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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna



you can help by donating!

link to the gofundme: https://gf.me/u/yjm7q3


If you can’t donate, reblog.  Spread the word because this story isn’t the only one like this and it is disproportionately happening to POC.

Landlords have bills to pay as well, but they should be standing shoulder to shoulder with their tenets against the larger power.  The banks are the problem and the government is backing them up instead of having the backs of the citizens that vote them into power.

Source: nativenews
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I really wish people would stop making long posts in all caps or ones that switch fonts a lot because that is very inaccessible and overwhelming for my autistic brain.

I genuinely want to read what you are saying! Especially if the post is meant to be informative. And I get that you make those type choices for emphasis. But I just can’t understand what you’re saying and it hurts to try.

Source: aestas-fae


I don’t know who you are, or where you’re seeing this message, but I’m here to remind you that you’re loved. You’re not alone. The world might feel like it’s falling to pieces right now, but no matter what happens, you can get through it.

You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live through it. 

Though your pain might feel unending right now- And I can understand that, you can get through it. Days may feel like they’re suffocating you and you can’t escape no matter how hard you try, so I want to do what I can to be here for you.

If you need someone to speak to, about anything. No matter how horrific your mind makes it seem, or even if it feels small. I;m here for you. This is a safe space for you to lift your burdens, to be cared for by someone who cares more for you then you’ll ever know.

I may just be some stranger to you on the internet right now, but your life is so bright to me. Your future is so bright, and you deserve to live. Please, give me the chance to save your life, a life which will do so many wonderful things in the future. 

Send me a dm, or an ask, whatever you find easier, and we can talk out whats going on in your mind.

I love you. Stay strong, sweetness.

Source: angel-uriel

I wish more people…cis and trans…understood that transitioning and passing is just not possible for a lot of us and never will be. I’m so tired of the trans narrative being focused on this supposedly universal experience.

I’m extremely disabled. I will probably never be able to transition in any capacity. I am dependent on my bigoted family and on a bigoted medical system to survive. HRT could hurt my body very badly and I cannot bind because of chronic chest pain. I cannot have top surgery for those same reasons.

There’s so much more to being a man, woman, non-binary than how you can present yourself. And a lot of us are trying desperately to come to terms with that. With the idea of being closeted forever or just straight up trying to navigate our own identies among other trans people more privileged than us.

[everyone can reblog but don’t clown on this post, no t*rfs, no tr*sc*m]




It’s so fucking frustrating. And frankly I’m getting pissed off because tucking and binding are dangerous! I get so worried, especially with trans youth who could really hurt themselves 😰 being told you HAVE to conform to this presentation or you aren’t trans, pushing it as the ONLY way to feel better if you’re dysphoric is not safe! It’s not helpful!


[image description: a reply from tumblr user sensualclowns- “YES!!! I see so many people getting upset when trans people are depicted as not fully transitioned, or not binding/tucking etc etc, and people say “ugh dont draw them like that it makes me dysphoric” well, if other trans people existing outside of your trans experience makes you dysphoric, maybe you should look at WHY that is?? and work on it??? as a personal issue??? I’m so glad someone pointed out how shitty it is to expect all trans people to alter their body”]

i would like to expand on this- while there are issues with people (more commonly cis people, but regardless, be careful with portrayals of marginalized groups you are not part of) portraying trans/nonbinary people in an objectifying way, it certainly isn’t objectifying to acknowledge and portray a variety of trans experiences and body types. it is not harmful for trans/nonbinary people to not want to physically transition or change their presentation, and those people, as well as those of us who cannot do those things but would if health/safety/finances/etc was not an issue, deserve support and representation.

Source: renmorris
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