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Culture, Politics, Law and Earth

Environment and Governance Research Group, UNSW

EDITOR IN CHIEF : Anthony Burke

Number of Issues : 2

Subject: Anthropology, Area Studies, Arts & Humanities, Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, Ethics, History, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, International Relations, Law, Literature, Philosophy, Planning & Development, Political Science, Social Sciences, Philosophy & Law, Sociology, Theatre, Urban Studies, Women's Studies

eISSN: 1447-0810



License type: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Borderlands is a transdisciplinary journal of the humanities and social sciences that was founded in Australia in 2001. Since then, it has fostered radical thinking across the borders between disciplines, nations, sexualities, economies, identities, peoples and species, and fostered interplay between rigorous scholarship in philosophy, law, cultural studies, politics, sociology, geography, international relations and the environment. Borderlands' profile in areas such as refugees, indigenous politics, post-and de-colonial theory, biopolitics, post-Marxism, queer theory, race and gender, is especially strong, but the journal remains open to a range of concerns and disciplines.

As the complex discourse and reality of the Anthropocene evolves, Borderlands is opening its pages to work in the environmental humanities, posthumanism, STS, and environmental politics, theory and law. It aims to foster new conjunctions of justice, power, theory and bodies; to connect theory, event and structure in compelling and thoughtful ways.

You can read the Borderlands' manifesto to get a sense of the vision with which we began.

Writing for Borderlands 

Borderlands has a global reputation for first-class theorising and innovative conjunctions of theory, event and situated analysis. Borderlands' editorial board includes some of the world's most important social theorists including Sara Ahmed, Jane Bennett, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Claire Colebrook, Michael Hardt, Donna Haraway, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Adi Ophir, RBJ Walker and McKenzie Wark. Our rigorous standards and double-blind peer-review process ensures that only the highest-quality work is published. Your work will be published with an open access license - for free - ensuing global and equitable access to your work from readers around the world. And, by publishing with Borderlands, you help support a radical publishing space untainted by big corporate profitmaking and neoliberal elitism. 

Past issues of Borderlands

Borderlands issues from 2002-2019 can be viewed in the National Library of Australia’s Trove archive.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license users are free to share the work (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format), if the contribution is properly attributed and used for non-commercial purposes. The material published in the journal may not be altered or built upon.

All authors who wish to publish in Borderlands must agree to the licensing terms stated above.


The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Environment and Governance Research Group brings together leading international researchers in environmental politics, law and policy, biodiversity, climate security, food systems, and environmental ethics. Our work has a common focus on improving law, public policy and international cooperation in protecting ecosystems and managing the impact of human-induced environmental change. With planet Earth having entered the Anthropocene - the epoch of dramatic human impacts on the Earth’s ecology and systems - our work crosses disciplines and charts paths for improved governance that can support ecological sustainability, and key human interests in health, justice and security, into the long-term future.



Anthony Burke - University of New South Wales, Australia


Anne Begg - University of Otago, New Zealand
Anthony Burke - University of New South Wales, Australia
Vijay Devadas - Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Brett Nicholls - University of Otago, New Zealand

International Editorial Board

Pal Ahluwalia - University of Portsmouth, UK
Sara Ahmed - Independent Scholar, UK
Ien Ang - Western Sydney University, Australia
Chua Beng-Huat - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jane Bennett - Johns Hopkins University, USA
Roland Bleiker - University of Queensland, Australia
Dipesh Chakrabarty - University of Chicago, USA
Eileen Crist - Virginia Tech, USA
Simon Dalby - Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
James der Derian - University of Sydney, Australia
Mark Devenney - University of Brighton, UK
Simone Drichel - University of Otago, New Zealand
Jenny Edkins - University of Manchester, UK
Kathy Ferguson - University of Hawaii, USA
Samantha Frost - University of Illinois, USA
Katherine Gibson - Western Sydney University, Australia
Chris Hables-Gray - University of Great Falls Montana, USA
David Halperin - University of Michigan, USA
Donna Haraway - University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Michael Hardt - Duke University, USA
Ariel Heryanto - University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Jakobowicz - University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Carol Johnson - University of Adelaide, Australia
Vicki Kirby - University of New South Wales, Australia
Chris Kraus - Semiotexte, USA
Sasho Alexander Lambevski - Euro-Balkan Institute, Macedonia
Sylvere Lotringer - Semiotexte, USA
Erin Manning - Concordia University, Canada
Brian Massumi - Université de Montréal, Canada
Anne McNevin - The New School for Social Research, USA
Warren Montag - Occidental College, USA
Jason W. Moore - Binghamton University, USA
Aileen Moreton-Robinson - Queensland University of Technology, Australia
A. Dirk Moses - University of Sydney, Australia
Stephen Muecke - The University of Adelaide, Australia
Jane Mummery - University of Ballarat, Australia
Brett Neilson - Western Sydney University, Australia
Kelly Oliver - Vanderbilt University, USA
Adi Ophir - Brown University, USA
Goldie Osuri - University of Warwick, UK
Davide Panagia - UCLA, USA
Paul Patton - University of New South Wales, Australia
Suvendrini Perera - Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Simon Philpott - University of Newcastle, UK
Joseph Pugliese - Macquarie University, Australia
Jason Read - University of Southern Maine, USA
Rebecca Stringer - University of Otago, New Zealand
Christine Sylvester - University of Connecticut, USA
Thom Van Dooren - University of Sydney, Australia
Miguel Vatter - Flinders University, Australia
R.B.J. Walker - University of Victoria, Canada
McKenzie Wark - New School for Social Research, USA
Rafi Youatt - New School for Social Research, USA

Advisory Board - Distinguished Members Emeritus

David Campbell - Independent Scholar
Ann Curthoys - University of Sydney, Australia
Rosalyn Diprose - University of New South Wales, Australia
John Docker - University of Sydney, Australia
Jim George - Australian National University, Australia
Barry Hindess - Australian National University, Australia
Robert Hodge - University of Western Sydney, Australia
Jan Jindy Pettman - Australian National University, Australia
Jon Stratton - Curtin University of Technology, Australia
J. Ann Tickner - University of Southern California, USA


Guidelines for Contributors

To publish in Borderlands authors are not required to pay article processing charges (APC) nor submission fees.

Peer Review Process - manuscripts submitted to Borderlands are blindly peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers.

All authors who wish to publish in Borderlands must agree to the licensing terms of Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license as stated in the "Overview" tab.



This journal is also archived by Portico - digital long-term preservation service of scholarly records.


Supplementary Information:

Back Issues: National Library of Australia’s Trove archive

download files:

Borderlands Manifesto (1938 Kb)

Guidelines for Contributors (1900 Kb)