I wish more people…cis and trans…understood that transitioning and passing is just not possible for a lot of us and never will be. I’m so tired of the trans narrative being focused on this supposedly universal experience.

I’m extremely disabled. I will probably never be able to transition in any capacity. I am dependent on my bigoted family and on a bigoted medical system to survive. HRT could hurt my body very badly and I cannot bind because of chronic chest pain. I cannot have top surgery for those same reasons.

There’s so much more to being a man, woman, non-binary than how you can present yourself. And a lot of us are trying desperately to come to terms with that. With the idea of being closeted forever or just straight up trying to navigate our own identies among other trans people more privileged than us.

[everyone can reblog but don’t clown on this post, no t*rfs, no tr*sc*m]

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  25. renmorris posted this
    I wish more people...cis and trans...understood that transitioning and passing is just not possible for a lot of us and...