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Diocesan Collections

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Safeguarding Documents

Safeguarding Forms

SG-01  Staff/Volunteer Application Form

SG-04 ChildandParent Guardian Joint Activity & Media Consent Form

SG-05 Accidents Incidents Form

SG-06  Sample Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment

SG-07 External Groups Using Church Property Form

SG-08 GeneralComplaints Form

SG-09 TUSLA Child Protection Referral

SG-10 Parish Self Audit

SG-11 Vulnerable Adults Allegation Concerns

SG-12 Character&Personal Reference Request Form

SG-13 Letter of Appointment

SG-14 Code of Behaviour for Ministry with Vulnerable Adults

SG-15 Code of Conduct for all Church Personnel

SG-16 Template for Attendance Register for Large Groups

SG-17 Sample Code of behaviour for children taking part in Church activities

SG-18 Dealing with Breaches of Codes of Behaviour for Children and Adults

SG-19 Sample Workshop on Creating a Code of Behaviour with Young Children

Sample register – Ministry with Young Children 

Sample register – Use of Parish Facilities

Garda Vetting Forms

NVB 1 Vetting Invitation Form

NVB3 Parent Guardian Consent Form

Proof of Identity Checklist


Whistleblowing – Information and Guidance


Safeguarding Policy – NSBCCCI

Safeguarding Statement

Code of Best Practice (A4)


Safety Poster for Children


Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016

Safeguarding Children Parish Handbook

Role of the Parish Safeguarding Representative

Parish Activities – Information and Guidance

Safeguarding Checklist for Parishes

Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Guidelines

Safeguarding Audits

NBSCCCI Review of Safeguarding Children in the Diocese of Ossory  June 2013

Parish Audits 2017

Parish Audits 2018

Parish Audits 2019

Ossory Diocesan Office
Charity Reg No: 20015831
James’s Street, Kilkenny Tel: 056-7762448 Fax: 056-7763753 E-mail: