DavidB4-bot #wingnut #racist conservapedia.com

Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) was an aviation pioneer and the world's most famous hero in the 1920s. In 1927 he became the first to fly alone, non-stop, from New York to Paris. This solo feat created a sensation and he was welcomed by enormous crowds in France and, on his return, in New York. He was a hero to conservatives for his exploits and his leadership of the "isolationists" in opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy in the late 1930s.
Lindbergh visited Germany in 1938 on a mission for the U.S. Air Corps. he studied and was impressed by the "Luftwaffe", the German air force, warning Americans it had the best equipment in the world. He accepted a medal from Hermann Goering for his services to aviation. Roosevelt supporters vehemently denounced him as a Nazi sympathizer, a charge he strongly denied and which historians generally reject.

Lindbergh was the leading isolationist of the day, and the hero to conservatives opposing Roosvelt's foreign policies. He strongly opposing American entry into World War II as an unnecessary war that would help Britain and the Jews, but not serve American interests and would lead to a dictatorship at home. He made a major speech on 11 September 1941 at an America First rally in Des Moines, Iowa, that led ex-New York governor and presidential candidate Al Smith to charge Lindbergh with being an anti-Semite. Previous speeches had hinted at Jewish control of the government, but it was in this speech that Lindbergh named Jews as a group of "war agitators."

God's Holy Righteous Penis 2: Electric Boogalo

Anyone remember Navaros?

H2ElectricBoogaloo #crackpot #magick reddit.com

If you ejaculate at the exact time it becomes New Year, legend says that you will give birth to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Even if you don't ejaculate inside a woman, God will make it so. Your seminal fluids will undergo a series of phases from which it'll slowly grow in biomass, eating up anything that comes in direct physical contact with it, becoming abiotic sacrifices for the Second Coming himself.

Of course, this alone will not be enough, which is where the sperm cells come into play. The increasing biomass will make the sperm cells alongside the seminal fluids grow into lengths not less than 5 feet. Each sperm cell, now called Neo-Angels, will traverse the local area, which will now be christened the title of The New Holy Land, searching for the purest souls that embody the same teachings of Jesus Christ irregardless of their religion in the same way Gabriel did find Mary.

These Neo-Angels will use their flagellum to insert into these pure souls' belly-buttons. The pure souls will undergo a sort of reverse-birth, wherein its duration depends on the pure soul's age plus nine months. By the end of this reverse-birth, the Neo-Angels should come out portly and heavy. Whatever Neo-Angel couldn't find a suitable pure soul will act as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ's defender as the fetus grows into appropriate size.

The Neo-Angels that manage to collect enough fetal-matter will gather back to the semen originally ejaculated and pump their flagellum into the semen. With this, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ should have the power of at least a hundred human beings.

The original ejaculator that took part in giving birth in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will act as the final sacrifice for the lord, as the semen that will have grown into a fetus will crawl into your testicles and use it as a makeshift womb, and you shall soon give birth to a baby boy, and you will be the final sacrifice.

All this considered, do you really want to masturbate anywhere near New Year's Eve?

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.org


The Bone Generator® offers the technology to modify the Morphogenic Field. It can also act as a Psychotronic Generator® of Time electromagnetic and longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Time and Longitudinal electromagnetic waves this time, longitudinal waves (at right angles to each other) to specific parts of the brain to cause them to fire. In this Bone Generator® the time, longitudinal components of the bodies electromagnetic field are lazed, focussed on the Amygdale, the pleasure pain area of the limbic system.

As a soldier, executive, sportsman, fighter, huntsman, you have to go through a lot of pain to achieve your goal, mission… if you could switch off the: pain, irritation, depression, loss of motivation, ennui, desire to stop… as well as switch on pleasure at doing the hard work . All the pain, damage, respect… has been totally ignored; to enable Tim Rifat to use thought weapons to destroy Gordon Brown and the Labour Party in the 2010 general election which annihilated Labour forever as a political party.
So you aren’t broken down but become a super achiever. It enabled Tim Rifat to become an Internet Entrepreneur, author, US Radio Journalist, and personally write all the material on his mega-website, since 1996 when he was under constant attack by MI5 trying to kill him, writing RV, RS Courses, unleashing Psychotronic Superweapons on the British, travelling in time, other dimensions, precognitive Remote Viewing, using Remote influencing to change past present and future running his business all powered by the pleasure he gets from handwork, ignores constant attacks by MI5 to reach Total Success.

$600 with certificate

Judy Byington #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #mammon inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

POTUS or the Trump team may tweet out the Storm tweet that Q said would come at the time of mass arrests of [D]eep State players. It would be something like "My fellow Americans the Storm is now upon us."
There would be seven Presidential Messages come out on the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) and/ or Global Broadcast System (GBS) using Space Force satellites.

When the shut down happened, expect the 220,000-to-500,000 sealed indictments to be unsealed and served in 12 to 400 cities and in 12 plus states across the country with the arrest warrants on [D]eep State Traitor Rats.

There were three scenarios for the Inauguration: (1) Trump would be inaugurated in the White House, |B|iden and [D]eep State players, arrested. (2) Neither Trump nor |B|iden would be inaugurated on Wed 6 Jan. and there would be an announcement of a transitional government until election fraud evidence could be investigated and adjudicated by state legislatures in the six swing states of GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ, NV. Under this scenario [D]eep State players may be arrested. (3) POTUS & DoD and military White Hats standing with Trump may let the [D]eep State soap opera do their version of a |B|iden Inauguration in the Supreme Court presided over by Chief Justice [chief traitor] Roberts. Because the [D]eep State US Corporation of 1871 was bankrupt and dissolved as of Thurs. 5 Nov. 2020, the Deep State traitors would be inaugurating |B]iden into a nonexistent office to keep up their charade of power, control and money faucets going as long as possible. They would be arrested at a point chosen by POTUS and the White Hats.

Caamib #pedo blogger.com

Protect the children ! By forever scarring them when you send in a rabid bunch of pig cops and scumbag prosecutors to imprison their lovers, shame them at school, scrutinize their lives and make them suicidal, all of doing what is completely normal and having sex with older men ! That will protect these girls alright !

Komunità Ġesù Salvatur #fundie timesofmalta.com

The Church has again dissociated itself from the Ġesù Salvatur Christian community
The probe began last July when the media published interviews with three former members of the Catholic group, who claimed it had discouraged them from dating non-members. Another woman claimed she had been told not to keep her lesbian daughter at home in case she was under some form of curse.

As an interim measure, Archbishop Charles Scicluna had instructed members of the clergy not to host Catholic members of the Gesù Salvatur community in any premises belonging to the church.
[…][Clyde] Attard’s daughter, Amy, had broken ties with the community that her father leads, taking to Facebook to describe it as “a cult”.
said community members had suffered, claiming they were “too afraid to speak as they fear they will send curses to them”.
The Church commission, which heard the experiences of those willing to meet up, including the leaders of the community, said Komunità Ġesù Salvatur was giving “a wrong and confused interpretation of Church teachings, an erroneous interpretation of scriptural texts, and an attitude that hurts those who are passing through challenging situations in life”.
“With the help of several experts, it has been confirmed that the Komunità Ġesù Salvatur demonstrates the sociological characteristics of a closed and rigid community which causes harm to many persons, even if a number of people joined the community in good faith,” it said in its statement.
The church also acknowledged that some people may have been adversely affected by the community over the years and has therefore offered free support services by professionals.

{We the people of the united states of America} #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #dunning-kruger nationallibertyalliance.org

that have no lawful authority unless there is no conflict with the positive law. Now today in America the Encroachment infringement is like some kind of third world country mimicking the Gestapo police asking for papers and invading ones privacy and violating the basic max-mus laws Gods basic law of the common man or women. History tells us in the Past there was trials for the Gestapo police tactics that lead up to the hangings of the ones who infringed and encroached and committed Mala insane crimes and committed treasonous crimes. Today s law enforcement the courts lower inferior courts unknown courts ucc courts have taken the individual rights under the{Self claimed Constitutional officer} democracy mob rule of Germany democracy in correlation and harmony by its trickery stealthy tactics.
If there is a victim they must come forward in a process to file papers of the alleged crime committed against them, A true victim or property damage has to come forward to be filed as a affidavit process in a timely manner, according to provisions that are locked in by the 9th and 10th Amendments, that are called provisions. The judge and the attorneys and officers seem to forget that there is elements of a crime that is required in order for a crime to exist. They seem to get the civil matters mixed up with the criminal procedures of the actual law of the land v the sea. They either know of the schemes or the Admiralty and the commercial laws are not, they seem to operate under the admiralty and commerce and commercial schemes that are only for commercial and for the commerce - Road for hire. {There is a distinctive difference}

BududubNow #conspiracy #sexist incels.co

Theory Foids love to tease ugly men sexually (or just any men they wouldn't fuck)

It happenned to me a few times in my life, where women would tease me without making it 100% obvious that they are doing it BUT enough to send me a message that they mock me. This is strictly sexual bullying, leaving ugly men like myself with blue balls.

She fucking leaned down, sticking her ass out and she did that in a way that made no sense because she sticked out her ass in my direction. That was clearly done on purpose to leave me blue balled. She did this twice. Of course it was NO invitation, she has a husband who mogs me to moon and back and a child.

I was one on one with my former landlord woman, she was like 5 years older than me. She laid down weirdly and sexually on the floor, sticked out her ass and didn't care that her loose shirt was showing her sideboob. She was telling me a story which involved her showing me how some creepy guy touched her chest so she literally put her hand on my chest and went down with it. She clearly wanted me to make a connection with that situation she was talking about and the creepy guy - as in I WAS that creepy guy and on top of that touch me and make me horny.

Last one was on my first year in uni, a foid looked at me and did a very "sexualized" face with biting her lip. Obviously a mockery, as she was 7/10 at least, maybe even 8 and she had BF who I bet mogged me to hell and back and back again.

I had some more situations like those but all of them were obvious attempts of those foids to lead me on and make me horny. It's what bullying is in the younger years, where foids act like they are your girlfriends and tell you sexual things in front of others to mock you. They love torturing and bullying ugly men.

Nicholas #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo remnantofgod.org

No.. prophecy doesn't say aliens will invade earth. And no I am not saying they plan to fabricate or even manifest a global invasion of demons masquerading as Martians on a global scale. They may "say" it and cause a panic without it every happening. And in today's world that appears plausible with all the false falg attacks being promoted in the media as if they are the real McCoy.

Yes, they may try this in certain areas soon, and yes they are already doing it on a small scale as we speak with all those so called sightings and abductions. As Christians we know aliens, green or otherwise are impossible. Prophecy does say the Vatican will get all the world to worship the pope, and in so doing generate a "common enemy" for all the world in us, the remnant of God. Prophecied disasters are about to increase and we the remnant of God will be blamed for it because we refuse to keep the Roman Sabbath holy.

Satan knows this is coming because he understands prophecy better then we do. These global disasters will be used to make us that common enemy that threatens the whole earth. If the people are already conditioned to come together as one against a common enemy. How far of a stretch would it be for them to see no wrong in killing us once the antichrist in Rome convinces them the global disasters are the end result of our breaking the Roman Sabbath.

Liberty Hangout #wingnut twitter.com

[note: this is from last year]

Donald Trump should declare himself a monarch & leave the presidency to his son when he retires. It's the only way to prevent Democrats from having permanent control of Washington & ensuring rightwing values cease to exist. You'll never be able to vote for conservative ideas soon

The Manifester #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #magick peacemanifestministries.com

Surely one day, mortals will look deeply into space and see their own face in the offspring of Enoch's Melchisedec progeny - sons and daughters whose Arcturian parents were not born on Earth. So then, one day the profound manifest of these truths will cause deep memories to rise and mortals will become known as they were once known.

Then and only then will the masses begin to perceive the message of the soundtron and Energy Dot history densities that speak of that which was and that which is and that which shall be. Surely then mortals will begin to comprehend the purpose for the vast universe in which they live and the greatness of the Invisible Ultimate God the I-AM who abides in the First Domain of spiritual infinity - seeing all, knowing all, and loving all whose hearts seek Am.

Somewhere beyond the confines live other creatures of this universe: Zones of time, zones of space, zones of deep matter and dark energies and mental zones of ignorance separate life from life and minds from minds. In reaching for truth, it will be discovered that earthlings live outside the main streams of the most ancient origins.

In the course of time, humans will rise to acknowledgment that there are other children of the universe - metaphorically speaking, "other sheep" not of the earth folds. In that wonderful and awesome future time, ignorance will fall like broken towers.

Minds will become brightened, and light will touch mind-light, and emerging minds will meet ancient messengers - Cherubim, Seraphim, and others risen from prior universes.

Roosh V and E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #fundie #racist rooshv.com

(This is from a blog post reviewing the book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones the quoted parts are from the book, the rest is Roosh)
The Protestant Reformation
“Luther used rabbis to construct his text, and that text was, therefore, skewed in favor of Judaizing. Beyond that, when the average man read the Bible with the admonition that he has the power to interpret it unaided by pope, priest, or council, certain things were obvious to him. First, he did not find the word “Trinity” in it. Secondly, he realized the Old Testament stories of Hebrews taking numerous wives and exterminating their enemies far outnumber the texts of the New Testament containing the admonitions of Christ. By sheer weight alone, the unsuspecting reader was led to Judaizing unless corrected by a larger more powerful tradition. And Luther had discredited that larger tradition, no matter how much he hated the interpretations of those who invoked his name as a justification for their messianic politics.
Calvin and his fellow Reformers had “interspersed the religion of Christ with such an amount of Judaism that their Christianity was in many respects a relapse into the bonds of the Law from which Christ had set us free.”

The Catholic Church had major problems at the time of the Reformation, but if we cruise by any American city today and see what’s on the front of Protestant churches (gay flags, “Refugees Welcome” signs, “Black Lives Matter” propaganda, female pastor names, etc.), we can conclude that they did not ultimately bear greater fruit than the Catholic Church.

Mike Lindell (the MyPillow guy) #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho independent.co.uk

One of Donald Trump’s fiercest supporters, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, went to a meeting at the White House with notes suggesting “martial law if necessary”.

The notes, captured by a photographer as Mr Lindell entered the Oval Office on Friday, come after Mr Lindell tweeted then deleted calls for the president to “impost martial law” in the seven battleground states that won the election for Joe Biden.

The page is curved and not fully visible, but the heading is titled something like “[illegible] taken immediately to save the [illegible] constitution.

It references a “cyber” attorney and “Kraken” attorney Sidney Powell, while recommending “Kash Patel to acting CIA”.

“Insurrection Act now as a result of the assault on the… martial law if necessary upon the first hint of any…”, it read.

“… foreign interference in the election trigger [ineligible] powers. Make clear this is China/Iran.”

Apefricoon Devil #racist chimpmania.com

Artificial "intelligence" (aka machine learning or artificial neural network) operates purely based on data and logical reasoning. Unlike a Libtard bastard's pathological "brain", its "brain" doesn't operate on narcissism, perversity, and delusion.

This news reminded me of the first time I saw a nigger. I was around 5 years old when one day my NL cunt of an aunt came to visit my mum and brought along one of her apefricoon sheboon "accessories" for some coonfounding reason. I never forget the moment I set eyes on that demon-eyed turd-ape. I was soooo terrified! I barely managed to mumble to my mum "Mummy, why is there a gorilla in our house?!" You should've seen the look on my mother's face. She, being a "goot Chrischun", was horrified to learn that her little boy was a born-waycist

To my utter surprise, a few years ago, when I was reading this book ( https://archive.org/details/tempterofeve01carr ), I found out that I wasn't the first human child to ever demonstrate such precocious perception. I recounted this anecdote just to show that even a little child can instantly see what millions of ignorant and stupid NL adults can't (or don't want to see).

Anonymous #wingnut #racist archive.4plebs.org

Leftists are laughing at us. They're not afraid. They're gloating and filled with joy. The system is rigged, and all our icons are disgraced. Even Jerry Falwell Jr. is a literal cuck. The party's only future is with Cubans and Mexicans. Libshits will never let us live the past year down. Kicked off every platform, finally discovered the free market doesn't actually work. Our own party turned against us. There's no point in even voting any longer. They're not afraid: they're overjoyed.
Leftists are openly laughing at us. They're doxxing us, ratting us out to coworkers, friends, family, college deans, and law enforcement, they're getting us banned from everywhere and fired from our jobs and every new social media group is just another honeypot, and the cops we thought we were defending with blue line flags are shooting us like we're brown, and all while the leftists and liberals are openly mocking us and laughing in our faces.
This last year has been one hell of a ride.

Cookington #pedo fstdt.com

If the 11 yo girl and her lover are happy on Tuesday and a bunch of rabid cops and prosecutors destroy their lives day after, on Wednesday, the problem started on Wednesday, not on Tuesday.

This is like some guy being in a happy marriage and his wife being arrested because her hair is blonde and a bunch of morons trying to convince her that he was somehow “abused” all the time because his wife was blonde.

Dany90 #racist niggermania.co

There are many reasons I fucking hate niggers

I hate them because they always have a chip on their shoulders and think everyone owes them something ("gibs me free money, my ancestors were slaves and sheet")

I hate them because they like to sexually harass and assault human women(I have been sexually harassed by these beasts)

I hate them because they are violent savages (not a day goes by without a shooting in a nigger neighborhood)
I hate them because they act as if they were the only race that were enslaved
I hate them because they are ugly inside and out.
I hate them because they are cowardly bullies that can't fight unless they outnumber their target or if they have a weapon

I hate them because they're ruining america

I hate niggers because they always bitch about slavery and act as if they were the only ones ever enslaved. The Irish were slaves too and you don't see them bitching about about it or demanding free shit.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.co

(Total Imbecile)
Blackpill Just be nice: personalitymaxxed redditor causes wifes suicide

Source: reddit.com/r/SuicideBereavement/comments/ksluzg/i_feel_like_i_drove_my_wife_to_suicide/

Last year I blackmailed and forced her to get an abortion, even though she detested the idea. There were times where I yelled at her and physically threatened her when I was drunk. There were times when I beat her.

But not being an asshole is the absolute minimum, every guy with a gf is totally not abusive! JFL @ anyone clamining anything but looks matters

”Since her passing I met another wonderful woman and I think I might be able to build a life again”

Shoot me right in the head tbh

People in the comments are telling him not to date but he doesnt give a fuck JFL So much for therapy being useful, it literally doesnt matter, its all about how good looking you are


suicide is never anyone's fault,

Normie fucking COPE to avoid the reprecussions of their actions. He killed her. They always do this. Make up a feel good lie to avoid what they did I HATE NORMALFAGS SO MUCH :reeeeee:

Well she made her own bed and she laid and died in it. In other words she got what she deserved for letting her partner abuse her just because he looked good and from the post it makes it seem they didn't have kids so the "I was trapped with the kids and I couldn't leave them behind" meme doesn't work, she could have left at any time.

Chad chasing whore gets what she deserves. Sadly nothing will happen to the Chad.

"So my wife just killed herself and I feel kind of bad." :chad:

_Moon_ #sexist saidit.net

Looking at this from the perspective of an outsider (a lesbian woman), I have come to the regrettable conclusion, that one of the most common talking points in misogynist circles is absolutely correct. And by this, I mean the notion that what women say they want and what they actually want are two completely different things. While saying all kinds of woke BS, they despise gender non-conformity in men and are attracted to the hyper-masculine. Feminism is a love/hate Daddy issue relationship they have with and towards tall, straight, white, blond, bearded Daddydom types. Or tall, straight, black, bearded Daddydom types.

