni, a foid looked at me and did a very "sexualized" face with biting her lip. Obviously a mockery, as she was 7/10 at least, maybe even 8 and she had BF who I bet mogged me to hell and back and back again.

I had some more situations like those but all of them were obvious attempts of those foids to lead me on and make me horny. It's what bullying is in the younger years, where foids act like they are your girlfriends and tell you sexual things in front of others to mock you. They love torturing and bullying ugly men.

Gregory Hood #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

China Trolls the West’s Delusions and Hypocrisies

Sometimes, even race realists become so used to the stupidity that we are like the fish who never notice water. Sometimes it takes China, a self-respecting civilization-state, to expose our elites’ silly beliefs and shameless hypocrisy.

This is how China’s Ambassador to Grenada, Zhao Youngchen, described his government’s actions in the Xinjiang region, home of the Uyghur Muslims.

Islamic extremists in Xinjiang discriminated against women, and forced women to veil and wear black robes. All kind and rational women in western world, don’t you think the protection of basic human rights of Uyghur women by the Chinese government is commendable?

China isn’t oppressing the Uyghur minority or crushing its culture; it fighting for women’s liberation. Shouldn’t liberals be cheering? The New York Times published a column arguing what is being done to the Uyghurs is “genocide.” “Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been gradually rolling out policies that threaten Uighur culture and identity. There are financial incentives for interethnic marriages between Uighur and Han Chinese couples.”

But aren’t we supposed to think mixed marriage is a wonderful thing? In 2018, the New York Times rejoiced with this headline: “A Sign of ‘Modern Society’: More Multiracial Families in Commercials.” Besides, what do Uyghur culture and identity really mean? Since CNN tells us “There is no ‘White Culture’,” maybe there’s no Uyghur culture either. You might argue that the Chinese government wants to eliminate the Uyghurs. You might even say that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to replace them. However, that’s dangerous talk, a paranoid conspiracy theory. How could political and cultural policies possibly have demographic consequences? It’s a ridiculous claim.

Lipton Matthews #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

Looking Out for Working-Class Whites

While the grievances of women, blacks and others frequently make headlines, working-class white people are satirized as uneducated rednecks. Journalists would never use the n-word on blacks, but mainstream pundits rarely exercise restraint when berating the white working-class. Pandering to every group in America except for working-class whites smacks of racism and snobbery.

Despite constant media lamenting about the plight of black people, they are making great strides, while working-class whites are being immiserated. Wilcox et al. wrote in 2018, “black men have made marked progress over the last half-century in reaching the upper ranks of the income ladder. Poverty among black men has dropped dramatically over the same time.”. Though more women than men are employed in America and they get the majority of graduate degrees, many people consider them to be oppressed and call for sex-based affirmative action. But it’s working-class white people who are struggling, so they may deserve class-based affirmative action. Class-based preferences can work:

In the early 2000s, four of Israel’s most selective universities began giving preferential treatment to poorer students. After analysing the academic outcomes of more than 5,000 students, the authors found noteworthy results.

If Google and many other companies are hiring people because of race and even sexual orientation, there should be no complaints if they promote diversity by hiring working-class whites. They might even bring a unique perspective. A racially diverse group of people who all studied at Harvard or Yale probably agrees on everything.

schizomode #sexist incels.co

RageFuel This reddit thread makes me want to kms

People who classify themselves as a "ass/tits man" have no right to complain when women state that they prefer tall men or a large phallus.

When guys say they're an "ass" or "tits" man, they mean they prefer ass over tits or vice versa. Pretty much no one who says they're tits guy doesn't mean a girl's tits have to be DDD to like them.

Girls have NO fucking idea what real body insecurity is. They think it's feeling sad once in a while because they don't look like Bella Hadid, even though 90% of guys don't care and would date you as long as you're not a landwhale. They could never understand what being a sub 5'5" unkissable, unfuckable guy is like, and they just don't care. It's laughable, it's a joke to be insecure about it, you're just a creepy incel; which just makes the reality of being a sub 5'5" unkissable, unfuckable guy even more fucking terrible.

