BEO Speedwulf


I'm always jittery! It's my personality to be jittery! It's part of my charm!

bay, bay, bayou, & brooklyn
加入于 2008年5月
生于 7月26日


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  1. 置顶推文
  2. 1小时前

    i got my gf 's cookbook and she read the entire thing like it was a particularly compelling novel

  3. 2小时前

    i think "moral, necessary, and achievable" will be the thesis of my speaking engagements this month

  4. 2小时前

    "safe, legal, and rare" my ass

  5. 2小时前

    universal healthcare is moral universal healthcare is necessary universal healthcare is achievable

  6. 2小时前

    cuomo could buy a lot of delay in needing to address MTA problems if he spent a million dollars to put photos of cool dogs in every train

  7. 2小时前

    people online sure know a lot about the fuck habits of fictional teens

  8. 2小时前

    ♫ Baby Driver ♫ Coming out right now on the silver screen ♫ Scored a 9 on IIIII-MDB

  9. 3小时前

    Left unstated in Rowling's later work is that Slytherin was the cool teen premarital sex dorm

  10. 3小时前
  11. 3小时前

    Weedeater - Wizard Fight

  12. 3小时前

    Anyway, you should donate to abortion funds, especially local ones. The National Network of Abortion Funds is good as hell

  13. 3小时前

    If you were cynical, you could posit that Big Abortion is prioritizing revenue over womens' health, but I'm not I can argue that yet

  14. 3小时前

    That, at least, I kind of understand--but I don't know why you can't support single-payer mvmt & file lawsuit about the amendment

  15. 3小时前

    NARAL and PP opposed ColoradoCare--CO has a state amendment prohibiting state $ to be used on abortion.

  16. 3小时前

    it's the argument against single-payer and it's... dumb. Reproductive justice is healthcare. Universal healthcare must include it. Duh

  17. 3小时前

    there's this weird idea, proffered by centrists, that somehow reproductive justice and universal healthcare aren't nested within each other

  18. 3小时前

    planned parenthood's response to the shutdown of the California single-payer bill is... strange

  19. 转推了

    remembering Ezra and Matt's horseshit nitpicks of Bernie on single payer and grinding my teeth

  20. 转推了

    Avik Roy and McMegan are really plumbing the very bottom of the smarmy-yet-evil barrel

  21. 6小时前

    the way things are going clinton is going to insist on tv that she's always been for single-payer by next month


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