I have stopped participating in r/GenderCritical long before it was banned because I have repeatedly come across posts from women hating on bisexual men ... for being bisexual. Not because they were men - but because they were not 100% heterosexual, lol. This is an example of what I mean, women loving their "masculine" men (their husbands, boyfriends, sons, etc.) while hating on men for the most cringe BS reasons. And because they were focusing on a minority of transsexual men while continuing to love their masculine husbands, boyfriends, and sons. (Which reminds me of anti-Islamic right-wing communities. Why would I want to be part of a community that focuses on a group of men that is a minority in the West while worshiping men of "their" race and religion?)

KT commented that she considers women who do not want to be sexually dominated by men another sexual minority. In a way, lesbian women, asexual women, sexually dominant women, and women who simply have no interest in that type of masculinity might be like the four sexual minorities who, together, form a TINY niche of "outliers" who, right now, can take nothing but what the description of the sub here says:

Take the Black Pill, sit back, and enjoy the ride to hell.

SlayerSlayer #crackpot #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.co


THEY GET OFF, because they are humiliation fetishists. Do you really want some sick fuck, whacking off about being friendzoned as your friend? Maybe you do, but I hope you realize that men and women CANNOT be friends, and you are not a good person for enabling a pervert's fetish.

I got friendzoned on a dating app (screen shot) r/FriendzoneCucks


Lmao what is the point of doing something like this? Do they really believe a woman will fuck them if they write a bunch of ideological bullshit to appease her?

they have a fetish where they get off to their own masculinity being marginalized. It starts off getting dumped, friendzoned. Next thing you know you are dropping off your female bestie to CHAD's house. Next thing you know you are getting off when you meet up with her and she tells you how much better his cock is and how happy she is to have you as a FRIEND. Next thing you're a straight up faggot looking at dicks on grindr, and then becoming a tranny.

The male humiliation pipeline begins when females REJECT YOU

Not getting pussy has some serious consequences.

LOLI BREEDING #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.co

It's Over The Police is an anti incel establishment

Remember movies with bandits and shit? you could steal stuff and maybe get away. or rape a foid and many people did. so foids needed protection and slutted around less because then they'd just be raped, robbed and murdered :lul:

nowadays if you do anything illegal you get arrested in a couple hours and assraped by bluepilled simps in prison for touching mlady. all this technology and equipment to catch us like fingerprints, dna identification, cctv, helicopters, cars, instant communication etc so nobody can do shit. meanwhile chad doesn't need to do anything illegal, he has money and foids given to him for existing.

Cops tend to either be Chads or incels in major denial; both hate incels.

they should get blackpilled soon enough with all the media hatred directed at them. imagine constantly getting shot at by niggers trying to enforce society's cucked values and then getting vilified for it because someone accidentally choked one to death :feelskek: that's a raw deal even for soys who don't realize that they're actively cucking themselves.

or kill an incel and many people did. so incels needed protection and sperged around less because then they'd just be beaten up, robbed and murdered

cope the police are not your friend. and incels had guns or other weapons, much harder targets than today where everybody is completely disarmed and only big ogres can be intimidating. I mean this is such a ppecel tier comment

Various Comments #wingnut #quack facebook.com

Commenters on a Facebook Post from SEIU share some interesting perspectives about Joe Biden’s proposed recovery package

(Steve Steger)
1.9 trillion... where are they getting this money? We will never survive this constant printing of dollars. Stop keeping people at home and start getting them back to work

-Another Commenter suggests that Trump and GOP should not have granted enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans-

(David Kuchta)
[T]he richest 10% pay over half the tax and the poorest 50% either don’t pay tax or get 100+% back in refunds. How about everybody and every business pays 10% with no write offs or deductions. That’s a true fair share.

(Joe Ellis)
[T]hey (Biden & Dems) are going to ruin the U.S. economy and the dollar will be useless !

(David Kuchta)
[T]hat’s what they want so a new world currency can be created. Probably a cyber currency so they can track your money coming and going. That’s when they will insert the chip in your right hand or forehead and you lose your soul or be beheaded.

fschmidt #sexist coalpha.org

Double standard: Extramarital sex is worse by women than by men.


When a woman has extramarital sex, there is a chance that this will result in her husband raising a child that isn't his. But if a man has extramarital sex, there is no chance that this will result in his wife raising a child that isn't hers. This is a basic asymmetry. You could argue that contraception solves the problem. But our feelings evolved before contraception and the strength of our feelings are a result of the consequences in primitive times. This is why a cheating wife causes great emotional harm to her husband. Similarly, rape causes emotional distress to women because they lose control of choosing the father of their child. Rape with contraception doesn't reduce the emotional distress because this is a result of evolution, not logic.

What women really want from a husband is commitment. This is what they need to feel comfortable having children with the husband and raising a family. She wants commitment to be assured that the husband will always be there to support the family, especially when the wife is pregnant or with infants which put her in a weak position. So why are women so upset by male extramarital sex? Because modern women have been brainwashed to believe that male extramarital sex is an indication of lack of commitment. Historically you cannot find any instance of women complaining about casual extramarital sex by husbands before Paul started complaining about this in the New Testament. Of course women were jealous of mistresses throughout history, and this make sense since this is a real threat to her husband's commitment to her. It was Paul who introduced this terrible concept of male sexual fidelity to human culture. And even today, it is the degree of influence of Paul-based Christian culture on a society that determines the level of women's jealousy about male extramarital sex. Feminism is an extension of this culture and takes it to new extremes.

Flat Earth Network #fundie #conspiracy #pratt facebook.com

The dome or firmament is BLUE when it is lightened during the day, and it is totally black or dark in absence of light. It is a great HOAX or LIE or DECEPTION of astronomy all these images of galaxies and nebulas they have shown us. Don’t BELIEVE them. Believe in the Bible, in your senses, not in the falsely so-called science of the jesuit freemasons astronomers of the vatican who are the ones who control nasa.

Frank Jones #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: How Racism and Discrimination Affect Black People in China and Hong Kong

Li Yao-tai, an assistant professor at Baptist University, has researched how the colonial legacy in Hong Kong – highlighting the value of whiteness and English proficiency – has affected the city’s labour market.

Good grief it has been over 20 years since Prince Charles sailed out of Hong Kong for the last time.

Even before reading the article I knew it would get to blaming Whites. I think we need to learn to accept the reality that coloreds of whatever non-White hue are simply not fully human. The notion of a common humanity is a White derived idea anyway, and now that we have experience with other groups we must disregard that idea as a fiction. Fully actualized people take responsibility for what they do, say and think. These people need Whites to blame because they cannot imagine existing otherwise.

Blacks will quickly find out that only American Whites care about Blacks “feelings”, no one else cares.

I remember seeing a map of the "global" protests following the George Floyd suicide. The map almost perfectly coincided with US cultural/military hegemony. The vast majority of the planet outside this sphere of influence was never bothered in the slightest.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ExInfernum - like when Canada banned sodomy in 1981 to solve the AIDS crisis?"]

As always with these Viro Fascists, they never ask why we didn't mandate "social distancing" between faggots when HIV was "out of control"...

Re-read your Constitution. It says everyone has the right to life. Your government should be doing what it can to protect you. In the absence of that, state and local leaders try and fill the hole. Your right to freedom does not trump (pun intended) their right to life.
—Paladin (@ExInfernum) November 26, 2020

Lolimon #pedo rapey.su

I think that the age of consent in all countries should be 5, with sex ed starting at 3 and continuing up to then. Up until 5 years old no actual penetration would be allowed (including anal), but little girls under 5 could give blowjobs and get their tiny little pussies rubbed.

CLANDESTINE OPERATIONS MAGA! #magick #conspiracy #wingnut godlikeproductions.com


aficiomaquinas #quack news.ycombinator.com

There is a very interesting book around the metabolic route for treating cancer. It's called "Starving cancer" by Jane McLelland. It talks about using over the counter drugs and supplements that have been studied for their metabolic blocking properties for cancer, as well as changing the diet to reduce as much as possible the nutrients that cancer craves the most according to their metabolic phenotype. Most of the times it's glucose or glutamine, but the trick is to block as many metabolic pathways using the drugs so that mutation is prevented. Most of these drugs have their patents expired and are quite cheap. The author had a very aggressive form of cancer with less than 5% statistic survival rate and were able to survive and go back to NED (no evidence of disease). It's not exactly a substitute for standard therapy such as chemo, but there's many people who also went to NED just with her protocol. I tried this back when I had cancer, and even though my survival rate was very high just on standard care, my tumor markers went way down almost to normal on the first cycle combined with Jane's protocol. Unfortunately, the cancer industry and pharmaceutical industry won't really invest much money on clinical trials for expired patent, or even existing drugs in their portfolio. There are a couple of independent clinical trials going on, so far, with good results AFAIC. Another very controversial, but interesting treatment for cancer that will probably never see the light is Chlorine Dioxide. And don't you dare write that on Facebook or YouTube because it'll be outright banned or deleted for "spreading misinformation". I have friends and persons I know that went to NED just on chlorine dioxide and diet. Having used it myself for many months with no negative effects, and, after chemo, I can't help but cringe every time someone tells me that it's "very toxic". Oh lord, you should have seen what chemo was like. Now, that was toxic.

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

When I first saw this book, I assumed it was rubbish. The editor went through three popular textbooks on intelligence, found the most frequently cited experts, and asked each of them to write a chapter. I thought it would be the usual: Intelligence is a myth, IQ tests are racist, growing up in a fancy house makes you smart.

