Aboriginal Health in Aboriginal Hands    Akaun disahkan


National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation(NACCHO) is the national leadership body for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health in Australia

143 members around Australia
Menyertai Mac 2012


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    Ministers approve mandatory alcohol pregnancy label Voting was 4 Federal , New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland but voted down thanks 🙏 to 6 New Zealand, Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, the NT and the ACT.p

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  3. 18 jam lalu

    The Campaign commend and 4 voting 4 health over profit & protecting Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women children & families. 1 vote won it.

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  5. 13 jam lalu

    Finally, some good news. Yesterday's decision to place effective warnings on alcohol products will go a long way in educating Australians about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy. FASD is debilitating and incurable but 100% preventable.

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  6. 17 jam lalu

    .: Aboriginal journalists are told to remain impartial, to be unbiased; essentially, to be white. When we are watching our own people die at the hands of the system though, that is impossible.

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  7. 18 jam lalu
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  8. Time and time again, I see the stories of my community told the wrong way by white journalists, who butcher them for their white audiences under the guise of “fair and balanced journalism”, only adding more trauma to my already traumatised community.

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  9. 19 jam lalu

    This happened in our country. Do not fall for the fiction that racism isn’t embedded in the justice system. This should make everyone’s blood boil

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  10. 16 jam lalu

    What an extraordinary opportunity to bring emergency stroke treatment to every Australian who needs it. Excited to be involved in this collaboration

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  11. 16 jam lalu

    TESTING UPDATE: 160+ testing sites across Victoria. Expansion in regional Vic. New testing site in Ballarat from today, by appointment. Wear a mask. Stay at home. Get tested if ANY symptoms. 👈 — Minister on

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  12. 16 jam lalu

    217 new cases of in Victoria today. 205 under investigation. 2,608 active cases. 2 further deaths. 28,104 tests in the last 24 hrs. ⚠️ Reminder we must ALL: Mask up. Wash hands. Keep distanced. Stay home. Get tested, if ANY symptoms. 👈

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  13. . we support see below “ because the NT Government and Chief Health Officer have refused to tighten self-quarantine requirements for people who have come from Victoria and New South Wales ahead of the July 17th deadline”

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  14. 20 jam lalu
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  15. 20 jam lalu

    We think is heading for 3300 followers today. Have a great day people.

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  16. 17 Jul

    We are extremely concerned that there has been a confirmed COVID case in a Victorian prison. We are all, affected by COVID-19. However, our communities and our people will be hit hardest. We have been saying this for months.

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  17. 20 jam lalu

    Marketing therapeutic claims is something that must be taken very seriously. When it comes to or any health issue be careful what you read and make sure to heed expert medical advice, including from your GP. Expert advice matters.

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  18. Buat asal
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  20. 17 Jul

    Outstanding result Thanks to 1000s who made this happen. Too many to mention but a few are Pass onto others you want to thank?

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  21. 17 Jul

    Well done to and all the other organisations and individuals who helped make this happen.

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