"I'm not like the other girls who like muscles, I love tall and skinny guys!!" What's funny is I've never heard any girl say they like muscles on a guy. It's always. fucking. tall. Just fuck off.

I don't hate girls for having biological preferences for tall guys, I hate them for thinking it's okay to tell everyone they do because they can. I'd much prefer not knowing about their preferences and living in the reality where physical appearance doesn't matter and I just had to wait for the right girl to come along.

But this reality is a fucking joke.

BududubNow #sexist incels.co

RageFuel Be a Chad/Chadlite and foids will throw themselves at you

So I finally made a Chadfish account on badoo (easier to set up than tinder). One of the converstaions looked like this.

She's craving that Chad dick LMFAO. When was the last time a good looking foid gave you such attention? -JUST IGNORE THEM BRO, CHADS DO IT AND WOMEN GO CRAZY ABOUT THEM. Hahaha. She may sound like she's attacking Chad a little bit but she's not, she is anxious that one of the best fuck possibilities is no more. She is annoyed but not at Chad, she wants to pinch his ego a little bit so that he starts replying again but not too much not to push him away completely. I am not good at this shit but I want to fuck with her some more. I want to respond again with something but IDK what to say, what do you suggest guys? Then I want to ignore her some more and see her reactions again just to fuck with her brain.

Chadfishing is suicide fuel. There was a user here a few months ago (he used a jester avatar) who was posting his Chadfishes all the time, and he probably roped because he's not here anymore.

Yes, it is. The heartbreak that it causes is of the type I've never felt before. I bet chadfishing is "natures" way to push incels towards suicide.

SubhumanAbomination #psycho #sexist incels.co

Why the fact that women are getting obese is a good thing

1- Women being more obese day by day will lead to faster death for women and health deterioration which means more suffering for them physically and mentally

2- An economy crisis since neither the government nor the medical system will be able to keep up with all the obese women with their health issues and inability to work or do anything

3- Men will be more likely to go ER earlier than expected since simping and looksmaxxing for years just to get an obese smelly 2/10 whore is inhumane and insanity

4- Women will not be able to bear children or raise them anymore, so no point for them in getting a betabuxx, which will lead to more frustration for men, and earlier societal destruction

Tbh nothing will change for us, you are idealizing too much

We will always be incels i know, i just want to see the world burn

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: More Immigrants Will Come to the U.S. Under President Biden. That’s a Good Thing.

Jorge Ramos welcomes the coming tsunami.


Right wingers are cowards, they like to pick the easy targets such as "illegal aliens," "Hispanics," "Liberals," "Globalists," "Leftists," Blah, Blah, Blah.

Hispanics are losers. Instead of staying in their squalid latino countries and making them tolerable, they take the easy way out of their substandard lives and flee to another country that was created and built by another people.

(Fed Up)
Why are AMERICANS supposed to be willing to take in the world's human refuse? Collectively, we've done far more than our fair share already.

But I thought we were in the middle of a pandemic. They pretty much restrict us from traveling anywhere so why should all these people be allowed to come in?

Why, to bring new strains of diseases and viruses. We've got to keep the medical/pharmaceutical industry alive and healthy, right?


I really don't understand why this guy appears so confident of his people and heritage yet CONSTANTLY INSISTS AND ADVOCATES that they all come live in the U.S.A. What is wrong with your country? Is it the people? I also cannot stand his attitude toward Americans. This guy has the nerve to tell us about our historic traditions of receiving foreigners, but all he does is demonstrate his ignorance about the 1965 immigration act. Yes Mr. Ramos, the original intentions of our founding fathers were to keep this country White. And we see why today.