I was wrong. Most of the 20 authors are sure-enough scientists, and they have a clear message: Our rulers are ignoramuses. The blowhards at CNN and the New York Times are wrong.

They take for granted stuff that can get you fired if you say it openly. Namely, you are basically born smart or stupid. Nobody knows how to raise IQ, but we sure know how to measure it. Men’s and women’s brains work differently. People of different races have different average IQs, and that’s probably genetic, too.

Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware includes an illustration that’s worth the price of the book. I used it in a previous video, so I’ll note just one thing: A white person is 30 times more likely than a black person to have an IQ of 125 or higher. Since there are five times as many whites as blacks in the country, there are 150 times more really high-IQ whites than blacks in this country. And 25 times as many blacks with IQs 75 or lower.


Explains a lot, doesn’t it? But the next time you hear the media fret about not enough “people of color” in science or management or whatever, do you think there will be even one word about IQ? No chance.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.co

RageFuel If women aren't extremely picky, then why are there so many lonely men on the internet?

People keep gaslighting me and claiming it's all in my head. Girls always say they don't care about looks, and they like conventionally unattractive features. If every girl is this holy Saint that is accepting of all men ,WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FOREVERALONE MEN ON THE INTERNET? You rarely hear about a girl that has never had a bf. Why is it mainly men? Why am I so lonely? Why isn't there a girl dming me, who likes my alien skull? The next person who gaslights me, I'll track them down in Minecraft and bash their skull in.

Few men get all the sex while most men suffer (either as incels or betabuxxers). The problem is in these statistics, people ignore the foreveralone types who dont identify as incel (but actually are)

literally 40% of men are virgins but that statistic isn't true for women wh have 12% virgin rate. Who are 80% of women fucking if 60% of men haven't had sex once?

Women should be banned from fucking more than twice a year.

(Made in Heaven)
The more you understand female sexuality and sexual dynamics between alphas, betas, and females, it truly makes sense why people in the past stoned adulterers and whipped fornicators. It all makes so much sense

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.co

It's actually sickening how frequently the lie that incel forums are all white/racist is repeated

It pisses me off so much because it's LITERALLY just made up. As we know from multiple surveys, or even just a 5 minute browse of the forum, incel forums are made up of people from all corners of the world. ALL ethnicities are represented here. In fact, it's actually remarkable how diverse blackpill forums/communities are. Shitholes like reddit are like 95% middle class suburban white people who talk about the importance of diversity but in real life get scared when they walk past a black person JFL.

Well of course everything bad in society is chalked up to whites. Whites are to the leftist and progressive the epitome of everything they hate.

the fact that this forum is less than 50% white but society considers it part of white supremacy and that sphere is a compliment for us (whites).

yet another way we BTFO ethnics in basedness. If you Islamcopers were based this forum would be known as a radical Islamic board but guess what, it’s not. It’s a white supremacist one.

Almost everything about us is straight up made up OR pure projection.

We don't shower? Studies show foids don't shower and lonely people shower more
We only go after extremely good looking foids? Studies show women do this and men aren't picky at all
We only go after white women? Studies show women are strongly racially biased but men aren't

White men = Bad Brown men = Good Brown Female migrants = Bad Brown Male migrants = Good Hijab = Bad Promiscuous = Good Basically it's white women hating white men

Various Incels #pedo #psycho #sexist incels.co

(Subhuman Currycel)
SuicideFuel “You don’t get treated any different if you’re good looking or not”

8th graders lose their mind when teacher's model son arrives

Now imagine how they'd react seeing my receding chin, 5 inch wrists and hunchback it's over

The girl that opened the door squealed and basically creamed herself on the spot would be recoiling in disgust instead. Applied to me too of course

foids are fucking animals who cant contain themselves, yet cucks think they should vote. I hope a guy in a trench coat walks in the building

:soy: famous hot guy, let's make sure he knows I'm ready to get creampied :soy: no shame among foids

I honestly hope each one of those foids die from anal cancer

those same foids would act surprised if one of their classmates shot the school up after this. strange world huh people don't shoot schools up for no reason

”I imagine they're all so tight. Chad has his pick.”

He's a model so he has likely met and seen significantly better looking females.

imagine a 15some with 14 year old girls :feelsohh: he could unironically do it

Disgusting. femoids turn primal mode and act like monkeys for chad, its to signal their fertility. It starts at a young age

Absolutely disgusting. Even chimpanzees behave more civilized than fertile foids. Why again don't we put all women in zoos?

Imagine if men did that for JB foids. Theyd be in prison now JFL Foids are devolving into primal creatures. These ancient whores dont care about civilization.

THIS is why school shootings happen in the first place

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Detention Camps Coming to New York?

The Trump Show is almost over now. Coming next: hardcore tyranny. New York State, where Democrats have already achieved the total control that they will soon have in Washington, offers a preview with Assembly Bill A416, which lays the legal framework for establishing detention camps in the name of COVID-19 hysteria.

Liz Wheeler provides alarming details:


In related news, the 117th Congress has already begun to crack down on gun rights [https://notthebee.com/article/democrats-waste-no-time-in-coming-for-your-guns], including mandatory registration, the prelude to confiscation.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.

Devolution #racist #wingnut chimpmania.com

All this bullshit about deep state and Q and the cult of Trump is a smokescreen IMO. I believe what drove the record turnout this election was simply nigger fatigue. The MSM has called Trump racist for so long that all the whites who don’t dare publicly denounce niggers due to fear of persecution placed all their hope in him. I really believe we are at the tipping point, I’d like to see an independent, even at the local level, run on an “ equal but separate” platform. The nigger handlers will scream racist, but if the candidate avoided stepping into that trap by feeding them back their own just like us bullshit, it could be possible for a “White America” platform to take hold. I notice the only media outlet that still allows comments is Fox News, and once you pick through the tinfoil hat crew, the nigger fatigue is clearly evident. Obviously we can’t campaign on a Back to Africa movement, but a voluntary segregation platform could draw out the 70% or so of Americans who are secretly sick of niggers but go along to get along with the PC SJW nigger worship while practicing rule #1 in their private lives. Hell, I’d run myself except that I’m dying and mostly bedridden. I’d rather pay the niggers extra gibs to stay the fuck away than see millions of whites killed or displaced in a Civil War caused by niggers. They’ve done enough damage already.

Shaun Bailey #wingnut #elitist theguardian.com

Tory London mayoral candidate: homeless can save for house deposit

The Conservative candidate for London mayor has sparked controversy after suggesting that homeless people in the capital would be able to save up for a £5,000 deposit to buy a share in a newly-built affordable home.

Shaun Bailey has promised to deliver 100,000 affordable homes with his £4bn housing budget if he wins the election in April, many of them shared ownership, of which buyers would be able to purchase a share for as little as £100,000.

Asked how these families would produce a £5,000 deposit and secure a mortgage, he said: “I don’t think the £5,000 will [be a problem]. The mortgage application thing might be a bit tougher … they could save for it, yeah.”

Pressed by the interviewer on whether he was suggesting a homeless family in bed and breakfast accommodation could afford a deposit, Bailey replied: “Not all of them, but some people could. A full proportion of people could.”

Bailey’s comments attracted widespread bewilderment on Twitter. The Liberal Democrat councillor and candidate for London mayor, Luisa Porritt said: “Oh dear, the Tory candidate is at it again. This time he’s suggesting homeless families ‘save up’ for a deposit. Just how out of touch can he get?”

Lambeth Labour councillor Ed Davie tweeted: “Famously, people living in poverty usually have at least £5,000 lying around – it’s amazing that it hasn’t occurred to them to simply buy a London property, which are well known for being really cheap. Thank God senior Tories are here to give out this good advice.”

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Girls Snitch Out Their Parents for Attending the Capitol Storm"]

There is a weird thing that all of these totalitarian systems do where they demand that you swear fealty to the system by ratting out loved ones. They are constantly looking for opportunities to give you to do this, and you are rewarded greatly if you do it.
Oh how I wish we could still do Troll Storms.


With authorities tracking down the Trump supporters who barged into the US Capitol, teenagers have eagerly turned in their own family members who took part in the riot, and the media has encouraged the Stasi-style snitching.[…]

This is a gigantic psychological operation. Everyone who has a driver’s license (which is everyone) has all their biometric data on FBI file. If that’s not enough, the FBI has access to all of the Facebook biometric data, which is even worse.

This “we need snitches – snitch on your dad for democracy!” bit they’re doing is a gigantic social engineering program.

This is the old fashioned snitch culture, coming into view.

Everything here should be very scary, but some of it is so absurd, that it’s hard to be scared.

Here’s just something I’m going to tell you, that maybe I shouldn’t tell you: If my dad was a communist extremist, and killed a right-winger, I would help him bury the body.
Blood comes first.
We have to stop women.

The appropriate thing would be to beat them up badly, including breaking their ribs, and then rape them, brutally, and then lock them in cages.

But we of course can’t do that.

So I’ve argued for a boycott.

Franklin Graham #wingnut facebook.com

Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back and betray him so quickly? We have never had a president like him in my lifetime. He gave us lower taxes, a strong economy, and low unemployment. He made NATO take notice and pay their own way. He had the guts to take on North Korea and meet with their leader personally. He didn’t let China walk all over us. Just his Mideast peace initiatives in the last couple of months deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. He has defended religious liberty like no president before him, and that matters to all people of faith. He has worked to bring prison reform and secured our southern border. He defeated the ISIS caliphate in Syria, and he strengthened our military. He was also the most pro-life president we have ever had. But the House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can. And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal.

Tiger Lily #fundie rr-bb.com

[OP says that her 11-year-old daughter has a project that involves painting a statue of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, and is wondering if this is okay].

"They feel this would be a good hands-on learning project for the students"

Learning what??? Idolatry???!!!

