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Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Therapist or Counsellor?

What is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist and counsellor?

o    A psychiatrist is someone who has trained as a medical doctor and then specialised in different psychological disorders. This ranges from personality disorders (such as schizophrenia) to disorders of aging (such as dementia). A psychiatrist can prescribe medication, as well as providing guidance and counselling.

o    A licensed clinical psychologist will have completed both an undergraduate degree and a 4 to 6 year doctorate program. A psychologist cannot prescribe medication. They provide counselling, guidance and support to clients based on their particular theoretical orientation (for example, behaviourism, CBT, solution focused therapy.)

o    A therapist (or psychotherapist) will have at least a masters degree plus some additional psychotherapy training. Exact training requirement vary from country to country, state to state, and province to province. He or she will have supervised practical experience, and will also have undergone psychotherapy themselves. A therapist works with clients on their problems, using some kind of talking therapy. They are unable to prescribe medication.

o    A counsellor will have extensive training in counselling theory and skills. They will have undergone counselling themselves, and been supervised in their practical skills. They work with clients to help them explore, understand and work towards solutions to their problems. They are unable to prescribe medication.

Note: All psychiatrists, psychologist, therapist and counsellors can specialize in different areas. The most common ones are: couples, family, addictions, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, stress management, PTSD, abuse, grief and loss, life transitions and groups.

** There is an error in this that we want to make clear- schizophrenia is not a personality disorder (as incorrectly identified in the first paragraph). Schizophrenia is part of the type of illnesses called schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Personality disorders are a separate type of mental illnesses and include but not limited to narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder & borderline personality disorder

-MIM mods

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