In Mexico and Latin America, "Hispanics" that look like him (Honestly, he does look white), are the ones with wealth and--god I hate using this word--privilege. They want the masses of brown-skinned mestizos coming here to get them out of Mexico.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.co

Blackpill [STUDY] Human touch makes us feel happy and relaxed, couples sleeping together have better REM sleep, autistic people are hormonally sleep impaired

"Why do you care about sex and relationships??? :soy::soy:" Simply sleeping in the same bed as your gf/wife will improve your sleep. Simply being touched by someone will release hormones that will relax you, make you feel happy and positive and thus also help you to sleep



BONUS BLACKPILL: Autistic people are known to have disturbances in the serotonin-melatonin pathway. They're sleep impaired on a hormonal level
If you're autistic and have trouble sleeping it could be because of your autism. Roughly 50-80% of autistic children suffer from sleep disorders Can't fucking catch a break ffs @Atavistic Autist


WHITEPILL: Supplementing Melatonin did help autistic people sleep, but it did not fix the problem entirely

But if supplementing melatonin helped autistic people sleep then I think being in a relationship would also help them. But we all know how fucked those people are when it comes to dating ...

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Capitol Hill Rioters Treatment Draws Cries of Hypocrisy from Minorities in Metro Detroit

The exact opposite of this guy's claim is what happened. BLM did 2 billion dollars in damage and killed about 40 people, while being called peaceful. The protestors last night didn't kill anyone. Only they were killed.



When you are black and riot in the streets you are a peaceful protestor and the worst that can happen is maybe you get tear gassed.

If you are White you get shot dead.


Just like in that awesome book, The Turner Diaries...it predicted this...there is a war...a war on white ppl...the sooner we wake up the better....

The vast difference in damages is the first argument to be made. Of course, another important distinction is the primary cause: George Floyd’s crime and overdose vs stealing the presidential election. And the moral high horse goes to right-wingers, again

(Mark Maloney)
All the sudden the left is pro-police, pro-police brutality, pro-law and order, and pro-prosecution for trespassing and protesting. The news media, while I was watching live, described a bunch of people standing around as terrorists.

(Diversity Hire)
Over the past 5+ years, every time that a group of white people does something that the power-brokers, the propaganda cabal, and kvetching cat-ladies...... find abhorrent. The most insufferable, the most inept, and the most predictable response is sure to follow:

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but, but, buhhhhhh.... WHAT IF THEY WERE BLACK... Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

And every time the claim rings more false and stupid than ever, yet it's still echoed with the full fury of the propaganda cabal time and time again.

Total Imbecile #racist #sexist incels.co

Toxic Femininity Black girls literally have 0 feminitiy, what gives

I have yet to find a black girl that Id legit want to cuddle, like Id fuck a black girl cause Im incel but given a girl of some other race vs a black girl eeeeeeeeeeeeh Id always go with the other girl

I dont know how black guys do it

Black girls all look mean as fuck even when they smile, intimidating as fuck tbh

Anime/cutesy aesthetic doesnt work on them:


Like put that dress on a white girl or my younger sister and Id go nuts, but I cringe seeing it on a black girl, I cringe seeing black girls cosplaying

Is this exclusive to the US since slaves used to be bred for masculinity so they could be workhorses or are girls in Africa ugly too?

I don't find niggerwhores attractive either

Im starting to feel the same way about asians

There are some cute asian girls but on average they tend to be short (sub 5'4'') and look like frogs

Various Incels #pedo #psycho #sexist incels.co

(Subhuman Currycel)
SuicideFuel “You don’t get treated any different if you’re good looking or not”

8th graders lose their mind when teacher's model son arrives

Now imagine how they'd react seeing my receding chin, 5 inch wrists and hunchback it's over

The girl that opened the door squealed and basically creamed herself on the spot would be recoiling in disgust instead. Applied to me too of course

foids are fucking animals who cant contain themselves, yet cucks think they should vote. I hope a guy in a trench coat walks in the building

:soy: famous hot guy, let's make sure he knows I'm ready to get creampied :soy: no shame among foids

I honestly hope each one of those foids die from anal cancer

those same foids would act surprised if one of their classmates shot the school up after this. strange world huh people don't shoot schools up for no reason

”I imagine they're all so tight. Chad has his pick.”