That would make me VERY uncomfortable!!! I definitely would not want my daughter to participate in this "project." I would suggest you ask for an alternate project or provide a Christian item for your daughter to paint (a cross, figurines for a creche, etc.) while the rest of the class paints their idols. Or have her paint a poster board with the days of creation and paste printouts of the appropriate Bible verses under each day, illustrating the Christian version of creation. And/or complain to the principal and/or school board. There are most likely other parents uncomfortable with this, too. And if nobody nips this in the bud this year, it's likely to be compounded by being repeated next year as well.* Unless the school also promotes Christian projects, I would think they would have no leg to stand on to promote false god/false religion projects. [Although that still wouldn't make idolatrous activities acceptable, it seems like it would provide a legal argument for fighting it.] Atheists and followers of false religions complain that they are offended by Christian things. Well, these false religious things offend us Christians! Maybe we should use this same tack to fight back!

David J Stewart quoting Jack Hyles #sexist #fundie #elitist jesus-is-savior.com

[From Jack Hyles’s advice for how to raise a young girl.]

1. Dress her like a girl. Let her have long hair. Let her wear lace and ribbons. Do not let her wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The parent who wants to make a young lady of a daughter should see to it that she does not wear revealing clothes, but that she dresses modestly. I Timothy 2:9 and 10 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

This must be started early in the life of a girl. If she never wears pants for the first time, she will always wear skirts. If she never wears mini-skirts for the first time, she will always wear skirts of a modest length. In these days of hot pants, mini-skirts, and pant suits, may God give us some old-fashioned mothers and dads who well rear some sweet, feminine ladies for our boys and dress them accordingly.

2. Teach her strict obedience. Other chapters stress the fact that obedience is the most necessary ingredient to be required from the child. This is especially true in the life of a girl, for she must be obedient all of her life. The boy who is obedient to his mother and father will someday become the head of the home; not so for the girl. Whereas the boy is being trained to be a leader, the girl is being trained to be a follower. Hence, obedience is far more important to her, for she must someday transfer it from her parents to her husband.

This means that she should never be allowed to argue at all. She should become submissive and obedient. She must obey immediately, without question, and without argument. The parents who require this have done a big favor for their future son-in-law.

3. She should not be allowed to play alone with boys. The parents should see to it that she plays with other girls. This is important for many reasons. She should play only with toys that are uniquely for girls. This, by all means, should include dolls, doll clothes, housecleaning equipment, dishes, pots and pans, etc. She should participate in sports enough to become coordinated but she should not excel in sports. If later she marries a man who is very athletic, she could become more proficient in some particular sport that he enjoys, but if she becomes an expert in a sport that is usually associated with men and boys, it could prove embarrassing to her future husband, and for that matter, it could entice her to become more masculine than she ought to be.

4. Teach her how to be graceful in sitting, walking, etc. Every mother who has a daughter should be careful to show her how to sit like a lady, walk like a lady, and exhibit propriety and grace in her manners. (Note the chapter on MANNERS.)

5. Teach her to be an intelligent listener and an articulate conversationalist. She should read a variety of good books and magazines and have a wide variety of knowledge. It should be obvious to any male with whom she is conversing that she is an intelligent listener and that she can understand and respond to his conversation. She should never seem to know as much as he does (even though she may actually know more) but enough to talk intelligently about his interests and to make him feel that his conversation is falling on receptive ears and an understanding mind. This means that she should learn all she can about everything, especially things that interest men. For example, she should know football, but she should not play it. There is nothing a man wants any more than to be understood by an intelligent listener.

The wise lady will never "take over" the conversation. She will add just enough to make a valuable contribution and to show her intelligence on the subject, but she will always make her man feel that he is the more knowledgeable. Of course, as a girl like chooses a man, she will want to choose the kind that is at least her equal, the kind that she will not have to dominate, and the kind whose mind and conversation will always intrigue her. This means that the wise mother will teach her girl not to be a wallflower and not to attempt to get by on beauty alone. She will teach her to be the kind of young lady who has a beautiful spirit and a beautiful soul, one who can communicate, one who is understanding, and one who is quietly articulate in conversation.

Though she should not be a football fanatic she should know enough about football to enjoy watching the game with her boyfriend, fiancée, or husband, if he so chooses. It should be obvious to him that she is enjoying the game and that she is knowledgeable about it, but that he can teach her even more.

6. Teach her to make her dad feel like a hero. A young lady that can treat her dad properly is more likely to treat her husband properly. If she makes her dad feel like a man when he is in her presence, she will not doubt make her husband feel like a man when he is in her presence. If the daughter is careful to refill Dad's glass at the table, see to it that he gets the best chair, listen to him intelligently when he talks, participate intelligently, yet meekly in the conversion, she will someday transfer this to her husband and her husband will rise up and call her "blessed."

7. Teach her to have the proper heroines. The mother should be very careful to see to it that the daughter does not idolize Hollywood starlets, female athletes, etc., but rather, feminine, yet successful women like the Bible characters Hannah and Elisabeth, and characters in history like Susannah Wesley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Also point out feminine ladies whose path is crossed by the daughter and lead her to emulate them. It is very important that the young lady, even the girl, look up and idolize the right kind of people.

8. Teach her not to be too forward to boys. A young lady should not initiate a correspondence. If she cars for a boy she may respond to him with courtesy and feminine reserve so as to let him know she like him, but she should not be the aggressor, neither should her respond except within the bounds of propriety and right. It certainly is not proper for a young lady to call a young man on the telephone for a social talk, If there is obvious business, it may be done with reluctance, but it should never be done when the call is strictly for social purposes.

9. Do not show off her talent to others. As is mentioned elsewhere in this book it is far better for a parent to compliment character than talent. Many children have been ruined because their parents were too proud of them and their performances. This not only hurts the child but it disgusts other adults. In such cases the child receives far too much attention and then wants it for the rest of her life. Hence, she becomes maladjusted. Let her gain her own attention by her performance. Let her attract her own audience by her own ability and opportunities, not by the insistence of a mother or father who is overly proud of a daughter.

10. Let her do things that enable her to be a necessary help to another who is in the limelight. This is very important for a young lady. That is why learning to accompany a soloist is good training for a girl. Learning to take dictation is also good training. Both of these things train her to be a necessary helper to someone who is in the limelight. The Bible teaches that a woman is made not for the limelight but to complement and supplement. Proverbs 32:23 says, "Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."

The girl should be taught that her lot in life is to be obedient and helpful to her husband. Hence, if as a girl she can perform supplemental duties that are vital, she will be better equipped to be a well-adjusted lady. It is more important that a young lady be an accompanist on a piano than a concert pianist. Parents who train their daughter in this manner will someday be called, "blessed," by their son-in-law.

11. Teach her to pull for her dad. The wise mother will teach the girl to make a hero of her father and always pull for him. She should pull for him in business and do all she can to help. She should pull for him in any athletic contest and do all she can to cheer him to victory. In everything he does she should stand on the sidelines and root for her dad. She is being taught to root for the biggest man in her life and to cheer and spur him on to bigger heights. When she is married she will transfer this to her husband and will be a great encouragement to him.

The mother must teach the daughter that when the father is a success the daughter is also a success. She is a very vital part in his success, and as a member of the team she can share the victory and the spoils. When this attitude is properly developed she will feel the same way when she is married. When the husband wins a victory it will be a team victory rather than a victory just for him.

12. Teach her to plan for a profession but to hope that it will not be needed. Mothers and fathers should teach their daughters to train for some kind of profession that is always in demand. There is always the possibility that the daughter will never marry or that she will become a widow with children to rear and will not remarry. Because of this she should plan to pursue some profession that will enable her to support herself and her children in any eventuality. She should be taught that if possible, she should not follow this profession when married. This gives her a dependence, if the opportunity arises to be dependent, but an independence if needed. There are many professions that a young lady could pursue such as that of a school teacher, beautician, secretary, nurse, etc.

13. Teach her the sanctity of the body. Teach her that boys should keep their hands off and that her body should be clean in every way. She should care for her body. She should be well groomed and physically clean. Then she should also be moral and virtuous. Talk with her about situations which arise in the lives of most young ladies. Teach her how to handle each situation. Explain to her that that is the reason she should not be in a car alone with a boy. Teach her what to do if improper advances are made. Let her be conscious of the fact that her body is a very sacred thing and should always be treated as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

14. Teach her to do feminine chores. As is mentioned elsewhere it is better for a girl to do the dishes than the yard, to wash the pots and pans than the car, to clean the bedroom rather than the garage. She should do the duties that she will do when she is married and a successful mother and wife.

Much stress should be placed on the importance of her working hard. It is not feminine to be lazy. In fact, it is quite feminine to work hard. It is not working hard that makes one unfeminine; it is the doing of masculine tasks. Wise is that mother who teaches her daughter that good hard work is feminine and that the work a woman should do should be that of feminine chores.

15. Let her be around feminine women. Teach her to associate with ladies who are feminine. Point them out to her when she is a little girl and tell her they are the ones she should copy and emulate. Let these ladies be those who dress like ladies, talk like ladies, walk with feminine grace, sit with feminine charm. Let these be ladies who are good mothers and who have poise, dedication, chastity, consecration, and spirituality.

16. Let her baby-sit. It should be remembered that someday she will no doubt be a mother. She can prepare herself for this and train for it by caring for little ones while she is a teenager. When a girl gets around thirteen, she should becomes acquainted with taking care of little babies and small children. Her motherly instinct will be developed and nourished. This is very important in preparing her to be a successful and happy mother.

17. Let her care for younger girls in the family. Let her dress them, do their hair, wash their faces, etc. Even a girl seven or eight can care for a little sister. She should be encouraged to do so. This will teach her to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the load in the family circle, to work hard, and to prepare herself for motherhood.

