Megan McArdleПотвърден профил


Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- Buy my book, The Up Side of Down

Washington, DC
Регистриран през септември 2008 г.


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  1. Закачен туит
    23.09.2019 г.

    I just muted anyone who doesn’t follow me. If you want to troll me on politics, you’re going to have to endure my opinions on DC traffic and the proper way to make pie.

  2. преди 12 минути

    Possibly the weirdest thing I've done in the pandemic is sous-vide poach chicken thighs in milk and garlic, which turns out to be delicious.

  3. преди 1 час
  4. ретуитна
    преди 5 часа

    Years of defending The Babylon Bee from tin-eared Fact Checks flushed down the toilet.

  5. ретуитна
    преди 6 часа

    I will go to my grave believing that the mid-engined Corvette is a hoax. Bringing the journalists into the conspiracy is easy, when this already involves the highest levels of power. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE!!

    Показване на тази нишка
  6. ретуитна
    преди 6 часа

    More than 21.2 million Americans are estimated to have voted already. That's 15.3% of the TOTAL number of people who voted in 2016.

  7. ретуитна
    преди 6 часа

    People are skeptical of this, but in the early months of the pandemic the freelancer registration rate on Upwork went up 50%. Our annual survey of freelancers also shows a lot of new freelancers post pandemic.

    Показване на тази нишка
  8. преди 6 часа

    Yes, apparently the reason we hold elections on Tuesday is that many Calvinists wouldn't travel on Sunday, or vote on Sunday, and given far-flung farmers traveling by horse or Shank's Ponies, you needed to allow a day of travel *after* the sabbath. longer applies.

  9. ретуитна
    преди 7 часа

    Little did Somalis know that joining the Arab League in 1974 would affect their children’s position in the American racial bureaucracy in 2020

  10. преди 7 часа

    With Europe's cases spiking above ours, I remind you of my column from a few days ago: felicitous weather has been spoofing good covid control.

  11. преди 7 часа

    It's not even that quick. They just couldn't bring themselves to intervenne.

  12. ретуитна
    преди 7 часа

    In a sense the story of the fall election is that Trump's strategy required the most optimistic herd-immunity scenarios to be vindicated, they conspicuously haven't been, and the rest is commentary.

  13. ретуитна

    China's persecution of the Uyghurs is a crime against humanity. It is also the gravest example of a worldwide attack on human rights. Our cover this week

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  14. ретуитна
    преди 18 часа

    Montana had a record number of new cases today.

    Показване на тази нишка
  15. преди 18 часа

    Followers are telling me it was Wilmington ca 1962. I still have questions.

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  16. преди 19 часа

    Did I hear that right? Did Joe Biden, born in 1942, claim he was told by his father in 1950, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, that two dudes he saw kissing "love each other"? Because while that story is heartwarming, I have questions.

  17. преди 19 часа

    Boy Donald Trump is sweating a lot. Shades of 1960.

  18. ретуитна
    преди 19 часа

    In case anyone was still curious whether he is fit for office . . .

  19. преди 19 часа

    I'm glad to see that in claiming that he is the best president for Black Americans ever, Trump is now acknowledging that perhaps he is the second best, after Abraham Lincoln.

  20. преди 20 часа

    After months and months of claiming that analysts saying covid was dangerous were overblowing things, Trump is now citing the early Imperial college death projections (which were the highest) as proof we did a good job.

  21. преди 20 часа

    Trump: America is a "winner" on excess mortality. I guess the dead people are the losers.


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