
Conspiracy theories - a new introduction (2020)

anti-lockdown conspiracy demo

New preface to Aufheben's article from 2016

Anarchy: The Great Brain Robbery 1971

Special un-numbered issue of Anarchy magazine on education.

Preparing for Electoral Unrest and a Right-Wing Power Grab: An Analysis - Peter Gelderloos

In the following analysis, Peter Gelderloos explores the motivations and capabilities of the various factions that are likely to participate in the forthcoming conflict over the outcome of the 2020 election, describes how this figures in right-wing efforts to establish a revamped white supremacy in the context of the existing democratic system, and reviews what we can hope to accomplish by resisting. This article was first published by Crimethinc.

Does working from home weaken the working class? - Bluebirdbeta

An article about the challenges of workplace organising when working from home, first published by New Syndicalist.This piece came about from conversations within IWW Cymru, and we hope that it kicks off discussion in the wider labour movement.

Fighting Back - International Week of Action Against Unpaid Wages

Short pamphlet by the anarcho-syndicalist union the ZSP. ZSP is the Polish section of the International Workers Association. The pamphlet is about their experiences in countering wage theft, both successful and unsuccessful.

Anarchy #03 1971

The infamous "Acid Issue" of the 2nd series of Anarchy magazine.

Newham Monitoring Project

Newham Monitoring Project annual report covers

Annual reports of the Newham Monitoring Project, an anti-racist and police monitoring group that emerged from black and Asian struggles in the 1970s and 1980s. The reports cover a 22-year period from 1983 to 2005.

بلشویکها وکنترل کارگری 1921-1917 دولت و ضدانقلاب نویسنده موریس برینتون

کمیته های کارخانه به عنوان تشکل ارگانیک خود کارگران و تضاد آنها با بلشویک ها و سیاست های حزبی آنان. مانورهای لنین برای تضعیف کمیته های کارخانه و تلاش وی برایوابسته کردن کمیته های کارخانه به اتحادیه های کارگری.تلاش های ضدانقلابی بورژوازی روسیه ومنشویکها در ضدیت با کمیته های کارخانه

بلشویک ها وکنترل کارگری 1921-1917، دولت و ضدانقلاب

کمیته های کارخانه به عنوان تشکل ارگانیک خود کارگران در تضاد با بلشویکها و سیاست حزب آنها .مانورهای لنین برای تضعیف کمیته های کارخانه وتلاش وی برای وابسته کردن کمیته های کارخانه به اتحادیه های کارگری. تلاشهای ضدانقلابی منشویکها و بورژوازی روسیه در ضدیت با کمیته های کارخانه