18. Allow her to do no loud shouting or hollering. In fact, such should not be a part of anyone's household. The business of rearing children can be transacted without shouting or fussing. Especially should this be true in a girl, for the parent is to try in every way to make her quiet, meek, and feminine.

19. With the passing of the years, let her shop more for herself, and if she has younger sisters, let her aid them in doing their shopping. This will teach her to care for her own person and also for the needs of others.

The most noble goal that parents can set for their daughters is to help them become Christians. The second most noble goal is to lead them to be ladies, for one of the great needs of our generation is Christian ladies. May God use this chapter to make it so.

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko #crackpot #conspiracy evilempire.blog

Specific Claims of the New Chronology:
- Historians and translators often “assign” different dates and locations to different accounts of the same historical events, creating multiple “phantom copies” of these events. These “phantom copies” are often misdated by centuries or even millennia and end up incorporated into the conventional chronology.
- Archaeological dating, dendrochronological dating, paleographical dating, numismatic dating, carbon dating, and other methods of dating of ancient sources and artifacts known today are erroneous, non-exact, or dependent on traditional chronology.
- No single document in existence can be reliably dated earlier than the 11th century. Most “ancient” artifacts may find other than the consensual explanation.
- Histories of Ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt were crafted during the Renaissance by humanists and clergy – mostly on the basis of documents of their own making.
- There was no such thing as the Tartar and Mongol invasion followed by over two centuries of yoke and slavery, because the Mongols so-called “Tartars and Mongols” were the actual ancestors of the modern Russians, living in a bilingual state with Turkic spoken as freely as Russian. So, Russia and Turkey once formed parts of the same Empire.
- This “Evil” Empire was governed by a double structure of civil and military authorities and the hordes were actually professional armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called “blood tax”). The Mongol Horde “invasions” were punitive operations against the regions of the empire that attempted tax evasion. Tamerlane was a compilation by German historians of Russian and Turkish warlords.

fschmidt #sexist coalpha.org

Double standard: Women should be virgins at marriage.


The fundamental difference between men and women is that men have an unlimited reproductive potential while women's reproductive potential is very limited. When a man has sex, he is giving away nothing of value. But when a woman has sex, she is potentially giving away a large aspect of her life if she gets pregnant. Today we have birth control to eliminate the practical side of this, but this doesn't change the feelings in us that were produced by evolution before birth control. This is why men still greatly value virginity in women, as can be seen in the cases where women auction off their virginity. But women place no value in the virginity of a man because there is no evolutionary basis for this feeling.

A woman who has sex before marriage is being selfish at the expense of her future husband. A normal husband (who places his emotions and common sense over feminist propaganda) would prefer that his wife be a virgin. Women also seem to be changed by premarital sex and are less able to bond with their husband as explained in Why Sluts Make Bad Wives.

The anthropologist Unwin, in his book "Sex and Culture", studied the isolated tribes of his time to determine what best correlated with level of development. He found one fact that perfectly correlated with level of development. This was female premarital chastity. In all the most developed cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. Then he looked at history and he found that in all rising cultures, women were required to be virgins at marriage. And in all cultures where this requirement was lost, the culture went into terminal decline.

The New Right Network #wingnut #conspiracy newrightnetwork.com

There is an eerie resemblance between the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaign logo and the three red banners that symbolized the beginning of the takeover of China by the Communist Party. The red letter “E” in Biden’s name on the Biden/Harris campaign logo is reminiscent of the socialist takeover symbolism of the 1950s. What’s more, they inserted it into the “For the People” propaganda logo. Their agenda couldn’t be more clear!

According to Brittanica, the Three Red Banners was inaugurated in 1958. The banners symbolized “…the general line of socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward, and the rural people’s communes.” Mao Zedong fast-tracked the conversion of agricultural land, seizing privately owned properties, converting them into communal properties. If you’ve kept track of Biden’s speeches, you may recall his promise to take suburban homes, symbolic of the American Dream, and turn them into housing projects. These activities mirror the Communist takeover of private property in China.

Anonymous #racist archive.4plebs.org

the fuck is with this kid?

For my science project at school I wrote an algorithm that cut overheads on ad-servers by about 30%. Teachers didn't really understand it, didn't think it was great because it meant that ad-servers could more efficiently serve ads, and that's like a crime to the average person. Didn't get an invitation to Prime Ministers office. Didn't get shit. Licensed that shit, didn't make much, was hard to attract interest. Sold it for a fair whack of cash, no fuss, just a great fat cheque. Left school, got a certain large advertising company everyones heard of paying my way through university.

This kid just pulls apart a fucking clock someone else make, hot-glued it into a different case, and somehow its the best shit since sliced bread because he's a sand-niglet?

I don't understand America sometimes.

You have to adjust your expectations.

For a sand-niglet tearing part a clock without breaking it, and bringing it to school without a bomb attached, is a Nobel Prize winning accomplishment.

For a white or Asian kid a faster algorithm is kind of "meh." If Ahmed had done that...holy fucking balls...he would be the Stephen Hawking of Muslims.

Board of Imams Victoria #fundie #homophobia boiv.org.au

[in response to the Australian state of Victoria passing a bill to ban gay conversion therapy]

Board of Imams Victoria is extremely concerned with the current form of the bill. Its stands are a gross government overreach and intrusion into the rights and freedoms of all Victorian citizens who do not share the views and extreme ideological constructs around identity, gender and sexuality which the bill imposes. The bill is recognised to be poorly drafted and a product of lobbying by the far-left elements of the LGBTIQ community but will inevitably cause harm to same sex attracted individuals, their families and faith communities who do not and will not accept the imposed ideologies and definitions of sexuality and gender identity.
All Victorians should have a right to autonomy to adhere to religiously compliant constructs of sexuality, gender identity and religiously sanctioned sexual conduct. Same sex attracted Muslims are not “broken.” However, this bill criminalises a core Islamic command to provide direct advice (Nasiha) on abstaining from sex with the same gender. The bill also criminalises counselling and direct advice to abide by and affirm traditional Islamic gender norms and constructs to people experiencing gender dysphoria.
How does potentially accelerating family breakdown and creating community tensions in this way helpful to anyone, including same sex attracted Victorians who belong to faith communities and whose religious convictions on sexuality will not change?

Unlike moves to promote gay rights like gay marriage which have, so far, not had direct impacts on faith communities, this law poses direct and serious harm to all Victorians who do not adhere to and affirm the identity constructs the bill imposes. The Victorian Labor party is therefore willfully acting to harm faith communities including the Muslim community.

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut truthernews.wordpress.com

The 1st notion that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland staged the so-called Storming of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. back on January 6, 2021, is corroborated by the fact that the CIA staged the storming of the German and Kyrgyzstan Capitol Buildings which was specifically designed to set the precedent for the attack weeks later. The primary reason why the CIA chose these particular countries as the pretext for a redux event in America is that Trump has been linked to Russia since 2017 (Kyrgyzstan is a former enclave of Russia) and pro-Trump supporters have been repeatedly branded as Neo-Nazis which Germany is known for spawning. Firstly, exactly 130-days prior to the Storming of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C, a massive anti-COVID-19 lockdown protest was held in Berlin, Germany on August 29, 2021.
The 2nd notion that CIA Headquarters located beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland staged the so-called Storming of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. back on January 6, 2021, is corroborated by the fact that I, David Chase Taylor, published numerous terror alerts warning that the CIA was plotting both a coup and riot attack in Washington, D.C. surrounding the Save America March on January 5-6, 2011. Since the CIA has repeatedly tried to frame me for sparking a mass panic and subsequent stampede with my terror alerts, I have been forced to published key terror alert privately via email in respect to real time events.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #magick #wingnut bennettleeross.com

Vampires are real
They are members of another species
Who need human blood

The reason they are Counts
And are of nobility
And live in castles
Is because they are of the ruling class

The reason they do not go out during the day
Is because they are reptilian
From the dark underground world

Barnabas Collins of the 1960’s TV show
Dark Shadows
Was 175 years old

The reason why they live so long
Is because each human cell
Is like a battery cell to them

As they drink human blood
And eat human flesh
They consume electricity
And it has an anti aging effect

Todays vampires are different
They are better adapted to light

They appear quite normal on the surface
But behind closed doors
Their reptilian nature comes out

Peter Thiel the Silicon Valley billionaire
Admits he drinks human blood
Through transfusion

Hillary Clinton got her close friend out of jail
Who was caught performing
A blood drinking Satanic ritual

She had cut the skin off the face of the victim
And was wearing it as a mask!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger adrenogate.net

I had been neglecting by beloved “Crater Earth” theory and somehow missed this newish video that the theories’ discoverer “Godgevlamste” had put out. We can thank the tyrannical overlords at YouTube for making sure it didn’t appear in my feed despite having been subscribed with notifications on. His subscriber count is literally at the exact same level I remember it being at last time I checked his channel, which is IMPOSSIBLE. Sigh…YouTube will get their comeuppance eventually.

While we are on the subject, I found another gem of a channel yesterday with all sorts of incredible videos along these lines. “Divergent“: He is one of the most thoroughly awake content creators I’ve ever come across and focuses a lot on the undeniable theory that our planet(or Crater) is one big giant quarry that was heavily mined and then flooded at some point in the remote past by a previous super civilization of giants who dominated our world before the last reset. A reset that wasn’t as long ago as you might think. He also has a fascinating take on the “Orphan Train” phenomenon and asserts that these children were biogenetic creations in a lab, not the surviving children of a global cataclysm or Apocalyptic World War.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: My love, what will happen will happen. I do not wish to sound indifferent because I understand the importance of what is going on with America right now, even to a greater extent than any of you are aware, but I see your point about your boundaries being pushed back, your being asked to have faith and to wait, and yes, I can see your point about seeing a criminal in the most important political chair in the world.

