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Here are some tips for people with social anxiety for a job interview:

  1. Treat Yourself Well

    Avoid caffeine, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. By following these three simple rules, you will greatly reduce job interview anxiety.

  2. Visualize Success

    Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes and visualize yourself being successful in your interview. Visualizing success is more than just positive thinking; when done correctly, you are getting your brain ready to behave in the way that you desire. This technique is used by elite athletes before competitions to improve performance.

  3. Reduce Stressors

    Reduce stressors unrelated to the actual interview, such as uncomfortable clothing, getting lost, or showing up late. Well in advance, choose an outfit that is comfortable and that looks good on you. If you aren’t familiar with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to find it or do a trial run a day or two before.

  4. Do Your Research

    Being well-prepared is a great antidote to anxiety. Research your potential employer. Prepare answers to common questions. Every bit of preparation that you can do will help to increase your comfort level and make you feel more confident and capable in the interview.

  5. Don’t Succumb to Pressure

    Once in a while, you may be interviewed by someone who grills you to see how you handle stress. Although as a person with SAD it can be tempting to start spiraling into negative automatic thinking, such as “He knows I can’t handle this job; I should never have applied” or “They don’t really like me; I’ll never get the job”, stop. If you find yourself in this situation, realize what the interviewer is trying to accomplish and don’t let him ruffle your feathers. Know that the other candidates have been treated the same way and that it is no reflection on you or your capabilities.

  6. Interview the Interviewer

    A great way to feel less self-conscious in an interview situation is to realize that interviews are a two-way street. You are deciding whether you want to work for an employer just as much as they are deciding whether they want you to come work for them. Try putting yourself in this mindset and see if your focus doesn’t change.

  7. Release Anxious Energy

    Anxiety has a way of leaking out even when you think that you have it well-hidden. If you find yourself fidgeting, try doing something to release anxious energy that no one will notice, such as wiggling your toes.

  8. Take Your Time

    Realize that you don’t have to answer questions immediately. Pause before answering and collect your thoughts. If you worry about drawing a blank during interviews, a great technique is to take notes as everyone talks. This takes the focus off of you and allows you to refer to your notes after a question has been asked. If you start to draw a blank, keep making notes and comment that you want to collect your thoughts before responding.

  9. Be Prepared

    A well-prepared interviewee has an immediate advantage in an interview. In addition, being well-prepared and proactive will take the edge off of job interview anxiety. Be sure to bring everything that you think you might need, such as your resume, cover letter, business cards, references, licenses, certifications, and a pen and notepad.

  10. Congratulate Yourself

    Regardless of how you felt that the interview went, congratulate yourself afterward for taking the chance. Do something that you enjoy as a reward. Above all else, avoid ruminating about how the interview went or what could have gone better.

Nov 7th 2012, 8:41 pm - 1,001 notes
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