Special General Meeting 2018-03-27

Dear members, 

we invite you to a Special General Meeting. 

Tuesday, 27th March 2018, Start 20:00 Uhr CET (18:00 UTC) 

Place: mumble 

The reason for the Special General Meeting is a requirement by the Vereinsbehörde to redefine or add a few topics to the Statutes of the Association by 1st March 2018.


TOP 1 : Start of the meeting 

TOP 2 : Declaration of correct call of the  meeting, quorum and right to vote 

TOP 3 : Resolution to change § 24 Aufsichtsrat (Supervisory board) (Appendix Top 1) 

TOP 4 : Resolution to change § 28 Schiedsgericht (Arbitration) (Appendix Top 2) 

TOP 5 : Resolution to change § 30 Rechnungsprüfer (Controller) (Appendix Top 3) 

TOP 6 : Resolution to add new paragraph Fellowship-Koordinator (Appendix Top 4) 

TOP 7 : Resolution to add new paragraph Abschlussprüfer (Public Accountant) (Appendix Top 5) 

TOP 8 : Resolution to appoint a Abschlussprüfers (Public Accountant) (Appendix Top 6) 

TOP 9 : Financial report 

Remark: According to § 15 (5) a proxy can be nominated. 

The nomination of the proxy needs to be given to the board (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 24th March digital signed. 

Currently we are working on an English translation of the Statutes of the Association and the resolutions. Hopefully they are available within a week.

Best regards 

Marcus Mängel 

Sekretär / Secretary 

WPIA (World Privacy and Identity Association) 





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