Me: Nothing new there. The other point, Ivo, is since all this has happened with the States, Canada is now suffering lockdowns and further restrictions. Quebec is under what appears to be martial law with a curfew. They're saying martial law but it has nothing directly to do with the States, it has to do with Covid and the d s agenda. A lot is riding on Mr T now. A lot.

Where are all those pundits who were saying that the winter solstice would bring on a new timeline where all of this has disappeared? Yes, we said that wasn't going to happen either. And it didn't. We still have to deal with the mess we've made here. All of us, personally, and individually. There was no solar flash that relieved us of the situation we created, exactly as we said.

Ivo: It is always best to hold the highest ideals in your mind. Do not listen to people who tell you what you do not wish to hear. It is not worth letting them convince you that they are correct.

Me: This same pundit said that America would be embroiled in civil war right now and it isn't.

Have a nice frame of mind. Envision the best outcome, and with the least amount of violence.

Ivo: Correct, my love, hold a high regard for what is transpiring and do not debase it with needless conversations and incorrect opinion. It is only opinion.

Copexodius Maximus #sexist incels.co

Story Told my mom I'm going to kill myself and told them to throw my body out in a dumpster, she freaked out any called my dad and the rabbi

I am a manlet compared to my brother. My brother looks like me a lot (better looking version), but is very tall, and gets women hitting on him all the time, meanwhile I just rot. She said height isn't everything, and that me having a very successful career means they are very proud of me, and that my brother is a failure in their eyes.

She said he only gets trashy girl, and I should go for orthodox religious girls with good morals. I told her that they all have slept around, and I will only ever be a beta buck cuck for her. Then told her all about female mating strategy about alpha fucks beta bucks, and told her all the so called religious girls she knows are actually all whores who sleep around.

My mom was crying and asking how "muh sweet litte flower" could have been hurt this bad and all that bullshit? I told her there is no hope for me in this life, and that I'm going to kill myself and I requested that I don't get buried cause FUCK GOD and JUDAISM. Told her to toss my body in the garbage dump cause it was garbage, or throw it for a pack of rabid dogs to rip apart and eat.

My mom called my dad now in a panic and the local rabbi, and called for an emergency help.

Hopefully this stupid drama ends and they come to terms with the fact that it's over for me.

schizomode #sexist incels.co

RageFuel This reddit thread makes me want to kms

People who classify themselves as a "ass/tits man" have no right to complain when women state that they prefer tall men or a large phallus.

When guys say they're an "ass" or "tits" man, they mean they prefer ass over tits or vice versa. Pretty much no one who says they're tits guy doesn't mean a girl's tits have to be DDD to like them.

Girls have NO fucking idea what real body insecurity is. They think it's feeling sad once in a while because they don't look like Bella Hadid, even though 90% of guys don't care and would date you as long as you're not a landwhale. They could never understand what being a sub 5'5" unkissable, unfuckable guy is like, and they just don't care. It's laughable, it's a joke to be insecure about it, you're just a creepy incel; which just makes the reality of being a sub 5'5" unkissable, unfuckable guy even more fucking terrible.

"I'm not like the other girls who like muscles, I love tall and skinny guys!!" What's funny is I've never heard any girl say they like muscles on a guy. It's always. fucking. tall. Just fuck off.

I don't hate girls for having biological preferences for tall guys, I hate them for thinking it's okay to tell everyone they do because they can. I'd much prefer not knowing about their preferences and living in the reality where physical appearance doesn't matter and I just had to wait for the right girl to come along.

But this reality is a fucking joke.

BududubNow #sexist incels.co

RageFuel Be a Chad/Chadlite and foids will throw themselves at you

So I finally made a Chadfish account on badoo (easier to set up than tinder). One of the converstaions looked like this.

She's craving that Chad dick LMFAO. When was the last time a good looking foid gave you such attention? -JUST IGNORE THEM BRO, CHADS DO IT AND WOMEN GO CRAZY ABOUT THEM. Hahaha. She may sound like she's attacking Chad a little bit but she's not, she is anxious that one of the best fuck possibilities is no more. She is annoyed but not at Chad, she wants to pinch his ego a little bit so that he starts replying again but not too much not to push him away completely. I am not good at this shit but I want to fuck with her some more. I want to respond again with something but IDK what to say, what do you suggest guys? Then I want to ignore her some more and see her reactions again just to fuck with her brain.

Chadfishing is suicide fuel. There was a user here a few months ago (he used a jester avatar) who was posting his Chadfishes all the time, and he probably roped because he's not here anymore.

Yes, it is. The heartbreak that it causes is of the type I've never felt before. I bet chadfishing is "natures" way to push incels towards suicide.

SubhumanAbomination #psycho #sexist incels.co

Why the fact that women are getting obese is a good thing

1- Women being more obese day by day will lead to faster death for women and health deterioration which means more suffering for them physically and mentally

2- An economy crisis since neither the government nor the medical system will be able to keep up with all the obese women with their health issues and inability to work or do anything

3- Men will be more likely to go ER earlier than expected since simping and looksmaxxing for years just to get an obese smelly 2/10 whore is inhumane and insanity

4- Women will not be able to bear children or raise them anymore, so no point for them in getting a betabuxx, which will lead to more frustration for men, and earlier societal destruction

Tbh nothing will change for us, you are idealizing too much

We will always be incels i know, i just want to see the world burn

Yukon Jack #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist web.archive.org

Not too long ago I made the observation that all hope was about to be lost. I even wrote an essay just to make sure it was a marker in time, on how things are evolving. Slowly but surely the information is that we have been betrayed by all of D.C., and it is only a matter of time before the Trumptards have to face reality that Donald Trump destroyed the nation, he didn’t Make Amerika Great Again, or even maintain Amerika at par, he nuked it while playing hero.
In no way am I trying to rub salt in the wounds of the patriot crowd, but they are wrong to follow any leader who is a lover of Israel and the Bible. Yes Virginia, even a preacher loyal to the Bible God is not loyal to humanity, as the Bible God of Israel hates humanity and is using Jews to destroy us. This is very clear in the Old Testament text where God commands the Israelites to go over the hill and kill every living thing.

The BIG problem with the patriots is they are psychically castrated by the Bible and the ADL, they are unable to name the REAL ENEMY THE JEWS. For some strange reason people have a BIG problem identifying the enemy when the Jew is right in your face screwing you, like the little shit Chucky Schumer or Pence who is a Jew loyalist. So if you can’t figure out who is screwing you then what are your chances of solving the problems we face or even survive?

Myles Holmes #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

My life gets simpler and my email inbox get’s lighter by the day. Just unsubscribed from another leftist leaning theological blogger who wants all us believers who supported President Donald J. Trump to apologize and be embarrassed, they wrote me…“Jesus Was Not a Republican”.
I responded before I blocked them…
“Well, He was not an American either for cryin’ out loud. But Jesus would not support the Democrat godless, pro abortion, pro sexual deviancy, Pro LGBTRUCrazy? agenda.
The Republican party is now the only home for a Bible believer at this point in history
Donald Trump has been a wonderful supporter of religious liberties. If you can’t see that from your theological ivory tower, then you have little to share with me or my ministry. See ya.”

Battle Of The Republic
Trump & The Great America
Myles Holmes Ministries

The Confederate and Tired of Them #racist chimpmania.com

(The Confederate): I remember when I was a kid and niggers had giant afros and me and my friends used to flick cigarette butts in them and laugh like hell!

(Tired of Them): I remember a mate of mine smashed an egg on a niggers head when we were about nine or ten. This nigger kid was the only nigger that lived anywhere near me as a child. My mate hid the egg in his hand and whacked it down on the niggers noggin. The nigger went: "Waaaaaaaagggh!" and ran off crying. The contents of the egg slithered through his brillo head in an amusingly different way to human hair. Happy times!

Theophrastus #fundie #wingnut #racist menofthewest.net

[Title: "Culinary Fusion Is Satanic Entryism"]

So we found this app that our TV provider actually includes on their service, and sure enough — it has loads of cooking shows, and some of them are pretty darn good. I was watching one, though, and this woman was making Persian-influenced chile rellenos. That is a bit nuts. Then she topped it with Bulgarian cheese. That was the last straw and the veil was parted and I finally saw clearly.

Satan has used food to get people to allow all sorts of terrible things regarding nationalism and racial self-interest.

“Oh, that fellow can’t be too bad, since he made that Chicken Vindaloo Pizza….”

This is insanity, folks. We need tacos to be tacos. We need pizza to be pizza. We need steak to be steak. And yes, we need curry to be curry. Look, I have nothing against any type of food, but I will be drawing the line at food mixing. Don’t try to give me some sort of sweet and sour shepherd’s pie or jalapeño schnitzel. Nope. Keep that satanic garbage to yourself. I want purity in my food and in my nations. I won’t fall for that demonic trick ever again.

Red Youth #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia redyouth.org

Activists on a payroll, used a drone to carry a giant rainbow flag to the top of the Motherland Monument in Kiev. This huge memorial to the Soviet war dead, was erected in 1981 and stands at an impressive 203 feet.

This stunt is part of a coordinated campaign that we are witnessing everywhere, linked to the global dominance of the financial oligarchy of the USA and EU, which pose as progressive and emancipatory in terms of identity politics, to distract from the appalling conditions imposed on the working class and the annihilation of weak nations.

Those who launch wars and commit genocides champion LGBTQ-identity standards, in their own interests, as elements of democracy. They manipulate social movements for their own benefit under their own rainbow flag. The most reactionary forces of NATO, regimes such as Zionist Israel and in this instance, the Kiev junta accuse as “sexists, homophobes, transphobes”, etc., all who disagree with the dominant doctrine of the Empire, all the while committing fascist outrages, such as the burning alive of trade unionists in Odessa just six years ago.
Behind the rainbow flag of fluid identities lies the plan of converting people into bulk masses passive and malleable by the most aggressive forms of capital. These are the neo-liberal-postmodern dogmas of “symbolic construction” of gender, social order, politics and ideology, nation and homeland, which suit so well the National Endowment for Democracy and the supporters of Ukrainian fascists.