He's a model so he has likely met and seen significantly better looking females.

imagine a 15some with 14 year old girls :feelsohh: he could unironically do it

Disgusting. femoids turn primal mode and act like monkeys for chad, its to signal their fertility. It starts at a young age

Absolutely disgusting. Even chimpanzees behave more civilized than fertile foids. Why again don't we put all women in zoos?

Imagine if men did that for JB foids. Theyd be in prison now JFL Foids are devolving into primal creatures. These ancient whores dont care about civilization.

THIS is why school shootings happen in the first place

Various Commenters #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Coalition of Communities of Colour 'formally recognized the Slavic community as a community of colour'.


LOL, americans are starting to know the Eastern part of europe, wait till they get to balkans, we'll have the strongest victim card of all. Blacks will want permission to say the B-word, my balkanite.


This disgusts me, they can take their pity and shove it up their arse

No one pities the poles here, or most Slavic people for that matter. Ethnicities which have integrated well are just seen as normal, hell, I think most people group Asians in the white category because of how well they do. It seems like they are trying to make it "everyone vs WASPS", to simplify everything down to "oppressor/oppressed". It is a very dumb ideology, but it is all the rage right now.

I've never heard of this organization before and they seem pretty small. Digging through the depths of fringe American racial politics is a great way to lose any and all sense of reality you may have had.

I mean at least they are trying to do something. Western Europeans should also take a hard look at how they are treating Eastern Europeans.

Sure but this type of identity politics is more harmful than helpful

Why does America have so many crazy people?

I don't know why you find this crazy, at least they acknowledge that discrimination against white immigrants still exists. I am glad that African Americans acknowledge the discrimination and racism that Slavic imigrants face. Of course, we slavs are not colored at all, but we are still considered as second-class citizens in many countries around the world

It's crazy because the people who wrote this document would rather label Eastern Europeans as PoC than acknowledge that certain groups of white people can face discrimination in a white dominated society. I wouldn't be surprised if these groups start labelling whites as exclusively "of Anglo/Germanic descent".

Alexander Iulianus #fundie apotheism.com

There are many cases throughout Roman history where poor religious practices and botched rituals were followed by Roman failure. Perhaps most depressingly was the case with Emperor Julian’s invasion of Parthia. According to Ammianus Marcellinus, while Emperor Julian was in Circesium (a Roman fort city in modern Syria) he received letters from his friend Praetorian prefect Flavius Sallustius “entreating him to suspend his expedition against the Parthians, and imploring him not in such an unseasonable manner to rush on irrevocable destruction before propitiating the gods.”

This was far from the only bad omen that beset Emperor Julian, for an earthquake had struck Constantinople, “which those skilful in divination declares to be an unfavourable omen to a ruler about to invade a foreign country”, among yet more omens I’ll omit for brevity’s sake. The unfortunate result of these is the death of Emperor Julian and the complete failure of his campaign following his death.

So let the following superior understanding be held more in common than the former inferior understanding: in the Cultus Deorum we shall maintain knowledge of the following divine truths:

that all gods are good and are never malicious towards the cosmos nor to one another

that they never lust, never envy, never want, and never desire, as they are whole and thus do not have need to want anything

that any story, myth, fable, or legend that suggests that they do want is to be interpreted by philosophers and theologians and not accepted as literally reflective of a god’s true nature.

TheLastSorrow #psycho #sexist incels.co

RE: Brutal "Just put yourself out there more!" Then this happens

The more you put yourself out there, the more you get rejected and humiliated if you're unattractive. And women's standards are too high, your looksmatch thinks you're far below her

Her arrogance has stemmed from living in tutorial mode, women's rights needs be revoked.

