
Hello all, today I bring you my computer science masterpost, which is based on my experiences with CS in high school and college (and also from talking other CS studyblrs). Full disclosure, I have only been studying CS for about two years (and mainly in Java) so this is not coming from an expert, but I want to put what I know out there to help all y’all, so HERE WE GO!

First off: If you haven’t already, check out posts like this and this (and many others) for online CS resources and practice. Code Academy is especially great for brushing up on the basics, and I really like Coding Bat for little exercises to warm up your brain before jumping into a bigger project. @thisgirlcodes​ also told me about this link for free CS books. 


  • Code. A lot. 
    • More on this later, but my general advice is to fully go through code examples from class instead of ignoring them or just glancing over them
    • In addition, you can write your own mini-programs using concepts you are learning to see how they work in practice
    • Also make sure you are running the most current version of your IDE, this will help you avoid errors from out of date software
  • Keep up with your homework problems/textbook readings 
    • Even if it is for completion you should try to do it right (ideally without looking at your notes)
    • The material won’t always be directly relevant to your class, but it can never hurt to know more about the subject
  • Mark up/retype lecture notes
    • Pretty standard studyblr advice: don’t let your notes sit, reviewing them over time is the best way to make sure you learn it
  • Keep a running study guide
    • Every time you encounter something particularly difficult or something your teacher really stresses, add it to the study guide and come test time you will already be ahead with studying
    • You could even make a shared Google Doc and have multiple people contributing to it throughout the year 
  • Make a routine and stay with it
    • Something like “After every class do this, every week do this, etc.” will keep you on track better than just randomly studying
  • Know how your grade is calculated to better allocate your time
    • In my class, projects are not worth very much individually, but they take up so much of my time and energy and can distract me from studying for the really big stuff like tests and quizzes
    • Knowing what is worth more can tell you which areas need more or less of your time


Many people think they can understand concepts just by looking at a piece of code, but this has never worked for me. Here’s what does work: Download/copy the code you want to understand. Upload it into your code viewing platform of choice (usually I use Eclipse, BlueJ, or Drive Notepad). Then go through it thoroughly. Make as many comments as you need to understand how it is running. Trace what is happening from input to output. See what concepts are being applied in the code. Basically you need to interact with it, not just read it. I am really bad about finding the motivation to do this because it’s a lot of work, but it really does help you understand the material on a deeper level. 

I’ve commented this code that I found here so you can see what I’m talking about (I commented a lot, of course you can do as much or as little as you like).



The two key things to do when preparing for a test are to know the concepts and to do practice problems. Any combination of things from this list can work, it’s up to you to find what you like.

  • Teacher-assigned homework problems
  • Practice test problems and answers
  • Going to office hours/after school help
  • Assigned projects
  • Side projects 
  • Chapter Review and Quick Check questions from textbook
  • Quiz and test corrections
  • General notes/lecture review
  • Code that accompanies lecture/discussion

Another note: I always find it really hard to do problems without looking at the answers. In my mind I know it will help me learn better if I attempt the questions without looking at the answers, but I still really really just want to look at them. I think it’s a combination of it being much more effort to figure it out and also that you can kind of trick yourself. If you do all the problems yourself and struggle with them, you feel terrible, but if you just look at the answers it’s easy breezy. So try to remember that having trouble with practice problems isn’t the end of the world, and in the long run it will help you learn.


  • Join clubs/networks for coding
  • Jobs/Internships
    • This would require a whole different post, but essentially if you are in a position to get a job/internship, real world experience with code will increase your skill level very quickly
  • Outside projects
    • I’ve never been one to tinker around with stuff, but it seems like every guy and his uncle has built a PC or a web app so you might want to try it for yourself
    • You can also get involved with compsci people from tumblr or from your school and build things together with Git and Slack


  • Logical thinking (courtesy of @thisgirlcodes)
    • Compsci requires a certain approach to problem solving that doesn’t come naturally to everyone at first; you kind of have to train yourself to think through all these possibilities when writing code and solving problems. It can seem impossible at first, especially when you see these super-fancy, super-efficient designs made by top-level programmers, but with enough practice I know you can develop the skill.
  • Real talk for ladies: there’s a lot of dudes out there. Talk to them. If you only stick with girls you won’t be getting the full experience, and you might miss the opportunity to meet some amazing people. 