David Icke #conspiracy #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

It is a summer of mass rituals orchestrated by the bloodline families of the global Control System to fundamentally manipulate the energy field of London and, by its knock-on effect, the rest of Britain and the wider world...

...I have been emphasizing for a long time, as I did two weeks ago in the newsletter about the Olympic flame, that what we focus on - give our attention to - we energetically connect with.

Once that happens, if we are dealing with a manipulative force, our energy can be vampired through that connection.

Information or energetic perception programs can also come the other way and infiltrate the psyche. I suggest that both are happening in London this summer as one of the key locations on the Earth energy (information) grid is being subjected to two enormous mass rituals...

Members of Parliament, judges, the military, Intelligence personnel, police officers and even Christian clergy all swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen when they take office - not to the people of the country.

It’s her parliament, her military, her MI5 and MI6, her police, her Church.

The Queen stands on the blood red carpet to address her parliament, her clergy and her judges surrounded by her military and her silly men in silly clothes of red, black and gold.

Are you expected to bow or curtsy to a member of the official government? No, but they are to her.

So where does the real power lie?...

. It is becoming ever clearer why that was done, coming as it does after the summer that is literally ablaze with mass rituals designed to vampire the peoples’ energy, draw power to the Illuminati global centre in London and encode the energy grid with their Satanic vibration (information).

BasedRedPillZeus #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia thedonald.win

The republic is officially DEAD (started its steady demise in 1913 when the Fed was created and was further accelerated in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard).

My vote doesn't count -- it's simply reallocated to the preferred globalist choice by Dominion or shredded by some low IQ jogger counting the ballots.
Millions of browns flooding in every year bringing in crime, commie votes, and breeding generations of Marxist state-loving hooligans.
Money means nothing. We limp along, crushed by a system of satanic usury while our women are indoctrinated into entering the workforce while letting the state raise our children. This soul-crushing rat race is created to line bureaucrats' pockets and to pay for Jamie Dimonds next yacht.
Incessant gaslighting by the mockingbird media industrial complex and academia completely controlled by psychotic Bolshevists' indoctrinating entire generations of youth to worship the state.
A populace castrated and feminized by pharmaceuticals, resin and formaldehyde soaked masks, toxic foods/air, and rampant EM wave and estrogen mimetic plastic poisoning.

I sit here with a glass of Laphroaig disgusted at the state of this world. We sacrifice all our liberties at any moment for perceived security -- all provided by the most evil entity known to man -- the state.

Oh well, I will just continue to buy guns and ammo and remove myself from society.

Live free or die.

Various Trump Supporters #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy thedonald.win

[Context: in response to a republican ad campaign for the senate elections]

Are they completely insane?

Call your voters racist terrorists, stab a highly successful and beloved Republican president in the back and the face, hand over the future of the country to an absolutely lunatic Democrat Party and the Communist Chinese + ??? = success

No, just that fucking stupid.

The insane and mentally handicapped have excuses, and ignorance can be remedied, but these cocksuckers are just terminally stupid -- and there is no cure for that.

(Testosteroneape2000 )
Looks like soros will have to fund both parties now.

Amos Yee/Polocle #pedo polocle.com

Of course there’s a risk of mistreatment if a pedophile is in a relationship with a child. However there’s a risk of abuse in any kind of sexual relationship – whether it’s between 2 adults or with a child – and the reason why we continue taking part in these bonds is because abuse happens only to a small minority of cases.Most pedophiles don’t harm children – they enter into a sexual interaction with a child out of attraction – and love.

It is estimated that one in five men show some attraction to children – and that for 0.5 to 5% of all males – this attraction is preferential. Female pedophiles exist as well – though in a smaller number. That means there are probably as many pedophiles as there as gays -and there are 10s, probably 100s of millions of pedophiles around the world – who are completely innocent – yet are treated with hostility from society, guilt for having their sexual attraction, the fear of having their lives completely ruined if they’re found out, and a feeling of danger that at any time – they could be imprisoned – or even killed. All of this, happen not because having a sexual attraction to a child is bad – but because most people think that it is.

The injustice pedophiles face – needs to end. We need to remove laws that penalises sexual acts completely based on age – so that a pedophile who never caused any harm to a child would never be unfairly imprisoned. And more importantly, we need to end the hatred and discrimination society has towards pedophiles – so that both children and pedophiles – can finally feel accepted – safe – and free to lov

fschmidt #sexist #elitist coalpha.org

Women should not vote.


The reason that women shouldn't vote has nothing to do with intelligence. The reason is that men's instincts are designed for tribe formation and women's instincts aren't. The natural structure of tribes of both humans and chimpanzees is for the tribe to be run by males. Men have a sense of fairness that comes with this role. Women have no such sense of fairness. Men naturally develop a loyalty to the tribe and will act in the tribe's best interest. The loyalty of women is always primarily based on family, particularly her children. When women are given the vote, they will always support these things; a strong central government to support them, the right to sexually provoke men without consequences, and the right to cheat on their husbands. These are women's primary political concerns. In a democracy that includes women, immoral men and almost all women will vote for these things and ruin society.


For equality, one can have separate governments for men and women. Under this system, men would elect a men's government to govern men and women would elect a women's government to govern women. This would prevent women from using the government to oppress men. What would be the result of such a system? The answer is that women wouldn't bother voting in such a system. If you look at all the political actions of women, they are all about controlling men. Women have no interest in controlling or regulating women. Women want a strong government to force men to hire women, to protect women from men, and to tax men to support women. Women want divorce laws to force men to pay alimony and child support to women. And women want to be free to sexually provoke men while having the government prevent any response from men which women call "sexual harassment". There isn't one single thing that women want from government that involves restricting women in any way.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are moving into the 5th dimension dear friends, dear brethren. Slowly but surely you are moving into the agape love frequency. Keep up the good work.

Concentrate on this - and you will help create it all the faster. Imagine a world where all bank debt, including mortgages and credit card debt, will be cancelled for it has been usury to charge such high interest rates and have such unforgiving repayment rules.
There will be no more power bills, energy will be free to all households. Unlike now, taxes will be few and far between. The primary tax will be a 17% payment on the purchase of new products.

The judicial system which has been based on maritime law, will now be changed to constitutional law and justice will prevail on earth at last. Hitherto justice has been blind with nepotism and corruption rife in what has been the “just us” thinking of the legal mind. Self-interest will give way to altruism in all things.
And so there will be unprecedented prosperity with enormous funds for personal self actualization and for humanitarian projects. For until now the wealth of the world has been stolen by the few, the elite controllers.

And mankind will leave illness and disease behind. For there will be a new holistic healing technology. The current drug and operation oriented medical system will be dropped. Food, vitamins, minerals will become the medicine of the future.

Med beds will return mankind to youthful health and by scanning the frequency of the body and the individual organs return them through vibrational therapy to well being and vitality.

AmbiguousSalt #moonbat reddit.com

Social democracy is the “final stop” before full-on fascism. It’s basically a tacit admission by the bourgeoisie that a socialist revolution is drawing near, and they need to appease the workers by whatever means necessary. Social democracy can also exist, feasibly, primarily via imperialism. The reason capitalism is able to provide such a robust welfare state is through the impoverishment and ruin of other countries. As I understand it, it is for these reasons that Stalin (correctly) calls social democracy “objectively the moderate wing of fascism.”

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From "Now we are in trouble"]

It is not over till the fat lady sings on January 20th, but things do not look good.

We inevitably lost because our people did not have legitimate authority to use lethal force, and the other side did.

In order to grant our people legitimate authority to use lethal force, Trump needs to proclaim the insurrection act and call out the militia. I was hoping that yesterday would provide a good occasion for that, though it needed to be done earlier. General Flynn should have had an appointment to organize the unorganized militia several weeks ago.

The battle was lost for lack of a leader with plausibly legitimate authority.

Well, Trump did not, and it looks like from here on, such a proclamation becomes more and more difficult and less and less likely.

I was very much hoping and praying that civil war would start early, because in a left singularity, the earlier you get the inevitable civil war, the more likely the right is to win.

However I have long predicted civil war or catastrophic international war, or genocide, around 2026 or so. That prediction still looks on target.

Leftism will inevitably implode, it always does. Trees do not grow to the sky, but they grow till they fall over. And the further leftism goes before it self destructs, the greater the collateral damage.

We are likely in for quite a lot of collateral damage before the light dawns.

If, as is likely, everything goes to hell in a handbasket, I will focus on building a counter economy and counter society on the blockchain. To preserve the economy against pillage, and the truth against lies, we will need to deploy cryptographic methods.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.co

Blackpill [STUDY] Human touch makes us feel happy and relaxed, couples sleeping together have better REM sleep, autistic people are hormonally sleep impaired

"Why do you care about sex and relationships??? :soy::soy:" Simply sleeping in the same bed as your gf/wife will improve your sleep. Simply being touched by someone will release hormones that will relax you, make you feel happy and positive and thus also help you to sleep



BONUS BLACKPILL: Autistic people are known to have disturbances in the serotonin-melatonin pathway. They're sleep impaired on a hormonal level
If you're autistic and have trouble sleeping it could be because of your autism. Roughly 50-80% of autistic children suffer from sleep disorders Can't fucking catch a break ffs @Atavistic Autist


WHITEPILL: Supplementing Melatonin did help autistic people sleep, but it did not fix the problem entirely

But if supplementing melatonin helped autistic people sleep then I think being in a relationship would also help them. But we all know how fucked those people are when it comes to dating ...

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