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  1. uudelleentwiittasi
    9. lokak.

    For 7 yrs on I was called RUF090! For 7 bloody yrs I was called by my boat ID number no my real name! They even did not hesitate to take away my identity! But guess what? I survived and now fighting back this cruel system which treated me like shit!

  2. uudelleentwiittasi
    10. lokak.

    Today is world mental health day. is where u loose hope and as a result u will end up having trauma and depression which will remain in u for the rest of ur life. For those of us who've been in this situation for 8 yrs, so far, things are beyond imagination.

  3. uudelleentwiittasi
    8. lokak.

    My migrant parents didn't speak a word of English when they came from Greece. Raised 2 human rights lawyers with 8 degrees & an Order of Australia. Under this government they never would have been allowed in. Since when does speaking English determine your worth? Can you relate?

    Näytä tämä ketju
  4. uudelleentwiittasi
    5. lokak.

    Alan Tudge thinks it’s ok to dismiss the findings of a judge as commentary, then proceeds to talk about crimes that were not relevant to the findings. He then says he’s looking at lodging a judicial appeal. Interesting logic.

  5. uudelleentwiittasi
    6. lokak.

    The Iranian Women’s Assn have started a petition asking the Australian government to consider the migration impact of & provide permanent protection to refugees & asylum seekers, most who have lived in our community for years. Please sign & share

  6. uudelleentwiittasi
    8. lokak.

    After Jacquie Lambie saying multiple times there was no deal behind her Medevac vote and it was all about national security, it seems there was a deal all along. Today it seems refugees got sold out for veterans, who then got sold out. Shameful politics destroying lives

  7. uudelleentwiittasi
    9. lokak.

    Dutton’s eye-watering ‘investment’ is paying off - under threat of transfer, an asylum seeker signs to return to harm. “Christmas Island is a slow death. In Afghanistan they put a bullet in your head, but it is better to die once than to die every day.”

  8. uudelleentwiittasi
    9. lokak.
  9. uudelleentwiittasi
    9. lokak.

    In a budget that shells out $1.19 billion to torment a few hundred souls for another year, $41m is cut from homelessness services, JobSeeker is halved, there’s no new funding for DV, and more is spent on “recycled rubbish than it is on women.” Smart. Not.

  10. 9. lokak.
  11. 9. lokak.
  12. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    Past Federal papers reveal scale of blowouts in 's offshore processing policy. Spending exceeded budget by $202m in 2016-17, $768m in 2017-18, $398m in 2018-19 and $436m in 2019-20. $1.8b in cost blowouts in 4 years! Nothing achieved, just more suffering.

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  13. uudelleentwiittasi
    8. lokak.

    Watch Matthias Corman urgently pretend he hasn’t spent 7 years as a hard right member of a government that tortures refugees and denies climate science, as he tries for the OECD job.

  14. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (10/10) Effectively he served 11 years because he asked for asylum in Australia. You do less time for murder.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  15. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (8/10) There are too many examples of how obscene the financial cost of all this is so here's just one. This asylum seeker man was released last week after being detained for 11 years.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  16. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (5/10) So why wouldn't Australia just accept NZ's longstanding offer to take those refugees left offshore? It would save Australia a much needed $1 billion, and as a gesture of goodwill why not just pay for the travel & quarantining of those being relocated (saved)?

    Näytä tämä ketju
  17. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (4/10) But wait, there's more. Last night we learnt over $1 billion is budgeted for offshore detention in the next 2 years. Offshore doesn't include Christmas Island by the way. Offshore means Manus and Nauru.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  18. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (3/10) Last night's includes a spend of another $55m on Christmas Island. Over $180m has already been spent on that centre in the last year, but the largesse has not incl giving the kids their own beds. A family of 4 have had to share a bed for 13 months.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  19. uudelleentwiittasi
    7. lokak.

    (1/10) Any entry level democracy in recession would dial down their expensive addiction to pricey island detention centres. But not Australia. (thread)

    Näytä tämä ketju
  20. uudelleentwiittasi
    6. lokak.

    . is all announcement & no delivery. He’s promising to increase partner visas by 30,000 in tonight’s . 100,000 Australians & 100,000 of their partners are waiting 27 months to get a visa. The budget does not clear this backlog.


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