Studying computer science is hard work. HARD. WORK. Compsci is one of those fields that has a lot of geniuses; these people seem to just skim on by and understand everything perfectly, leaving you (or at least me) feeling useless and dumb and like you’ll never catch up. My philosophy for dealing with this has been, “If you can’t out-think them, out-work them,” and also, “You don’t have to be good at it, you just have to do it.” Many many people do extremely well in this field without being geniuses, and they do it by working hard over time. I really like this reddit thread that talks about feeling discouraged by everyone’s success. It’s good to remember that just because you aren’t the best at something doesn’t mean you can’t make contributions to and do well in your field.

And that’s it! Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you pursue! <3<3<3

Computer Science/Engineering Masterpost

Online lectures:

Discrete Mathematics (x) (x(x) (x) (x)

Data Structures (x) (x) (x) (x) (and Object Oriented Programming (x) )

Software Engineering (x)

Database (x)

Operating Systems (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (x)

Computer Architecture (x)

Programming (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

Linear Algebra (x) (x) (x)

Artificial Intelligence (x) (x)

Algorithms (x)

Calculus (x) (x) (x)

Tutorials (programming) and other online resources:

Programming languages online tutorials and Computer Science/Engineering online courses

Java tutorial

Java, C, C++ tutorials

Memory Management in C

Pointers in C/C++


Genetic Algorithms

Websites for learning and tools:

Stack Overflow

Khan Academy


Recommended books:

Computer organization and design: the hardware/software interface. David A.Patterson & John L. Hennessy.

Artificial intelligence: a modern approac. Stuart J. Russel & Peter Norvig.

Database systems: the complete book. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom.

Algorithms: a functional programming approach. Fethi Rabbi & Guy Lapalme.

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Michael T. Goodrich & Roberto Tamassia.

The C programming language: Kernighan, D. & Ritchie.

Operating System Concepts: Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne.

Study Tips:

How to Study

Exam Tips for Computer Science

Top 10 Tips For Computer Science Students

Study Skills: Ace Your Computing Science Courses

How to study for Computer Science exams

How to be a successful Computer Science student

Writing in Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering:

Writing a Technical Report

Writing in the Sciences (Standford online course)

Writing in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Courses 


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Let me tell you about my panda mini-washer


As an apartment dweller, this is a game changer. My current apartment doesn’t have a laundry facility and the closest Laundromat about a 30 min bus ride which is just not practical. The mini-washer is a life saver

The panda mini washer hooks up to the sink, is incredibly lightweight (about 28 pounds, so light even I can lift it) and easy to use. 


It has a surprisingly large capacity. The basket from the first picture represents about one and a half loads. The jeans took up a whole load while the rest filled the bin only half way. 


Here’s the inside. The left is the washer the right is the spin dryer. Yes, it even drys.


Basically you shove your cloths into the washer, fill it up with water and let it go. I use my shower head to fill it up so it goes faster, the sink hook up took about five minutes to fill the whole tub, with the shower head is is down to a minute an a half. I do it in three wash cycles, a five minute rinse with baking soda, a five minute wash with soap and a three minute rinse with water. You have to drain and refill between each cycle so it’s a little more labor intensive than a traditional washer. 


That’s the spin dryer. It’s about half the capacity of the washer so one wash takes about two loads to dry. The spinner is much more effective than I was expecting. A three minute spin gets my cloths about 90% dry. I hang them up to air dry for that last 10%. 

The machine cost me about 150$. When you factor in two dollars for the bus, five for the machines (per week), the mini-washer pays for its self after only about six months worth of laundry. 

I’m not great at expressing emotion, but I’m hoping you can tell how excited I am.  Let me just say that the panda mini-washer is great and I highly recommend it to anyone currently using a Laundromat.  


Read this and immediately bought it on Amazon for $180. I spend $15 a week to have my laundry done so this pays for itself in 3 months for me. THANK YOU JESUS.


@ all my nyc pendejas

Oh by the way, they have table top dishwashers that are pretty much the same thing:


This is one of the biggest technological breakthroughs for the everyday homeowner in the current decade: the realization that refrigerators aren’t the only things that can be miniaturized for better affordability and minimal space requirements.

Can you IMAGINE how this is going to change the lives of college students and apartment-dwellers? Or anyone with a lower income who can’t afford a place with “luxury” appliances like dishwashers and laundry machines?

There’s an even cheaper option called the Wonder Wash where you tumble the thing yourself and you’ll have to line-dry the clothes, but it apparently works very well.

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you know, because of color theory

Of course.

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