Class War

Class War 11/2020: Capitalism Kills

CLASS WAR's new bulleytin:
Class struggle in times of Plague Inc.
Weeks and Months that Shook the World
“War against the virus” is the continuation of the permanent war waged against us

The Wolverine #2(?) (1984)

Probably the 2nd issue of The Wolverine from 1984.

From a scan by the comrades at Spirit of Revolt archive, Glasgow.

Contents include: Miners strike, riots, gay apologists (Keith Silvester piece from 1979), Conservative MP outed, A Letter To Dear Comrades (long piece on gay people in poltical groups, the activist scene generally etc), is it worth running away?, public schools.

The Wolverine #1 (1983?)

Debut issue of The Wolverine from late 1983 (or perhaps early 1984).

From a scan by the comrades at Spirit of Revolt archive, Glasgow.

Contents include: Neil Kinnock becoming leader of the Labour party, reprint of London Autonomists leaflet about the police, class and image, social workers get lost!, queer bashing in Islington, Ravachol - anarchist and homosexual.

The Wolverine - Gay Voices of Hostility

Online archive of The Wolverine, a class struggle anarcho-gay newsletter loosely connected to the London Autonomists/Monday Group - some members of whom were also involved in the early incarnation of Class War. Published in London in the early 1980s.

It is unclear how many issues were produced. Possibly three? If you know more - leave a comment...

Class War 10/2019: “Yellow vests”

“Here we are / Here we are”
“For the honor of the workers / And for a better world”

What do we do when the cops fuck off?

An article from Class War looking at the experiences of London riots in the early-mid 1980s and the questions that would have to be solved to make police-free zones sustainable. Content note for discussion of sexual violence.

Direct Action #46 (February 1988)

Issue #46 of Direct Action, with articles on NHS disputes, unofficial strikes at Ford, Linda Bellos overseeing "left Labour" cuts in Lambeth, abortion rights and sackings of pregnant workers, Clause 27/Section 28, a post dispute being called off, a call for a rank-and-file council workers group, an interview with Dave Douglass, the USI and struggles in Italy, the first Intifada, women in the Puerto Real struggle, a Moroccan miners' occupation, anarchism and theory with reviews of The Heavy Stuff, Attack and a pamphlet on animal liberation, the divided working class in Northern Ireland, and more.

The Hidden Injuries of Theory - Tom Jennings

Tom Jennings talks about the real contradictions in Class War and questions whether revolutionary theorising doesn't disguise more particular interests behind its all-embracing eloquence.

Class War issue ?? 1984 Victory to the Hit Squads!

A publication produced by Class War during the 1984-85 miners' strike, with the slogans "Victory to the Hit Squads" and "Open Up the Second Front Now". First scanned and made available online by the Sparrow's Nest.