Disrespectful women(worthless whores) need to be put in their place again. They've seriously had their heads gassed up far too much by everyone. They forget too quickly that even the "lowest" of men can still overpower them.

Various Commenters #racist stormfront.org

RE: Negros upset with Candace Owens for saying blacks have "separate categories"


I can't stand these dumb grifting GOP Negroes. They only push integration. Candace Owens has a white husband. Take the flared nostril low-IQ Uncle Tom (seen below with his white wife) for instance that President Trump wisely passed over for a White House job. The uppity SOB performed like a paid monkey on Fox News insulting Racial separatist Minister Farrakhan.


On some issues I do agree With Candice . But in the end , they want a society free of racial identity. That is everything We are against . No matter how right wing these negros are, multi racial societies just don’t work. That is the simple reality and what it all comes down to.

(Dwight Schrute)
Candace Owens to me is making a lot of money being a token black conservative Republican. Whether it is real or just an act, this is her schtick and she is running with it. The Republicans use her to say that they are “inclusive” and yes, the Republicans are also multicultural.

AOC also has a white boyfriend, which is interesting. Hypocritical more like it.

(geboren Weiss)
She's not wrong. After what happened to George Floyd, I saw a lot of black people wanting to segregate from white people, which I'm fine with. When these types of black people were called out on this, they said they weren't segregating, but separating. Segregation is separation. Let them segregate from us, because I'm getting sick of them already. Also, I find it ironic that when white people want to keep their own from becoming a minority, these "anti-hate" groups will say we're using a guise to segregate. People are so focused on us that they don't even realize that the BLM is just another New Black Panther Party.

Various Incels #pedo #sexist incels.co

(autism kills)
Foids realize they were hotter as teens than they are now in their 20s and 30s

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@juliadroolia/video/6902166420549848326?lang=en

“Thinking about how myself and every other woman I know was catcalled more when we were 11-15 y/o than now that we’re in our 20s-30s”

There's nothing disgusting about a man loving cunny. What's truly disgusting is adult women. Women shouldn't age past 18.

Little girls don't need makeup. They have the JB glow. Makeup is for old hags that need to cope.

adults are fucking disgusting, both physically and mentally
"growing up" is just an euphemism for rotting

thats why they worry about getting old but god forbid you say young foids are attractive

"catcalled more" so, they're still cat called frequently? i thought they didnt like that? why are they complaining about it? god, they live life so easily

Girls are in their prime as teenagers both physically and mentally
With that said: The average male also looked better in his teens. I know I did. Looked a lot more tolerable at 15 than I do 20 years later


I'm 29, I feel like I look better than ever, and I'm yet to peak, which I expect to be at 35. For women looking more masculine is not very appealing, so that's why it is considered that men age better, probably

Male physical peak is 18-25, only slightly later than foids. After that it's all downhill and your collagen starts decreasing every second. This is why all pro athletes have their peak at this age, and all Olympic athletes also win their gold medals at these ages.

Most non-Asian foids start looking like crap after 28. They literally start to wrinkle in the eye area when they laugh or smile.

Obviously if you smoke or drink, youre gonna age faster.

I've noticed avid runners can maintain a youthful appearance for longer. Probably has to do with less body fat overall.

Slavicpride14 & myautismisaugmented #racist reddit.com

RE: Dua Lipa just posted a photo of greater Albania on her profile, managing to directly insult 4 nations the territory infringes upon, and many more. This is hilarious.



Yikes, this girl is radicalized. It's interesting how rich people who live continents away from the Balkan post shit like this, while us people who are "forced" to communicate and share our miseries with other ethnic groups are more welcoming, respectful and peaceful between each other. For example some of you all know i am from mix-majority Albanian place, and i haven't seen one Albanian post stuff like this. But when i look up people from ethnoplaces(Macedonians or Albanians) they are full radicalized openly.

People from ethnically mixed areas probably still have those views but they just don’t talk about it as much openly because they don’t want to get into a fight/argument with people from other ethnicities.

