

Feb 21 2009 22:45

This is great information.

Aug 12 2009 19:35

Wow! Wonderful! smile

Mar 11 2012 23:57

Great information, thank you! I'm passing it on!

Oct 6 2012 03:13

Excellent site! A ton of very critical and helpful information. Thanks for making it available.

Nov 17 2012 19:19

These are wonderful. One should also be written regarding how to organize a university, or a faculty even.

Common Struggle
May 17 2013 13:23

"And when I say organizing, I mean organizing new people outside of our scenes to take action on issues affecting them NOT organizing countless events or marches every once and while that include the same insular radical scene." - Klas B.

klas batalo
May 17 2013 19:06

Actually I did not say that. It was a quote from a SeaSol organizer.

Nov 13 2013 12:31

I've added PDF's, Organise on this page is the Omnibus with separate PDF's for each specific guide.

Nov 13 2013 18:14

Brilliant, thanks!

Feb 24 2014 18:17

What a concept! You guys are a bunch of geniuses! Uncle Karl would be proud!

Norman Young
Jun 25 2014 17:26

Brilliant! an excellent tool in our struggle against the bosses and the exploitative nature of the capitalist profit system. Should be read by all workers in the trade union movement.

Feb 11 2015 22:18

Have been reading the workplace organizing guide. Really good stuff. Major props to everyone who worked on it, libcom and the IWW.

This link is broken. An entire section of the organizing guide, missing! surprised

Feb 11 2015 22:48
boomerang wrote:
Have been reading the workplace organizing guide. Really good stuff. Major props to everyone who worked on it, libcom and the IWW.

This link is broken. An entire section of the organizing guide, missing! :O

fixed, thanks!

Feb 11 2015 23:12

Great smile

May 19 2017 22:58

Wow thankyou

Lucky Black Cat
Jan 16 2020 07:49

I have libcom's Workplace Organising guide in my pinned post on twitter. smile