The Serbs in the regions around Prizren maybe thought the same thing that you did before their Albanian neighbours became terrorists breaking away from Serbia and ethnically cleansed them.

The reason those Albanians arent saying radical things is because they dont want conflict

They're scared

As soon as they go to a place where they are the majority the mask falls off

Ne mu veruvaj na shiptar

cvh1991 & Watercel #sexist incels.co

RE: Would men also overuse their power like foids do now if things were reversed?

I’m not convinced men abused their power before — people act like the 50s and back were the dark ages for women, but I disagree with that assessment because women were always cared for and valued by men. Without some kind of regulation in place, women become hugely giga advantaged and the 80%+ men are left as wage slaves with no family and no sex (for the lurkers that don’t buy this, please educate yourself on the blackpill science article of incels.wiki — normies have no idea how things are).

Relevant is that today men are actively persecuted and unfairly rated more harshly in schools/Uni/at work.

Teachers mark girls higher for IDENTICAL work to boys (OECD study). Furthermore, a boy will receive 1/3 higher grade in reading tests if the techer does not know he is a boy. From kday 1 of early yers education they also grade boys lower despite them objectively getting higher test scores

Also note the comments farther down cited by the OP where if you look at men today women in their 20s are actually out earning them.


Men did for most of history. Women and children were very often treated like shit. All women do is not have sex with men they don't find attractive. Men kept women as property with no rights of their own.

Bullshit meme. Women and children were simped to absolute protective standards even back then. People would literally kill all the men in wars, but leave the women and children alive. Men were killed and had the shorter hand ALWAYS. Everything you've been taught in this deceptive satanic lying piece of shit society has been the OPPOSITE. Everything normies tell you is literally backwards in reality

Gymcelled #sexist incels.co

Brutal Absolutely brutal dating site results - One whole year of consistent messaging

"WHAT??? THERE ARE GUYS WHO DONT GET REPLIES FROM WOMEN ON TINDER???" Also jfl he thinks 200 swipes is a lot image

Not based at all. Why would it matter if youre an angry incel though? Funny how if youre incel, youre opinion is as good as trash. Those are rookie numbers ngl. I used to swipe 200 per day, but eventually ran out of foids to swipe on.

He's only saying that to not get downvoted to hell. That's how it works in cucked spaces, you always have to preface saying you don't agree with X group, in this case inkwels. Also "YOU MUST ONLY BE GOING FOR TOP MODEL FOIDS :soy::soy:" This is so infuriating considering how high foids aim

9s and 10s. I swiped right on all kinds of hideous creatures (the kind that would haunt you in your dreams) and still got zero matches. And he thinks 5s and 7s women would swipe right on the average guy, JFL @ this deluded moron.

They somehow manage to accuse men of doing everything foids do, it's so surreal I don't even know how you could get this idea of men not wanting to fuck 90% of foids and being super picky. It's so universally known that men are so thirsty and willing to fuck anything

Wow, that is indeed brutal. I always knew my laziness had a point, I'm sure that if I tried hard, nothing would've changed.

I think this whole idea of laziness being destructive is just a thing that comes from chads. If chad is inactive then yeah he's missing out on lots of success and positive experiences. This could also be somewhat true to a much lesser extent for normies. But for us? I've never been rewarded in any significant way for all my efforts. If anything I regret putting in so much work. Had I known I would have chilled much more and not tried

Lebensmüder #ableism #sexist incels.co

This is a 10 year old thread in a subreddit for shaming sub-8 men who dare to have emotions. The tl;dr is, this girl plays WoW with a guy for years, they end up chatting about very personal things. He sends her a love letter. So she posts the letter online for everyone to laugh at. What causes me to rage about this particular example was this line in her OP:

“I would occasionally go to him for relationship advice and he would confide in his health problems to me. I believe he thinks we became emotionally close over time.”

Brutal. That poor fucker really thought that he lived in a RomCom, but nothing is to blame for that except society. When you exclude a man from all social activities due to his looks and mental problems (like autism) he has no idea about how normal social interactions work because he has no experience in that regard, so he takes most of his experiences from TV shows and movies and thinks that this reflects the real-life, but if you do the shit from movies/TV irl you will get nothing but ridicule, because girls don't give a fuck about "love" or anything like that. Here we are dealing with a man who probably was excluded from society since childhood, had severe autism and poor looks, who went to the only source he knew (e.g. movies, TV and the bluepilled lies like "Women are wonderful"/"Le empathetic gender" that society preaches) and tried to apply that "knowledge" with devastating results, an absolute human tragedy that is pathognomonic for our society - or for normies/women: a funny comedy you can laugh about.

Various Incels #pedo #psycho #sexist incels.co

(waste matter)
RageFuel she is 13 year old

Melody (Brazilian singer) - Wikipedia

13 and she look like already have a bodycount about 100. by the time she is 18 she gonna look like 40

(Made in Heaven)
Apparently this is her at 12 and 8

JFL if you deny the loli pill

You are such a repulsive pig, luckily even from your backwaters we hear about filth like you getting what they deserve, a truck load of peace in your shit face.


I remember showing my friend a picture of her and telling him if he would do her, to which he replied he absolutely would. Upon informing him of her age he replied he "would have a talk to the FBI of they come for me because for fuck's sake, look at her." :feelskek:

(The Abyss)
12? The size of those fucking tits. They been feeding her estrogen? Why does she look like a 25 year old whore.

location: Brazil. Here’s hoping she gets her head chopped off by some machete wielding incels

Bitch looks 25 at least. Yet soyciety still blames men for not realizing the real age of jailbaits. To be safe I just assume every foid is 10 to 15 years younger than they actually look.

ShySaxon #sexist incels.co

Brutal I just dropped a fuck ton of blackpills on my mom

I told that cunt looks matter and personality means jack shit in this world.

That bitch will be sorry for spawning me without giving me the chance to use the character creation screen. Fucking bitch.

Fuck you mom. I hate you for bringing me into this world. Fuck you too Dad you ugly, fat cunt.

It seem you have been contemplating your inceldom a lot lately. Happens to the best of us. Copes break down and laughing it all away doesn't work.

I have, yes. You’re observant. I’m a wreck at the moment.

What did they say back?

She just changed the subject. She knows it’s over deep down.

IMO it's not wise to wage war against the only people who, statistically, really care about you in the world.

They should have aborted me.

AutisticMonstrosity #racist #sexist incels.co

RE: As usual arab sluts biggest white worshippers


Cherry-picking. Arab men are trying their best to get European women while the opposite is not allowed by islam and their families. It is very rare to see European man, Arab woman couple in Europe while the opposite is a few order of magnitudes more common. Arabs are totally free to date our women.

According to statistics, "you" are stealing "our" women.

Scientific Blackpill - Incel Wiki

Arabs are taking European women much more frequently than European men Arab women. “Dating preferences of online daters in four major metropolitan areas: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta" is not relevant at all. European man may have a preference for Arab women, because they can be hot, but Arab men are very active trying to get European women in Europe and it is not forbidden by the society.

As an ethnic I don't really care because ethnics don't belong in Europe. In an ideal world, Europeans wouldn't fuel conflict in our countries, and we would go home.

How is Sweden, Germany, Austria and Finland fueling conflicts? These were the top 4 countries who received the most asylum applications in 2015. Switzerland can be hardly said to be fueling conflicts and the Swiss are soon minority in their own country. I would have let Gaddafi have his massacre in Misrata. I would have left the Serbs alone do what they wanted.

If anything European girls prefer European men even more. Consult this video for the racepill. View: https://streamable.com/vj27op

You live in Sweden. Open your fucking eyes and start calculating couples you see in your everyday life. I certainly know what are the statistics here in Finland.